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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. I know the site, but I'm still not seeing the connection to why you're mentioning it. You don't need to be cryptic just to say "other sites change". Besides, like many sites, EB has changed in massive ways over and over. Do you really want the site structure to make no sense? To use your analogy, should whirlpool mix the TV section in with the mobile phone section just because there is some overlap? If we do this change, people will then want to discuss the Indy movies in License, Stargate in space, and Lord of the Rings in History... KimT deserves all the compliments he can get!
  2. Errr... sorry you've completely lost me here.
  3. Only if you're looking for it. My point wasn't about being off topic in that way, it was about being relevant to the intentions of the topic. Since better explanations are obviously needed, let's look what KimT said; Most of the questions that people are asking affect the whole forum... and that's why I'm replying. Under a week, but more than a day. Due to the wonder of Time Zones it takes at least that long for all the staff to read a topic and discuss it. But please note that this request alters the structure of the entire site. This is the "LEGO Star Wars" forum which is a sub part of the "Themes" forum. "Culture & Multimedia" is in the "Eurobricks Community" forum. See my point? People are asking for a change to EB site structure (which we've just recently changed) that would bring non-LEGO into a LEGO focused forum.
  4. Sure they do. Try saving one with less colour data than it needs. It'll dither and look silly.
  5. Exactly. With things as they are can keep track of things easier. While I'm here, please remember that this topic is meant to be just for the Star Wars forum. Requests that affect the whole forum should go in the other topic. Oh! The poor dogs!
  6. Not really. Even I've created a few. Shadows does do a lot of them, as does Hinckley but I wouldn't say anyone does most. I think most staff members have made at least one.
  7. Can you see where this line of thought leads? Sure it's great that people can find Star Wars without being forced to see non Star Wars topics... but where does it end? What happens to the people who want to look at customs all in one place? Ultimately you can't please everyone; older EB members will recall that we used to have a MOC forum, but we blended it into each theme as it was causing confusion. Some welcomed this change, others didn't. But as KimT says the staff will discuss it. Leave my kittens alone!
  8. We never answer that, but in this case it should be obvious.
  9. 7705 Gate Assault is one possibility. What use are these points?
  10. Very nice! I especially love the light blue stripes. Smart use of official decals too! (As much as I love your MOC, considering your past work I was hoping it was a Short C class Empire flying boat... )
  11. Moderators and up in most cases.
  12. Very true... so I changed the topic title! The phone I want is a Palm Pre. It's lack of memory expansion annoys me, but I'm a bit of a Palm fanboy... The N97 is a serious option though.
  13. Indeed! I just assembled mine and that was a surprise. It's a wonderful model too! Errr... seven. Isn't that for when the set it Power Functionised? The light brick junction goes there.
  14. I said it and I meant it. Talk about the iPhone all you want here... On topic, I could do what it could do on my old Treo 600. Web browsing, full POP EMail, multitasking... Cut and paste didn't need an upgrade either. True it's screen was horrid in comparison (hardly surprising considering the age), but it had a keyboard and expandable memory. Two things that the iPhone doesn't have that make me not want one. Ultimately though I'd never buy a iPhone (or any Apple product) as they have too much control over the system. I don't want to have Apples permission to install software...
  15. Actually it's not that rare (or special IMHO)... and this topic does belong in BSTF.
  16. Please don't revive old topics just to make requests. Besides; it isn't a decal, it's a print from a set.
  17. Thanks! You've convinced me...I don't think this is a good option to go for. The lack of neck printing decided it for me. I'm not planning on doing an S@H orders for a while; hopefully by then TLG would have changed their mind about this... but I doubt it. Darn.
  18. Please, less Apple fanboy talk. I just ate...
  19. We'll certainly consider your idea, but please remember that some people prefer the whole conbined concept. Your idea would be better for those that want to focus on (or avoid ) Star Wars, but for others that just want to generally browse it can be annoying.
  20. Yep, that's the one. I'll merge...
  21. Oh! So that's why they have been turning up on eBay for list. Must... resist.... If it last till my next order I'll get one! It's not that useful though...
  22. I'm 34.
  23. BTW, I think Sandy's right about the 3xxx sets being Duplo.
  24. But only two? I would have expected more! Yes, I agree. Some rare parts... ...are just great to have, even though their use is questionable unless your name is Norro. I do think the black sword is special, but i'd never buy one specially. The pitchfork I did buy, and I hope that TLG start making the part again... epecially since they have farm sets now, both past and present. I'm not conviced they will though.
  25. Yes, Svelte is right. Please, unless you're directly replying to individual parts of a post (like 5150 Lego has been doing) don't quote it all. Just quote a sentence or two. Also, some people need to tone down on the smilies. Three in a row makes it look like it was posted by a 10 year old. On topic... Pigs! The neverending firestation releases don't bother me though; for one I expected it, and secondly I still haven't bought one!
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