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Everything posted by Rufus

  1. I too would like to believe Helen, but the investigation result has to be trusted. If it is inaccurate, then God has played an almighty trick on all of us. We don't have any other leads, and often the simplest explanation is the correct one - that Helen is indeed scum, so I suggest we need to lynch her today. As for the possibility of two Town revivers, I believe that to be true. Both have been confirmed town one way or another, and both had conditions attached which meant that there was a limit to the number of revivals possible - we all saw the condition in poor, brave Wendell's case. What remains unanswered is whether the revival could be influenced in some way to produce a conversion, which might explain Helen and Felix both being scum afterwards.
  2. Kenda!! Who will I play 'hide the sausage' with now? It's frustrating that we don't know Sheldon's allegiance. This time, however, I think we can be fairly sure he wasn't with the Village. I don't know what to make of that tree stump; hopefully it won't be able to do us any harm provided we steer clear. Interestingly, in other games of life a tree stump is traditionally on the side of the village, but if this one somehow holds the spirit of Felix, I don't see how that can be possible That is indeed a worry
  3. For now, I'll add my endorsement to the current vote: Vote: Sheldon Sheepdog (Quarryman)
  4. Oh really? What about the evidence you know exists, the evidence you have already seen?
  5. What a disastrous night for the village. But at least that pesky fox is no more ... I hope. It's nice to see Becka has returned! *hugs Becka* I hope you came through your ordeal unscathed, Becka. Otherwise, more information may be forthcoming, but I need to make sense of some thing first...
  6. Am I missing something here? I count three known killers. If you're including the crow, we don't know for sure - assuming Horace's story is true - that the crow is a killer; it could have had other intentions. I'm worried about Becka. I hope she'll return to us, and soon. For what it's worth, I'll add my vote to the pile: Vote: Felix Fox (Shadows)
  7. Lazlo's death is indeed a nasty surprise, and gives us further indication of what we're up against. There is only one course of action - to vote out the fox. But I'll hold off for now - a quick conviction will only benefit the scum.
  8. Actually, yes they did. On the second night, the arsonist torched Helen, and the black-wand figure killed Brigit.
  9. Anyone seen Becka today? She'd promised me a massage this morning
  10. Hinck, your pictures and narrative get better and better. I love this one: Sorry for falling over whilst posing for the pics. It was not deliberate (but it was worth it to hear you say 'megabluck balls').
  11. Thanks, Lazlo, but no, I'll pass on the demon giblets. The lack of arson and demon legion kills certainly means Felix needs to give us an explanation, however verbose it may prove. This will only explain the lack of one killing. The fact that there wasn't a death at all means either that another target was protected, the legion killer was blocked, or that the demons were up to something else. It's the last option that worries me most.
  12. Don't you mean a wolf in sheep's clothing? Mutton isn't usually very scary. Well, Lauren has failed to address her inconsistencies, and I am reasonably convinced the investigation result can be trusted, so: vote: Lauren Lamb (Zepher) By my count, we've reached a conviction
  13. Your Roar has diminished somewhat, Lazlo! You have claimed you're a blocker, and that you blocked Bristol on night one, who had already said she had no night action. You have now told us you blocked Lauren last night. An investigating orb has apparently revealed you to be a loyal villager. Lauren, you were seen targeting Edgar on night one, when he found himself blocked. I understand you initially told someone you were the blocker, then told us all here you had been in contact with the blocker. I find it highly unlikely the town would have two blockers, and I feel this is a lead we should pursue today. As things stand, I'm inclined to trust Lazlo over Lauren, but I would like to hear from Lauren.
  14. Wendell! Brigit!! How terrible I shall join Edgar in a moment of silence for our brave walrus and bunny. Obviously a lot happened during the night. I'm not sure how the second reviver knew to revive Helen the same night, but I'm glad she's alive. It's clear we need to think about the events of last night, to see if we can piece together these horrific events and try to figure out who's responsible.
  15. Hmmm... a dilemma. We must reach a conviction. If both Bristol and Lazlo are telling the truth, Lazlo has a useful ability. Personally, I think he needs to stay alive for now and be tested. So I will vote: Bristol Bunny (Bob the Construction Man) I will hopefully have the opportunity to change my vote if necessary in order to help reach a conviction, but for now, I think this is the better option.
  16. Fair point Sheldon, but it's not you I'm most suspicious of.
  17. With the lack of any other solid evidence to go on, I think Benji's idea is worth a shot. It's a tried and tested idea, after all, if Wendell's books are anything to go by. With this in mind, I made a list of people who haven't said very much. It's no reflection on the quality of what they might have said. The people who have spoken the least, at this point, are: Bristol, Felix, Gabby, Kaley, Lazlo, Marcus, Sheldon and Wendell. I then cross-referenced this list to the voting from yesterday. Here's where things begin to look interesting... Bristol, Felix, Gabby, and Sheldon all voted for Edgar after he began making his defence. Of these, all but Gabby subsequently withdrew their vote when it was clear a majority wouldn't be reached. It was commented a number of times yesterday that the speed of the bandwagon and its refusal to take note of Edgar's pleas was suspicious. I'll give the people listed here a chance to speak, but I would suggest we consider voting for one of these if something more solid doesn't come up.
  18. Unfortunately due to work commitments it looks like we won't be able to come for the whole thing, but we'll definitely try to make it down for the 'exclusive presentation' on Friday! Sounds intriguing....
  19. Where's the big mound of gold, eh? Surely no dragon worth its salt would feel at home without one! Nice rock effects though, Draggy!
  20. Unlike with Lauren
  21. Assuming, of course, there is a town vigilante. I'm inclined to believe you when you say the animals who targeted you are all townies, and I also think Lauren is telling the truth, thus confirming your story from yesterday, Edgar. I'm still curious about Brigit's role in this, and how she got to hear what the watcher saw.
  22. We all know animals are routinely carted around in containers, right? Well, our furry Fabuland friends must travel in style! Ricky and the Walrus therefore present to you the Emerald Overnight: Animals must have only the finest comfort and refreshments during their transportation: here you can see Rufie Rabbit and Pandora Panda enjoying a mug of ale and a glass of wine respectively. The roof is removable, just like the System figures' equivalent. Hope you like it! Thanks again Rick for inspiring this.
  23. Your point being?
  24. Whilst it seems unusual for Horace to have been told (presumably by God) so much of what occurred last night, I cannot imagine he is saying anything other than the truth. What puzzles me is why the demons should target him at all
  25. You seem very sure of yourself I too believe Horace, but I'd be interested to hear his response to this...
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