(Oh yeah, we have a few options. Four scum teams, only one can make it to the end, and one is in the lead because it has suffered no deaths yet. That makes you Venus boys an obvious target for the rest of us today. Which of you should be lynched today?
It's pretty obvious that the neutral will vote with the most powerful team. So if we don't trim down the number of Venus scum they will very soon have a voting majority. I see no other reasonable plan for today.)
(Of course you would totally agree with your fellow Venusian scum. But that's irrelevant. Even if all kill actions are lost, gangs would still team up to eliminate one another through voting until the end. Plus, as long as the neutral is alive there is no way to force a tie. So there you have it. Yes, you sound like that "Vote-for-the-NPC" guy! )
(Which is?... )