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The University of Petraea is pleased to announce the opening of its new Doctorate of Historica program!


(The University would like to thank Erudhalion Sansael / Gabe for capturing this announcement in a picture)

What is the University of Petraea's Doctorate of Historica program?

The Doctorate of Historica program is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary degree program designed to encourage you to advance your building skills across a number of different areas. By the time you have finished the program, you will be certified in most major historical building techniques and subject areas. The program consists of multiple Disciplines, each of which has several Subjects. Over the course of the program, you will build MOCs that cover these techniques and subjects.


  • Technique-Related Disciplines
    • Architecture
    • Landscape Design
    • Hydrology
    • Other Techniques

    [*]Content-Related Disciplines

    • History
    • Military Science
    • Trade and Law
    • Agriculture and Zoology
    • Anthropology
    • Geography

Subjects for each Discipline:

  • Architecture
    • roofing -- Demonstrate mastery of three roofing techniques, not including using standard LEGO slope bricks. Each technique is a separate certification. See examples here and here.
    • wall techniques -- Demonstrate mastery of three advanced wall techniques. Standard, studs-up walls of bricks are not included. Each technique is a separate certification. Examples include (but are not limited to):
      • 1x1 round plate walls (a la Derfel Cadarn)
      • SNOTted tile stonework
      • half-timbered Tudor style
      • wooden walls

      [*]round walls and towers

      [*]roof rakes (the inclined end of the roof between the eaves and the ridge; see explanation and a great example from Derfel Cadarn)

      [*]advanced windows and window frames

      [*]advanced SNOT -- See question below for an explanation

    [*]Landscape Design

    • trees (demonstrate mastery of at least three different tree building techniques; examples here and here)
    • flowers and dense foliage landscaping
    • studs up rocks and cliffs
    • two of:
      • sand dunes
      • snow and ice
      • extreme environments (lava, caves, acidic pools, etc)
      • sideways rocks (studs horizontal)


    • four of:
      • still water (lakes, ponds, ocean without waves, etc)
      • waves
      • flowing water
      • waterfalls
      • underwater

    [*]General Building (Other Techniques)

    • minifig posing
    • interior design
    • forced perspective
    • microscale
    • one of:
      • lighted builds (e.g., light bricks, LEDs)
      • movement-enabled (Power Functions, or manually operated via gears or other mechanisms)
      • mosaics, stained glass, or complex SNOTted floor designs
      • brick films


    • A special discipline, wherein you must build three MOCs depicting significant events in Kaliphlin's history (you make up the events, or use whatever existing history there is). You must also supply a story of suitable length and quality describing the historical event pictured. At least two of the history builds must consist of at least three different pictures, either different scenes altogether, or the same scene at different moments in time, with changes to the scene such as figure movement.

    [*]Military Science

    • battle scene
    • siege
    • fortifications
    • military camp

    [*]Trade and Law

    • marketplace
    • manufacturing
    • one of:
      • caravan / shipping by land
      • shipping by sea / water

      [*]two of:

      • arresting criminals and/or jail
      • courtroom
      • governing body (king, council, etc)

    [*]Agriculture and Zoology

    • three of:
      • crop farming
      • raising livestock
      • fishing
      • harvest time
      • logging

      [*]brick-built animals -- Brick-built animals, birds, or fish, realistically rendered using advanced or innovative techniques. Number of animals should be commensurate with their scale -- three or more if they're approximately minifig sized.


    • two of:
      • city scene
      • village life
      • countryside scene
      • tribal scene

      [*]life in Kaliphlin

      [*]two of:

      • life in Avalonia
      • life in Mitgardia
      • life in Nocturnus
      • life in Valyrio


    • four of:
      • mountains or cliffs
      • oceanside or river scene
      • forests
      • swamp
      • desert
      • grasslands


    • pick 2 of the following:
      • Theater
      • Music
      • Art

Current minimum subject count to graduate: 51 total, 24 technique-related, 27 content-related

Cool. How do I get started?

If you're a member of a Guild of Historica, just start building! If you're not, you'll need to join a guild first. See instructions in the first post of any of the guild threads.

How do I post my MOCs?

Post each MOC in its own thread. It would help if you prefixed the topic title with "UoP DoH"; also tag it with "Petraea University" and "Doctorate of Historica". In your post, be sure to indicate which subjects you would like this MOC to qualify for (up to a maximum of four). Then post a comment in this thread, with a link to your new topic.

How does the Peer Review work?

After you post an MOC, if four currently active Kaliphlin guildmembers approve of it, by posting comments stating "+1" or "I approve", then you're certified in that MOC's subjects. However, if three Kaliphlin guildmembers vote against certification, they can veto the approvals, even if four or more guildmembers approve. If someone posts a veto, they must also post a comment indicating why, and what you can do to improve the build so that it passes.

I just built a great MOC (before DoH started) that covers some of the subjects; can I get credit for it?

On joining the program, you may get four "advanced placement" credits for recently built MOCs. The MOCs must have been posted to Eurobricks on or after June 15th 2013. Just post a comment in this thread stating that you're joining the program, and you'd like credit for a previous build. Put in a link to the build (which must have been posted in GoH), and state which subjects you'd like credit for. It must go through the same peer review. Peer reviewers should post their comments in the MOC's topic, not this one.

Can I use MOCs that I'm also building for another challenge or contest?

Yes, you can. This program is all about improving your building skills, and if you do some great work for a challenge or contest or whatever, and want to get credit for it, that's fine. But make sure that it's really a good example of the subjects and techniques.

Do I have to post the MOCs in the Guilds of Historica forum?

Your MOCs must be posted in the Guilds of Historica forum or LEGO Historic Themes forum. It is OK if they have been posted somewhere else first. To ensure that most reviewers see your MOC, we recommend you post it in the Guilds of Historica forum.

Can I just quickly build a bunch of mediocre MOCs and get my titles?

You could, if you could convince the peer-reviewers to certify your builds. But you'd only be fooling yourself. And your mediocre builds would be up here for everyone to see. Is that worth a lousy title? This program is not about the titles, it's all about improving your techniques and styles, and getting you experience in building across a wide range of subjects.

So I'm reviewing someone's build, and it's pretty good, but not stellar. Do I approve it?

Tough call, right? Well, the goal of the program is that everyone who completes it will have demonstrated basic mastery of the techniques and subjects. That doesn't mean they have to be world-class in those techniques, but the quality should be high enough that you can say, "Yes, they know what they're doing when it comes to that technique." The key phrase is "basic mastery" -- you have to demonstrate mastery, not just crank out a small, mediocre MOC that checks the boxes, but on the other hand, that mastery is "basic", not amazing, or world-class, or even innovative.

OK, basic mastery works for technique-related subjects, but how should I judge content-related subjects?

When building for the content-related subjects, students should ensure that the build fully explores the subject. Since these subjects are not testing mastery of a building technique, students need to demonstrate instead that they can create a build that represents a well-thought-out and fully realized scene concerning the subject. Reviewers should expect that the build does not just present a small, standard representation of the subject. Let's take the example of the crop-farming subject. Is it enough to show a farmer tending to a single plant? Perhaps, if the plant and scene were really exceptional, but most likely not. How about a row of crops, with a farmer and a scarecrow? That's getting better, and if very well done, it could be approved. How about several rows of different types of crops, with several farmers doing different tasks (one weeding, one harvesting, one planting), a scarecrow, a farm cart and horse, a barn, and some good landscaping. Assuming the build quality is good, that is definitely a well-thought out build that well represents the subject, and would be easily approved.

How long is the program?

The program is currently open-ended. Work at your own pace. This is not a race, and you're not competing against anyone. It's about you advancing your building techniques and styles.

I'm in a different guild; can I participate?

Definitely! University of Petraea has a very diverse student body, from all over Historica. As long as you can pay tuition, you're welcome here.

Speaking of tuition, what if I can't pay?

No problem! See our financial aid office. You might want to bring a wagon to carry back all to forms you'll have to fill out. You may also pay in chickens, fresh salmon, and dark chocolate.

How do we track who has been certified for which subjects and disciplines?

You are responsible for tracking your own progress through the program. You should do this in the DoH Registrar's thread. Make one and only one post in this thread where you'll track your own progress. When you complete an MOC, edit your post and add the MOC. Once the MOC has been certified for its subjects, edit the post again, and update that MOC's entry to reflect the certifications. So your one post in that thread will have a list of your MOCs, and for each MOC, a list of the certifications achieved. You might want to keep a count of total certifications at the top or bottom of your post, along with any interim degrees you've achieved so far.

What happens when I complete the entire program?

You get the praise and admiration of your fellows! Plus, you receive the title of Professor of Historica, are qualified to lecture at the university, and can use the faculty lounge and golf course.

Do I receive any titles after completing some of the program but not all of it?

Various titles are granted or in common use for students in the program, although students generally don't use the lower-ranking titles (Apprentice, Novice) except in a derogatory fashion.

  • Once you are certified in a subject, you're considered an Apprentice in that subject's discipline.
  • If you meet all the requirements for a discipline, you are a Tradesman or Bachelor in that discipline.
  • Once you acquire three Tradesman or Bachelor degrees, you attain the title of Master.
  • Once you acquire two Masters (or six Tradesmans or Bachelors), you attain the title of Doctor.
  • After three builds you're considered a Novice, regardless of whether you've completed any disciplines.
  • After seven builds, you're considered an Adept, regardless of whether you've completed any disciplines.

I have a great idea for a build; can I substitute this idea for a subject?

Yes it is possible, although not common. You may apply for a substitution by sending a PM to the Assistant Dean for the DoH Program (NiceMarmot) or the University President (SkaForHire). Note that allowed substitutions are rare, and are mostly granted only for extreme shortage of bricks.

What qualifies for the "Advanced SNOT" building subject?

SNOT is Studs Not On Top, but you probably knew that. Advanced SNOT is a bit of a "I'll know it when I see it" subject. The reviewers should be flexible about techniques, but still hold students to a high standard. Recommended techniques and styles include having studs pointing in at least three different directions, using multiple types of SNOT bricks, and having studs at angles other than 90 and 180 degrees to horizontal. Using a few headlight bricks, Travis/Dalek bricks, or 1x1 bricks with stud on the side to put a few tiles or slopes at 90 degrees is not going to cut it. There are many good discussions of SNOT available on the InterScrolls; the University can recommend Didier Enjary's classic Advanced Building Techniques Guide.

How do the roofing, wall, and tree subjects work exactly?

Regarding the roofing and wall subjects: The text "Each technique is a separate certification" means that each technique can be separately judged -- a judge could approve one technique and deny another, even in the same build. They are each different subjects as it were, and count towards the maximum of four subjects per build. However, the trees subject is just one subject, as is the brick-built animals subject, and they only count as one subject each towards the maximum, even though you (may) have to build multiple trees / animals. In fact, it is acceptable to spread these subjects over multiple builds, acquiring partial credit with each build -- there is no need to have all the different types of trees in one build. Just make sure you ask in your final build for final certification, and reference the previous builds. If you do spread them over multiple builds, they only count towards the maximum per build in the final build.

How big do my builds have to be?

For most subjects, there is no minimum or maximum size. See subject definitions above, as some do specify a size. However, your builds should be large enough to clearly demonstrate your mastery of the technique or subject. In some cases this could be done with a very small build, but in most cases a larger build will be required. The University finds that most students have success with builds of 16x16 or larger. Remember the goal of the program is not to crank through the subjects with the minimum effort possible, but instead to push yourself and advance your own building styles and techniques. You should be pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.

I built a huge MOC; can I get more certification in more than four subjects for it?

Very large and diverse builds may request more than the standard maximum of four subjects. Each request will be reviewed individually by the Assistant Dean for the DoH Program (NiceMarmot) and/or the University President (SkaForHire), with input from the peer reviewers. Even if the build itself is huge, the area representing each subject must still be a decent size. In general, don't bother asking for an exception for builds that are smaller than two 32x32 baseplates.

I spilled shadows all over my term paper, blurred it quite a bit, and wrote it on top of a picture of my bedroom; is that OK?

The University is known throughout the world for its very high standards, both for its professors and its students. We expect the highest quality work from our students, and therefore will not accept work that is out-of-focus, dark, has distracting backgrounds, or is otherwise of low quality and care. Lousy photography is not subject at this university! Students are advised to take their time, get some good lighting, and at a minimum, put a sheet, towel, or posterboard/foamcore behind their builds. There is plenty of good advice on taking photos of builds on Eurobricks.

Can I use an LDD build?

The university prides itself on being on the leading edge of education technology! So LDD builds are acceptable for DoH credit. However, judging of LDD builds will be at a higher level, as you are not constrained by your brick collection. So the judges should have higher expectations and criteria for LDD builds.

I don't like some decision made by the reviewers / the University / etc; can I appeal?

We are working on developing a Board of Appeals for the program. More information to follow. Contact NiceMarmot or SkaForHire directly in the meantime. Or just revise your MOC and suck it up ;-)

I posted a build, and requested certification in four subjects, but have been denied one of the subjects; can I ask for a certification in a new subject for the same build?

You may retract a requested subject, even after it has been denied, and request certification in a different subject in the same build. For instance, if you requested certification in advanced SNOT for a build, along with three other subjects, but get feedback that your SNOT is not so advanced after all, you can retract it and request a different subject for the same build, e.g. roofing. You may do this twice per build.

Can I build anything I want?

Yes, but builds which bring the good name of Petraea University and its inestimable staff into disrepute are not permitted.

Is hazing allowed?

Absolutely. However, make sure you leave no permanent marks or damage.

Will I be taught by Prof Frankenstein or Prof Leibniz?

You should be so lucky! Faculty assignments are posted outside the Registrar's office.

I'm a werewolf from Nocturnus; can I eat my fellow students during the full moon?

Absolutely no consumption of fellow students, staff, or faculty allowed. Punishable by banishment to the Null Void. And believe us, we have professors who can definitely send you there!

Is University of Petraea going to win the big game against Qarkyr Tech this year?

Definitely! The Sand-Worms are going to stomp all over those lousy Miners! Go Worms!

Edited by NiceMarmot

  • Author

And we're off!

I'd like to get some advanced placement credit for my Tongue of a Bandit build, for Forced Perspective. Thought about History too, but it's probably not far enough in the past.

Will have to dredge up some other advanced placement credits from other recent builds.

The long awaited anouncement!

I will start by claiming advance credits for the following builds:

Repairing the Walls of Petraea - certifications: Advanced windows and window frames [architecture] (for the SNOT arrowslits with brick "arch" above), SNOTed tile stonework [architecture] (for SNOT tiles used as texture in the walls), minifig posing [general building] = 3 credits 2 credits

RTD Venom of a Red Scorpion - certifications: Desert [geography], Sand dunes [landscape design] = 1 credit

Edit: Removed one credit because of too many advance credits claimed, removed desert from the scorpion build.

Edited by Gideon

I'd like to get advanced placement credits for these two builds:

Fossgard Falls-certifications: wall techniques (SNOTed style stonework) [Architecture], advanced windows and window frames (for the SNOT window frames and doorframes) [architecture], waterfalls [hydrology] = 3 credits

Spear Fishing in the Mitgardian Clan Lands-certifications:fishing [Agriculture and Zoology]= 1 credit

Edited by soccerkid6

Hooray! Congrats to NM for all his hard work on the wiki. :thumbup:

Petraea University - Grand lecture theatre - Would like advanced credit for 1 roofing technique (architecture), interior design and complex snotted floor design please. (general building) = 3 credits.

Ah, it feels good to be an undergrad again! :laugh: Now, which way to the pub?

  • Author
  On 11/8/2013 at 9:58 AM, Gabe said:

Ah, it feels good to be an undergrad again! :laugh: Now, which way to the pub?

Yeah, I meant to build that pub. Still working on a design.

  On 11/8/2013 at 12:24 AM, Kai NRG said:

Also a couple of questions - does interior design need an exterior as well? I would think not but just double checking. And what if a build was built long ago but posted @ GoH under the four mo. time period?

I don't think an exterior is necessary for interior design.

Well, we only really know when it was posted, so I don't think the university can make a rule about when you actually built it. I think we use the posting date. But if you posted it to CC or somewhere else years ago, well then you probably shouldn't use it. The rule is only in there so that the certifications represent your current building capabilities.

Not sure if the judges will allow this as it is about 15 days older than the time limit for receiving advanced placement. But, if possible can I use http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=83585#entry1621046 The Withered Woods from Inside Kaliphlin for credit in:

Landscape Design-1 -2 types of trees, depending on how it's judged

Architecture-Roof Design

  On 11/9/2013 at 2:36 AM, Kayne said:

Not sure if the judges will allow this as it is about 15 days older than the time limit for receiving advanced placement. But, if possible can I use http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=83585#entry1621046 The Withered Woods from Inside Kaliphlin for credit in:

Landscape Design-1 -2 types of trees, depending on how it's judged

Architecture-Roof Design

I'd happily approve the claim for credits for those trees if the faculty thinks that there is some slack in the time limit :wink:

  On 11/9/2013 at 12:09 AM, NiceMarmot said:

...Well, we only really know when it was posted, so I don't think the university can make a rule about when you actually built it. I think we use the posting date. But if you posted it to CC or somewhere else years ago, well then you probably shouldn't use it. The rule is only in there so that the certifications represent your current building capabilities.

I posted it @ flickr probably about six mo. ago, but here more recently.

I'd like advanced credit for this build then:

Duel in Kaliphlin

(Category) General Building, (Subject) Interior Design

(Category) Architecture, (Subject) Advanced SNOT (pillars, round arches, flooring)

  • Author
  On 11/9/2013 at 2:36 AM, Kayne said:

Not sure if the judges will allow this as it is about 15 days older than the time limit for receiving advanced placement. But, if possible can I use http://www.eurobrick...85#entry1621046 The Withered Woods from Inside Kaliphlin for credit in:

I think there's a bit of flex in that rule. We pulled that number out of thin air anyway. Go ahead

Since the time limit rule seems to allow some flex, I will instead of the "Geography: Desert" claim in RTD Venom of a Red Scorpion (I will build many more desert builds, so there's no hurry there) would it be ok to apply for an advanced credit for "Architecture: Round walls and towers" for Inside Kaliphlin: Day 13 - The Fighting Pit of Mophet for the inverted round wall design there? (Otherwise I will apply for "Geography: Desert" for the Inside Kaliphlin: Day 5 - The Dune Sea)

I apologize if anyone thinks I'm changing too much in my posts etc, but I'm trying out these things in practice now in the hopes of establishing standard ways to for example claim and retract claims :classic:

Edited by Gideon

I'd like to apply Visiting Herbologists for advanced placement credit.

Landscape Design: Flowers and Dense Foliage Landscaping (1 credit)

  On 11/9/2013 at 6:22 PM, Gideon said:

...I apologize if anyone thinks I'm changing too much in my posts etc, but I'm trying out these things in practice now in the hopes of establishing standard ways to for example claim and retract claims :classic:

Frankly, I would prefer we just decide that claims cannot be retracted. Given the fact that we're just starting, an exception could certainly be made here, but as a general rule I think that would be the simplest and also the fairest to those who take the trouble to judge (who wants to judge and then have the build switched?).

  On 11/9/2013 at 8:16 PM, Kai NRG said:

Frankly, I would prefer we just decide that claims cannot be retracted. Given the fact that we're just starting, an exception could certainly be made here, but as a general rule I think that would be the simplest and also the fairest to those who take the trouble to judge (who wants to judge and then have the build switched?).

I agree, the trouble here is that all builds I have posted are already dismantled so if my claims are denied I have no other option than to retract.

The first one I retracted was anyways not a valid claim, as I had missed the limit of 4 advance credits :wink:

  • Author

OK, I changed the advanced placement start date to June 15th. So any build posted to EB on or after June 15th would qualify for advanced placement certifications. That should let you all claim credit for all those nice Inside Kaliphlin builds!

I really wonder why everybody is calling half timbered structures "tudor style". I mean the Tudors are first of all English and secondly more Renaissance than Middle ages. So why limit yourself that much? Half timbered structures can be found all over Europe! BTW, interesting article on the whole matter that I think could be included as an excellent source of inspiration.

I'd like to receive credit for round walls and towers (Architecture), snow and ice (Landscape Design), sideways rocks (Landscape Design), and interior design (General Building) = 4 credits, all for Kaldrfell Castle

Edited by soccerkid6

I'd like to get advance placement credit for Uridius' Keep:

Studs up rocks and cliffs (Landscape Design) and waterfalls (Hydrology)

Does this peer review have to be for builds only built for GoH? Or just other builds you posted?

  On 11/12/2013 at 5:51 PM, mpoh98 said:

Does this peer review have to be for builds only built for GoH? Or just other builds you posted?

I don't think a build must be built exclusively for GoH (for example in the same way a great build for CCCXI can be used in the GoH challenge I), but it must fit in the GoH context like any other free build.

I also don't think that a build mustn't have been published anywhere before, but I think only the builds used for advanced placement credits (max 4) may have been posted in the GoH sub forum before the DoH program started.

If an old build is dusted off (and if this indeed is allowed for credits), I think a serious effort to "GoH-ify" it will help persuade the Kaliphlin peers to approve those credits :wink:

@NM et al: Does this sound reasonable?

Yes, that sounds about right!

  • Author

Gideon: I think that sounds good

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