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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Yes, LD and SK6 will rule the castle scene when they are OLD like some of us. Congrats to you both, you were both well supported in getting one!
  2. Wrong guild Gabe. You're supposta join Nocturnus!
  3. Welcome Emma! Limited participation is totally okay. Great place to get your feet wet. Way to pick the new powerhouse.
  4. Excellent way to start the mini-challenge Jareth. The history is well done and the figs look excellent. As soon as we have a few tribes done, expect them to be added to the main thread as well.
  5. It'll work like this- On or about October 1st (tenatively) the challenge will be announced. The teams will be assigned on or abour October 8th. 1. If your home guild is Nocturnus, declare you are in for the challenge and choose your side. If you do not choose a side, you will be lumped in with the people below. 2. If your home guild is NOT Nocturnus or if your home guild is Nocturnus but you do not wish to choose a side, declare you are in for the challenge and you will be assigned a side. The sides will be "balanced" as best as possible to make the challenge competitive. You may also notice you will know for SURE which side you are in if you are in Nocturnus, which will mean you can start building right away while those who are not homed in Nocturnus will have to wait about a week to know for sure which side they will be on. I don't see this as a big deal as you can probably still begin building before you know which banner you'll be hanging from your builds, but it will be a little advantage when you are in your home guild. If you are assigned a side that doesn't fit your character's personality, you can make a new character for the challenge. Who knows, maybe you'll fall in love with a new guild. I figure the more competitive the challenges are overall, the better the entries will be and the more fun the challenges will be. "Random" assignement outside your home guild will also give you a chance to work with new people and hopefully make some new friends.
  6. No need. If every Nocturnian wants to be with Spire, that just means when we assign other participants a side, they will be on Ssilythrrlith's side.
  7. Yes, declare you are in for Nocturnus in the Nocturnus thread. Fleshies are allowed everywhere in Historica, and certainly in Nocty.
  8. I read the rules... I don't see a requirement that you have only one race or that you even only submit one entry...
  9. Nocturnus, no question.
  10. HELL yeah. Nocturnus on!!
  11. Nocturnus was the right pick. Remember that you will get a crack to build in Mitgardia when the challenges get there. Go play some Diablo or watch LotR return of the King and you'll get your Nocty spirit back
  12. Rolli... Sorry we couldn't recruit you to Nocty.
  13. You can build something if you wish and it will be added to the Nocturnus posts and lore, but only a Nocturnus Lord will be eligible for the prize!
  14. Oh yeah... nice to have more experts in GoH
  15. Unless you are in Nocturnus. Then GoH is about world domination.
  16. With the new categories, even someone without a lot of access to their bricks may be able to participate in the smaller challenges. I think you should stick with your Nocty friends and participate when you can!
  17. I second LDs thoughts. We are adding small categories to each challenge that could fit your skills well. Nocturnus is a good choice since there are a lot of non-human elements that could make for some awesome figures!
  18. Looking sharp artist formerly known as LD!
  19. You should, he's now in the Nocturnus guild in the Guilds of Historica. After checking out some of Beery's work, you should join my guild, Nocturnus!
  20. Nice start BB. Too bad it is Avalonian and you didn't join the new power- the eastern darklands!
  21. If I had to guess... approximately October 1st... not that I would know or anything...
  22. My version of the ravens. Unlike Torgar's tribe, these guys are in full battle gear with their mainly decorative Raven helmets!
  23. Crazy thing, I have a little force of Raven built and ready to be photoed, but the baby has kept me busy during these couple of overcast days. I only got Raavage and Ssilyth photoed. Expect my band of ravens to be pictured soon as well. So Nocty got Legonardo and Beery from Avalonia and Torgar from Mitgardia... just need to get us one Kaliphlin big wig and the take over will be complete!! robuko... has he declared yet? Erynlasgalen? Gideon? Probably already staying in the South
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