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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Shiny boots are also very important.
  2. Very nice set and a very good review! TLG did a great job of this set, the overall scale works very well. I'm glad to hear that the rubber bands don't seem to be neccesary; it's one of the few things I've never liked about it.
  3. Happy birthday guys! I didn't expect you to drop in! I'm glad to hear that LEGO is still your bag...
  4. I have almost every Australian catalog from 1980 onwards, the small set inserts included. It's interesting to note that even during my "Dark Ages" I kept grabbing the catalogs! They are all organized in order.
  5. There's no need to. We just banned you lego1 for being underaged and not suitable for this site, and here you are proving it again!
  6. Yes. I know of no ownership there. I've "borrowed" that myself in fact!
  7. Sorry to be a negative nancy but... well.... err.... you do. The old "everyone else is doing it" excuse will never hold up in court.... You probably are safe as you are small (and young), but I wouldn't count on it. I got my first cease-and-desist letter before my company made a single cent... Here's my free advice; remove the LEGO and say "bricks" or something.
  8. Nice idea, but that'd be really expensive! On the other hand, it could be a good chance to get TLG to make 3x1 tiles... No, more the scale. It'd be too small as a mini-fig set, and probably wouldn't sell well if it wasn't. Fair point. I've change the title; if I get beaten up at home it's your fault.
  9. Hey! Your name isn't changed!
  10. Happy Birthday! I give you... the world! Invade at your pleasure!
  11. There has already been a non Star Wars USC set.
  12. The sub is a good idea! Seeing they've done armoured cars why not? How about a bust of the fertility idol? ...actually probably not. The tank is a much desired possibility... but I can't see that being done either. Yeah, I really want that one actually. However, when I think Zeppelin, I think of this MOC! It's by no means perfect, but TLG could make something similar for Indy. It's what I had in mind when I was having this conversation!
  13. Actually it used to be called that... but I renamed it to "The Isolation Chamber".
  14. This happened to me once. I re-ordered the sale items and then returned the duplicates when they arrived...
  15. I never got one. Look here. Thanks! I got it!
  16. ...and this is the problem they have created. Are you listening TLG? By putting cheaper figs in some sets it's hard to predict where they'll turn up next. Thus I won't be for buying any non-core set unless it was reviewed first. Also, I'd return any set that included the cheap figs. It's just not cricket...
  17. I'm more wondering if they are the cheap type of figs or the standard.
  18. I'm surprised that you're surprised! Isn't it about the same ratio as Cafe Corner? (Which I'd rather buy.) I wonder what type of figures these have...
  19. It doesn't take a genius to realise I stopped work on the MOC index. It was a noble goal, but it was just taking too long (two hours a night) and I kept thinking "why am I cataloging MOCs instead of making my own?" Selfish I know, but it's the truth! Thus for the time being the MOC index is on pause. On a positive note though, I'll be posting a complete list of all space sets in the next few months. Tonight I did Mars Mission, Exo-Force and Space Police III. The new index has images, set facts and a link to Bricklink in case you want to buy it! Added also are links to relevant reviews. If I've missed any feel free to nag me (in fact please do!) and I'll add them ASAP. I'll post as I add sections. Sorry for my slackness.
  20. Beautiful work! I'll have to look at it later though as my network connection can't handle it... I'd say they had a rough idea, but not the details. Afterall, the patent was filed on Sep. 21, 1994.
  21. I'm impressed!
  22. Very nice! I love the over-the-top explanation, especially the MIRV tipped kittens. (Does "multiple MIRV’s" make sense though? Isn't that like "ATM Machine"?) Incidentally, your photo background works surprisingly well...
  23. Are we arguing? I certainly don't think that NeoClassicSpace is the same as Classic Space. I'm just saying that their idea of Classic-Space, before the "Neo" part, does seem to match mine. I completely agree that the models themselves are not "Classic"...
  24. Well that's a matter of opinion! When I think of space travel I think of ships like this; No. Like me he has a big head so it's very hard to make MOCs for him.
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