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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. yes, that's pretty much the same for everyone now... The batman month is somehow over for now
  2. are you sure ?? That sounds pretty weird
  3. I doubt you can do it now ^^
  4. This happens to some people using the pirate ranking system. I'll let the admin of the pirate forum take care of that :-)
  5. bump - moved to the pirate section
  6. Well an army theme would do it. I think I would buy every single set. But I am worried about it taking over the lego city theme if it's too popular. I think what makes city so interesting is that it uses as toys things of every day life that you find cool : trains and airplanes, cops, firefighters. You see them and then all you want is going back home really fast and build it with bricks. I used to do this with all the mechanic stuff of ski stations... Obsessing...
  7. Ah yes, true. I have to take care of this. Shoot me a message about it on msn this week endif you can so I can grant you the rank of fellow. Who's the second dude ?
  8. well, let's say the model is. Erm well. I think it's a shame that the city airplanes look better. I also share your concern about the interpretation Lego will do of the (without any doubt bad) future sales. I think that snefroe is right about the war plaines
  9. It might well be who more than what :-)
  10. Natelite, as we are not kids anymore, it might be hard to see how to play with suchs sets. But for kids, I don't think it matters. As section 8 mentioned, a simple table could be an island and the rest of the room could be an ocean. Just think out of the box :-P
  11. Ahh, golden sun. That was a nice game to play. One thing though, I think this topic would get more replies if it was under the pirate section. The ship itself looks good. It's nice to see a lot of space for passengers !
  12. If the set is cheap, I'll buy it, mainly for all the figs and the goodies (apples, trees and such). I think they could have done better in term of design for a X mas train though...
  13. wild west line (excellent MOC by the way)
  14. Jipay


    Don't even send anything. Everytime a massive donation thing has been launched, a little percentage of the money finally arrived into the hands of the one in needs...
  15. Since you are using games workshop products, here's the hint that a pro painter gave me (he has been published in white dwarf on many occasions) : use GW varnish spray. It gives it a nice look without looking too bright :-) On the figs, well you know, it's excellent as always so no need to mention it :-P
  16. Think to deeplink when you are posting a MOC, this way we don't have to wait for the folder to be public ! :-)
  17. Happy BDay mate ! I hope you get tons of lego !
  18. I suppressed all the one who registered but never posted once. This we don't have "fake" members. And they were not banned, they can still register
  19. pense a FP d
  20. The figure comes by the number of french AFOL from the french Lego User Group, plus the one I saw at various boards. As for people selling their collections, I think there is a difference here with other countries : toys have an absolute zero value for the vast (99.999999) majority of french people. To them Lego is a toy and the value of this toy is decreasing with time.
  21. Yes, I do get that feeling too. If I was english, I would find the name "batman" so dumb...
  22. Boredom can lead to extremism in term of posting. Some people can even reply 2 times to their own topic and have a discussion with themselves. 8-| Anyway, X-D The trailer I saw was for a french movie called "la jungle". It's about 2 students who make the bet of surviving into paris for 7 days with 7 euros each. I then went to saw it and it was definitly funny. I'm going back to the theater this week end so I might see other nice trailers that I will share with you (you being yoda alone :-P )
  23. We do have lot cheaper prices and there is a good reason for that : offer and demand. Today french people tend to sell all their stuff through ebay, including lego collection. But the number of afols officialy declared is 200 personns. Since we already accumulated tonns of bricks at a decent price, we start to have no space left for anything more, and therefor, we are buying less. so the prices go down :-P The pirate theme was highly popular here and I guess this is why we can still manage to get a lot of pirate stuff for cheap
  24. It wouldn't be the correct translation in french. It should be "homme chauve souris". And Superheroes usually keep their original names in french. They sometimes put the american name and then a translation, but today kids speak a lot more english than their parents so they just stick to the original version
  25. It's just so clever to all wait for the same day to reveal their collection *y* I wander when one will have the idea to reveal important things on the first day so they attract all the attention.
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