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History Moderator
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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Another stunner Taz. Love it.
  2. With the smaller challenge categories, even in college you could have switched guilds. And Nocturnus is in the EAST. No geography in college Rolli?
  3. Thumbs up again LD. Pretty dang suh-weet! Can you guys feel the power rising in the East?!?
  4. Excellent work. The story is very well developed. I have to admit I like the photography of your "greenhides" better, but it is fun to have you in a sense unofficial give us two tribes.
  5. Nagging? . You have to understand Nocturnus had so few memebers last round and became a non-factor by challenge 4. Without making people join Nocturnus, we had to do something! I didn't want to leave Avalonia, but we had two regulators in Avalonia, and ISC decided to step back from Nocty, so one of us HAD to switch. It felt like with my challenge VI entry, I was the most logical person to take the plunge. I didn't prompt Torgar, LD or Beery to switch to the darkside, but it was so good for balance that they did and I am pleased our swagger has gotten us a few newcomers as well. You also have to understand I have personal relationships with MikeyB and deGothia. We corresponded by PM and gave feedback on MOCs for challenges so if I want to tease them a little bit about not joining Nocturnus, they know I am joking. But now that I have switched over the the better guild, the thing about Nocturnus I find really appealing was how much untapped potential it has. So many new races to develop and stylings and lighting to exploit. Even in the tribes mini-challenge we've already seen some of that potential being addressed. After you get past the swampy smell and constant darkness, it is really quite lovely here. You all should vacation in the swamplands for sure. If you guys REALLY think I am hurting Historica by teasing you tree-hugging hippies about your boring guild choice... then get over it. The Nocty's are here to make you all regret you didn't sign on the dotted line... in blood.
  6. That just means Gabe and Mikey belong in the dark lands.
  7. You're right that the MOC habitat is a little sparse, but the photo quality and editing are top notch. The figures themselves are excellent combos. They look cohesive and scary. Excellent work overall here. I'm glad you got something done to represent Nocturnus!
  8. Did you put the first entry in its own thread LD?
  9. Excellent photo work and very cool customs. Minifig lovers, Nocturnus is your home!!
  10. Oh, it's the torsos holding you back... let me see... yep, Dastan torsos check!!
  11. Yes and Yes. Some more excellent entries
  12. Really high quality work on the photo MikeyB. Wouldn't they look better in Nocturnus black though?
  13. Yeppers. Some good looking builds are up in the mini-challenge. We still have room for a few more super entries!
  14. To do list: -Become best guild in Historica (check) -Make all you goofs in Avalonia feel like you did indeed make the wrong choice (pending) -Conquer Historica (pending) DC- you cut me deep bro. I think really you are just feeling left out. There is still room for you on the darker side of the continent. We'll take your crazy pumpkin head.
  15. Sorry to you all who picked the incorrect guild. Sorry you're not in Nocturnus.
  16. Still expecting a big splash from a few of the Historica vets. The entries in so far have all been excellent. Really good work!
  17. Man, Nocturnus getting some sweet figures and tribes up in here. Great work guys (and awesome new gals!), we're going to be the envy of Historica before you know it!
  18. Bam! Awesome. This is going to be one tough entry to beat. Great work with the lighting, the dark pictures really enhance the MOC. Better get your tribes in if you want to take down Emma boys!
  19. Excellent! Great figs. The story is very solid and this is the kind of thing I was really hoping for with the Tribes challenge. A think if you shot the photo a little higher up and turn the MOC so it is at a 45 degree angle, we could see a lot more! Just a little hint to up the look of the MOCs.
  20. As many as you would like. Please create a new topic for entries!
  21. Well I have the pictures done. I just don't want it to look like I have built NOTHING since the baby arrived. Holding isn't a big deal, just need to find time to build these intro MOCs ASAP so challenge 1 can start.
  22. I have been MOCing the prelude for the challenge. It's been hard with baby around. Plus there is that MOC I have to keep hidden until the rest of you NB suckers get it in gear.
  23. As has been pointed out many times, you can talk future sets all you want in the future set threads. Though I think you're off base if you think every set mentioned "probably will come out". The future set threads were created because MEMBERS complained that there was too much future set talk in the news/official set thread. I separated them after receiving multiple complaints and direction from the MODs to do that. Then people started talking about Hobbit future sets in the news/official set thread again, this time complaining there was too much "Minas Tirith" talk in the combined LotR and Hobbit future set thread. So I made a future Hobbit set thread as well. Now that they are separated you are crabbing that there are three threads and that if a topic SHOULD be in one of the other threads we are trying to see that it is enforced. If you really have a gripe about a brief tangent into discussions on taxes on an official set (versus pages of discussions in the official thread set about future sets that may never exist, or discussion about what movies will contain what scenes wich relates again to future sets) then report it to the moderators and see what they think. If use taxes became a three page discussion, then a moderator or regulator would step in and get us back on track, but it is not YOUR job to do that. Again, if you have an issue, use the report button. Again, if the topic clearly belongs in ANOTHER thread, especially one made due to complaints by memebrs, then put it in the right thread.
  24. I guess I always viewed Historica as the name of the continent as well, but I never really thought of it.
  25. He was banned for not following site guidelines. It had nothing to do with his activities in GoH. That is all anyone can say.
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