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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. I have purchased the LotR sets almost exclusively for parts. I have also used some of the figures for various MOCs as with a little yellow parts surgery, they can become quite appealing. Best sets for MOCers... I have to agree Helms deep and Uruk-hai army from wave 1 were very excellent if you were looking for gray bricks and some nice SNOTable pieces. I also picked up several Escape from Mirkwood Spiders on clearance which had some nice dark red (my favorite LEGO color) and black. I wasn't too excited about Orthanc, but I used it to make this MOC, which is sort of like Orthanc on crack. If you want to make a lot of rocks though, there are several sets that can still be found which are loaded with excllent pieces to make ROC formations. Riddles for the Ring and Dol Guldur Ambush are both relatively inexpensive and packed with dark bley. As for the new sets- I think people are just looking at the sets for what they are and not what they COULD be. The new Dragon Knights (with some changes) are going to be my faction of choice in GoH. Here is a MOC I did using the new figures and the new lion knights color scheme. Forest Ambush is a great little army builder. I have purchased so many I might be keeping TLG in business all by myself!
  2. I like it. Very clean.
  3. Yeah, for some reason I remember that one! I like the color combos in this MOC, very nice.
  4. Yep. just as SK said. Put in the picture, then select it, then click the link button and add the link.
  5. Please do not dig up post over 6 months old just to say "awesome" or "genius"
  6. GoH means Guilds of Historica. This place with all these Castle MOCs.
  7. In the past country specific promotions have largely remained in the country of origin. No Uruk-Hai polly in the US, not Mirkwood Elf in the UK. Has that seemed to be the trend for others who have paid attention?
  8. Apparently I wasn't clear when I said this: Let me be absolutely clear here. Do not call someone's MOC "crappy" or "worhtless". Constructive critcism is okay, but bashing others work because you believe it falls below your own personal standards is not what we want to do around here.
  9. Yes, this is probably better suited in the "Which set should I buy?" thread. I also take some issue with the title. Please use proper punctuation and make the title descriptive, but do not make it conversational as you have done here. I'm moving it with a link to the general discussion forum. It could be merged with the general thread there, but so you can still find the topic, I am only moving it for now. Thank you.
  10. Like I said on Flickr, this is excellent. Great work!
  11. Yep. Totally should build an troll army for Nocturnus is GoH. Lots of cool work here.
  12. Cool border- very DCesque. A nice little scene. Still waiting for Markus to join GoH though!
  13. Another dancing bear? Very clean looking throne room. Great work!
  14. Oh? Then request granted, side assigned.
  15. Don't look now, but we've added a second History Regulator. History veteran kabel (with the lowercase k) will be watching for trouble! Give him a warm welcome!
  16. Not sure if you are joking or not- but NO don't do it. No 2014 set thread until we have something solid. For now, keep the discussion in here.
  17. Guess what I am about to tell you guys? That's right, this thread is for 2013 HOBBIT AND LOTR and NOT 2014 discussion. Move that to the future discussion thread. Edit: Moved the posts. Only discuss the 2013 sets in here.
  18. If your not a member of Nocturnus, you get automatically assigned a side for this challenge. Are you still interested in participating?
  19. Very cute SK. Exactly the kind of alternate model LEGO would do!
  20. Two things: 1) Leave moderating to moderators and 2) Let's up the level of respect in here. I will start discipline if we can't be civil. This is exactly the type of set LEGO would design though, and telling a member what he can or can't post is not your responsibility. You can make your points without making someone feel stupid.
  21. Obsessed with finding a way to raise an army of the dead, Lord Raavage sends Harnold the Deranged to the caves of Mitgardia to find the long lost Ring of Necromancy. Little did Raavage know the Ring is protected by an ancient order of druids sworn to prevent the living from raising the dead! The best part of this creation for me is that all the lighting in LEGO purist. You can see from the first photo as well as the video that the lava is being lit by light bricks turned on and off by a PF motor and LEGO shock absorbers/springs. The other lighting is done by LEGO PF LEDs and a red light brick.
  22. Cool build. Love the figures!
  23. Yes, that one. At least we all could see it!
  24. Awesome. Reminds me of another tower MOC I've seen, but I can't remember its name... maybe it is the same one LD is thinking of... I'll see if I can find a photo of that one. As for this one, great shape and texture. I like the color too. Photos look pretty good on this one as well. Overall, very excellent!
  25. As soon as I saw that first pic, all I could think was Mario!! Sweet work man!
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