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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Lego prototypes and stand-ins can be very rough. But they usually aren't modified versions of things that already exist, they are simply combinations of things that already exist. I am not calling Sand a liar, and doing so only fuels the fire. I am merely saying that is not what I would expect a LEGO prototype to look like. Since LotR History is missing a moderator, let me just say, let's get back on topic and discuss the 2013 line or the lake town chase set and get away from this Azog prototype as he only appears to be causing problems. Sand, if you're right, you'll be vindicated in time and we don't need 100 posts from people who will look like boobs, if everyone else is right then we don't need 100 posts calling you names. I think everyone has both sides of the story, so let's move on.
  2. I was just asking for credentials!! We wouldn't elect Joe the Plumber President of the US without hearing why he should be elected! Same here. All who would like to lay claim and have supporters, tell us why you think you would be the best fit for the job!
  3. Let's have all those who would like to be considered for the throne step forward and state their credentials!!
  4. Here are some "evil" Nocturnus things for you in the Guilds of Historica. I realize these may be way more in the "step-up" category, but you might get some nice ideas from them anyway! ISC's Abyssian Taz's Hell's Gate Watchtower The now banned Angeli's Twisted Tower ZCerberus's Nocturnus Tower
  5. Maybe you aren't complaining because you are a collector and not MOCer. If I bought this set, it would stay together for about 3 or 4 days after being built before it is taken apart and added to a MOC. MOCers will take new and useful colors over common colors every day of the week. Why does LEGO have 4 different colors of green leaves? Because people like a variety of colors for MOC purposes. The LDD pictures appeared to be dk brown, but the set is not dk brown. It just significantly lowers the value for MOCers. There seems to be a pretty big divide in history in general between MOCers and the LotR guys. Doesn't mean we can't all get along, it is just clear that we buy sets for VERY different reasons.
  6. The figs do look excellent. The picture/photo quality needs some work though. Looks like you need to work on getting more light and focus into the photos.
  7. I do think the arches are interesting, but I think it is too sparse to be a "good representation" of Laketown, the boat is an almost exact replica of an earlier set and it is made in the the regualr ol' reddish brown. There are also a few other dk green pieces which may be nice. My comment was mostly my dissappointment that the LDD drawing looked like it was dark brown which would have made the set so much more attractive.
  8. Seeing the pictures of the actual build, it appears to be regular ol' reddish brown. Boo! Hiss! I guess people will be buying this one for the minis.
  9. And Trian Burress can't even get on the board? True, he had planned to travel to Nocty, but with a vacant throne...
  10. I like all the dark brown, but the boat is a little TOO much like the Viking boat from the early 2000s. To the news point, what makes EB different is all the discussion AND the MOCs. I view all the sites for news and pics, and I don't only go with what is first to break news, I like to get info and opinions from all angles. To ignore a news source or website just because it didn't frontpage on your schedule is silly.
  11. It'll be more clear as we get into book two. I'm working with the other EB staff members to set-up the framework. I think there will be some surprises.
  12. Yeah. Checked area Wallyworld's, have not found any yet. I might check eBay, but shipping would probably be a deal beaker.
  13. You mean more than I already have been? I'll still be here to set-up challenges and do regulator stuff, but my character is committed to defending Nocturnus. I guess that is all part of the calculus. We just don't know at this point.
  14. ZCerberus here... VERY high straight shooter cred. I would prefer US trades due to shipping costs, but a sweet enough deal will make me do international as well. I am looking for Chima Raven figures. I would be especially interested in the Razcal's Double-Crosser polybags, but I would take a complete loose figure as well. I have a wide variety of CMFs available (see the CMF portal), but especially well stocked in Series 10 roman commanders, dark dwarves and a few Medusa figures.
  15. Since the Lore is up... it would seem Avalonia is at a cross roads. Like LD asked, who is venturing to Nocturnus to help repel the invaders, and who is staying to rebuild Avalonia? Rex has threatened exile of anyone who leaves and I doubt very much his successor will be chosen from the those who abandon the land. Then again, those who refuse to answer Nocturnus call could be viewed as cowards. Trian has already announced his intentions to help Nocturnus. Whose side are you on?
  16. It was more a comment on the size indeed. Trying adding some more details to the windows and roof as well as increasing the size and you'll be on your way. The roof should also overhang the walls a bit as well. Those details will help it look less like a tent. I do like the fence and the landscaping.
  17. I have to really agree with Deathleech on this. Great work overall.
  18. House? More like a stone tent.
  19. Very well done. Especially for a first attempt. Looks like your next area to get a good grasp on will be photography. Once you have that locked down you'll be a force!
  20. Include a link and if it is up to snuff, it might get included. The request is a little broad due to the limitless sizes of rockwork. I would advise checking out DCs guide and the Historica MOC index to see some examples.
  21. Well these photos are indeed pretty good! Some more stuff to enhance the photos... 1. The first photo is a tad dark. A "fill light" from a photo editor would clean that up pretty fast. 2. The last photos is a bit out of focus. Not sure if you need more light, to use the macro setting (in the US it looks like a little flower and makes close-ups in better focus) or a steadier hand. If it's the steady hand issue, I don't use a tripod, instead I set the camera to have a delay before it snaps the photo, that way my button press isn't causing an issue with the picture. It is pretty darn close to spot on though. 3. I might consider using a slightly higher angle for a few snaps so we can see more of the MOC at once. But those are minor enhancement ideas. The quality on these is really quite excellent. They are really well focused, the background is nice and clean, the colors look natural and the details are easy to pick up on. If these were entered for judging in a challenge, I would give the photo quality here an 8.5 or 9!
  22. Due to summer vacations, babies for 2 of your regulators and the need to build some cool stuff for the next chapter, I wouldn't count on anything until September at the earliest!!
  23. Yeah... Blizzard NOT in the tally... still working on it, but it is quite the challenge to keep up with all the builds!
  24. Yes. This round the score are broken down so it is much easier to see how things went. PM me for feedback.
  25. Challenge VI Scores are in! You can see the updated tallies in the Story and challenge headquarters. Kalphlin and Mitgardia... oh boy... heehee More official announcement soon! Okay, make it official... Winners for each guild- Mitgardia (highest scoring guild this round) - Ecclesiastes by one point! Avalonia (second highest team score this round) - ZCerberus, disqualified for refusing to sleep with a judge, and Orc shall go to Captain Beerbeard Kalphlin- (third this round and knocked out of overall second place by Mitgardia by ONE gold) Gideon by 1/2 a point! Nocturnus- Dr Rod for the second straight challenge! I will also add not ALL the freebuilds have been scored yet, so final numbers may move a bit. Be sure to check the story and challenge headquarters for the current guild gold tallies!
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