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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Vikings fan here- at least we're not Jacksonville
  2. A word of advise, people tend to skip topics that are lacking photos. I added them for you, so hopefully you'll get some more interest now! the photography is nice, clear and in focus and the figure looks excellent. Good work.
  3. Great work on the eagle. Super cool.
  4. Easily indeed. There are several towers of Orthanc worth of parts in there, and probably a few thousand just in the rocky base as well. I don't think it is terribly obvious, but the MOC is pretty darn tall. I don't know the exact amount of time. It was built relatively quickly if you take out all the baby time, though as Gideon suggests, there were a few stops and starts along the way. The biggest issue with displaying it would be all the black though, without something reflecting on it or lots of light, it sort of looks like a blob. Considering that, I don't know if it would be worth buying for anyone other than the builder. Beery is probably right that it would really have to be purchased as a piece of art in a sense and that mean there would probably be value in it as art which wouldn't be included in the time or pieces value. I think if you were hoping to get the pieces by parting sets it would be extremely low, though on Bricklink this might be a closer estimate. Taking out the figures, there aren't a ton of super rare parts in this one, just a lot of them!
  5. Certainly looks like a Soccerkid build! Everytime you make a castle, it is just so cute and compact- makes me think maybe I COULD make a castle that wouldn't take up 8 48 x 48 baseplates!
  6. I would be quite surprised if it is one piece. Two pieces for sure.
  7. Titles can be given by Moderators and Administrators. I guess that shortens the lists of suspects.
  8. Well Mr. Architect, first off, we probably shouldn't assume anyone knows what an Obsidian Spike is. I assume you are referring to the MOC in this topic. If that is the case, the next question would be how are you planning to value the spike? Do you want to know what it would cost as an official Lego product? Or are you curious how much it would cost to acquire the bricks on Bricklink? Maybe what you really want to know is how much it would cost to buy if someone were to make an offer to the builder. I guess the title doesn't say it all!
  9. I always loved the look of the tower from Sword in the Stone and this is a very cool look to it. Great job making the tower look so nicely round and excellent work on the roof. Gauntlet thrown down again peeps, better step up to take on DC in CCC
  10. You can turn notifications off on PM or choose to leave the conversation, but I'll leave you on the list should you still choose to play.
  11. So long as you aren't building the structure on the border, it is fine with me.
  12. The tribes are all listed in the second post of the Nocturnus thread. You, of course, a free to create your own tribe to recruit! The core leaders whose home guild is not Nocturnus will each declare (in a published opinion so you can know exactly what they considered) the side they believe had the strongest entries overall for each category.
  13. Bionicle is Lego m'boy, use as many bionicle pieces as you want!
  14. Welcome Mandalorian Architect, it's pretty simple. Make a post in this thread that tells us who your character is with a picture of him/her and say you are joining Nocturnus. Good choice by the way, it's the best guild around!
  15. You can only choose Black Spire (vs. random assignment) if your home guild is Nocturnus. Join the Guild of Nocturnus in their Book II thread then you can be on Team Spire for this challenge!
  16. Never! Pick a home guild then state your intentions to join challenge 1 here!
  17. Cool. Looks like you still need some work with the photos, but I can see your on your way to learning how to do it!
  18. Great work Digger. Still waiting to see you in GoH!!
  19. Captain Donkey- BlackSpire. lisqr- Nocty.
  20. That is what it means for now. The core leaders will have a discussion on this point.
  21. Only register MOCs since the launch of Book II, for this purpose that date is September 1, 2013. Any community build or mini-challenge in which a physical prize was not offered to a winner may be registered.
  22. yes, these are way over- we used to go to 800 x 600 but have kicked it up to 1024 x 768. I suggest you upload them to flickr as that site will automatically resize the images to multiple. more appropriately sized options.
  23. Maybe the eagle isn't named because he looks exactly like one in the gates set. Easier to just leave them as generic.
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