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History Moderator
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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Not even close. Helm's Deep. Get in on clearance at major retailers right now if you can find it. Got one at a Target in the US for 85USD. A total steal.
  2. The Tribes of Nocturnus Namazu Drakarkan Thek Caniban Ro'Jaw The Drow of the House Baen'und Shraliek Kazzar The White Elves The Vargen A Murder of Black Crows The Kmnel The Shifting Claw The Shkcklyk The Deno'naba Halilieks Ven Thor Blents The Beardless The Grundlegrondse The Ungolian Swamp Faeries The Denizen
  3. Yeah- talk about what might be in the movie and then ADD what the means for a set. That is fine, but I can see this spiraling into chaos on the current path.
  4. Does this sound like LEGO talk to you guys?
  5. That is indeed looking quite excellent!!
  6. That thing is sweet. It would look great with a Nocturnus banner attached to it!
  7. The herald for Mesodraconem
  8. Umm two different people posting as the builder here... what's going on?
  9. Soon the herald for Mesodraconem will be posted! Its Lord is missing though, rumored dead in the battle at Abyssian between the Black Spire and the Nocturnians.
  10. Alright Nocty homeboys- we need to get more active... and not just at night! Avalonia had a community build and title challenges. Both were interesting. Any thoughts on trying to replicate something like this? I am particualrly intruiged by the fact that Nocty is made up of many non-human tribes. Orcs, trolls, cyclops, minotaurs... Maybe we need to start a tribes type build where we identify the various non-human factions in Nocty and where they are located. I already know we have Drow and Werewolves, but who else populates these lands? I will be building for a tribe of Raven like creatures using some Chima parts. I think there is room for many other tribes here in Nocty- so should we start indexing them and their locations?
  11. Sweet build Mr. Prince of the Forest!
  12. Awesome work. Not sure a killer whale would get that close to shore though! The water is my favorite. Good job with the laying to give it a sense of depth. Do you have a picture of the whole build from higher up?
  13. ZC was a "pseudo" guild leader... doing the work but didn't have the title. It seemed unfair for Avalonia to lose a major builder when pressed into service when the real world caught up to DC. Ecc was also pseudo leader and his entry was second or third in the voting. As always ZC did NOT take the individual prize since he was pseudo leader. As for Book II... start here...
  14. Still, bumping old threads is frowned upon. Tread lightly with something like this in the future.
  15. For now indeed. Book II is scheduled to start in Nocty. Hope everyone is ready!!
  16. TLG doesn't need us to figure that out.
  17. Some interesting details for sure.
  18. More swamps!! More swamps!!! More swamps!!
  19. Very nice. We need more MOCs of some evil guys! This would work well in Nocturnus in the Guilds of Historica. Maybe you should considered switching guilds.
  20. Hate to break it to you, but he IS fat.
  21. Very nice. That crane looks like something I would totally build. I like the black and medium blue combo. Excellent work. I do feel you need to take a few photos from a higher angle so we can see everything more easily.
  22. Two of the sets released last year were "preview sets" that should be more in line with DoS. I think that happened because PJ split up the movies after LEGO already had the sets planned. That means I am NOT surprised we are only getting 4 sets in this wave as we already sort of got two in the previous wave.
  23. We finally have a new History Mod. Pay him your respects or he'll smite you! Go ahead, I am waiting for those respects!
  24. Wrong. Star Wars cannot be a basis for comparison. Not only is Star Wars better targeted at LEGO's core base, but it has a 2 series, multiple video games, and a third series and more movies on the way. LotR and The Hobbit will end LONG before Star Wars. PotC, Indiana Jones and Lone Ranger are probably better indicators than SW ever will be.
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