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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. I didn't try to frame you Branhauser, you just happened to be the top suspect. And you can't blame me, look at you snooping around the docks at this time of day armed with a knife. Please enlighten me: What do you do for a living, Branhauser? Where do you live? What were you after on the docks, today? Where were you and what were you doing during the evening and the night of September 3rd, when the Chief was murdered? What were you arrested for those 5 or 6 times?
  2. Urgh! (I'm really sorry, I would stop but I have a medical condition! )
  3. What, no loss of life points? Um... Please stop it you two! Now, the other funny thing about the docks is that perhaps someone like the Mayor could have chosen to hide a suitcase with important documents somewhere around here. Not that I would know anything about it, but it's something that could have happened say yesterday evening, so we might want to have a look just in case.
  4. Well while we're here I say let's have a look at the docks. Ever since that attack on a New York tourist this summer, there's something about the docks that doesn't feel right to me.
  5. Marcus, if you can't control your violent urges I'll have to arrest you. And I will. Um, who's neighbour with Winston again?
  6. Urgh. (Still you can have a shiv, since we saw a second one stabbing Rufulzud.) Urgh? (Who's Rick? )
  7. Urgh urgur gurgh Urgu rghurg urgh? (Why?)
  8. How far back does it go? I would like to read any recent entry mentioning either Winston, Amber's mother or the Chief. Um, I'm sorry Amber, but you understand that we're on the heels of a killer and every piece of information helps.
  9. Just a few more seconds folks, I wasn't finished here. I would like to have a look at the books. What are the titles? Is there a diary, or any written notes? I'm sorry Winston but that isn't good enough. Amber must already know about this, doesn't she? So, why did her mother leave you both? And have you ever seen her since?
  10. I'm sorry to hear that Winston. How did that came to happen? Did she ever returned to Lexington since? And what is her name?
  11. Urgh. (What's all this talk about poison? Is it true that there is still poison going around and that you were the target last night? I'm afraid that this only confirms my vote. Venus are the leading gang today, both because of their numbers and because of the odds they have killing actions in their hands right now. You have valid arguments Cuxun, but in my eyes the Saturn gang are not the biggest menace.) Urgh. (Hogging all the night actions? Knowledge is one thing, being in a position to catch the right meals is another. Yes, perhaps the Saturn gang know more about the killing actions that anybody else. But who has those actions today? Who is more likely to have them, but those who are most numerous?)
  12. Who is the woman on this photo, if I may ask? Is it your mother, Amber?
  13. Urgh. (Where is the proof? We only saw a single kill attempt last night. Perhaps he was just bluffing.)
  14. Urgh. Vote: Drakius Knight (Dragonator)
  15. Urgh. (Hey, haven't you been fed already? You're the first on the list. No second helpings pal!)
  16. Urgh. (Where's that meal cart? I'm hungry! Will have to start breaking some bones soon.)
  17. I believe there is another floor to this building? I would like to move to the next floor and have a look around.
  18. Urgh. (Oh yeah, we have a few options. Four scum teams, only one can make it to the end, and one is in the lead because it has suffered no deaths yet. That makes you Venus boys an obvious target for the rest of us today. Which of you should be lynched today? It's pretty obvious that the neutral will vote with the most powerful team. So if we don't trim down the number of Venus scum they will very soon have a voting majority. I see no other reasonable plan for today.) (Of course you would totally agree with your fellow Venusian scum. But that's irrelevant. Even if all kill actions are lost, gangs would still team up to eliminate one another through voting until the end. Plus, as long as the neutral is alive there is no way to force a tie. So there you have it. Yes, you sound like that "Vote-for-the-NPC" guy! ) (Which is?... )
  19. Red jewel? Knocked onto the ground? What's the story behind this artefact, Winston? When did you last see it, and didn't you notice it had been knocked over?
  20. Oh! Were you told who took those pictures? And where they have been taken? The croissant and power drill are intriguing. Yes, maybe there was a blackmail business going on, or else why would those photos exist in the first place?
  21. Urgh! (No, you shouldn't mention!)
  22. Urgh. (Muffin with marbles?? What are you, a hermaphrodite?)
  23. Urgh. (Aw be quiet! Innocent people are trying to sleep here! Why don't you folks go poisoning or stabbing someone instead?)
  24. I'm sorry Mrs Jordan, but we're investigating a murder -- plus arson -- and until we find who's behind it everyone is suspect. I insist you tell us more about this letter. You do realise that hiding anything from us makes you look suspicious? With utmost care, I would like to open/examine all of Winston's collection pieces, looking for hidden objects.
  25. I would like to check out the telephone and its table.
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