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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Vlad and rogue got this right. Back from Xmas vacation, so sorry for the delay. Some more good entries pouring in!
  2. Nice photography!
  3. A few things. 1) This post does not reference the LEGO sets at all. 2) This post contains spoilers for those who have not had the chance to see the movie. 3) For those of you in parts of the world were it is December 25, merry Christmas!
  4. Welcome. No need to be intimidated, we're here to help you grow!
  5. A good entry. Some cool stuff here. I like the figure posing and swan the best.
  6. Nice summary. Those soldiers look great m'man!
  7. Very interesting. Nocty Elves ahoy!
  8. Yes, I use flickr because it is instantly public AND you have a variety of size options.
  9. Very, very good.
  10. Battery box/switch for the PF motor the makes the bear "dance"
  11. Looks nice. If there's a phase I'V, I hope the tower is taller!
  12. Though I can't enter Challenge I, here's a category C type entry- though I would expect a much more complex story: Seeking to add the Orcish horde to their ranks, the Black Spire agree to assassinate Bernard, the Lion King. Bernard is notorious for his desire to be entertained, and so the Spire's allies, the Dragon Master plan a diversion... With King Bernard distracted, the Dragon Masters make their move... This MOC features a PF motor which makes the bear spin illistrated in this photo. And some details for your amusement. It's pretty obvious this would also qualify for "another" site's castle contest... we'll see if it shows up there as well.
  13. Not really. I have the winners picked, but I have been busy with life, and there is nothing worse than waiting for a prize after it's been announced!!
  14. Challenge 1 then the category.
  15. I meant a more metaphorical strike back.
  16. Excellent! Okay Spire- strike back at SK's awesome fortress.
  17. Pretty late to the party mr graybeard, but you're on team Black Spire!
  18. Reminders- 1. the 2014 set list DOES NOT belong in this thread. It belongs in the future/rumored set thread. 2. that list is almost certainly fake, so talk about it in the future thread with caution.
  19. Great look Simon. Love it.
  20. And you can visit Minnesota if you would like as well. Are you a tiny person dG? Maybe you can fit in CopMike's suitcase when he comes to Brickworld in Chicago!
  21. Umm... Rogue- what do you WIN if your entry is selected?
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