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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Yes, that and indexing. He'll still be a moderator in Community though, like the Fellows.
  2. I'll get back to you.
  3. Indeed it did. It also says.. But ignoring that, it didn't say that we will ban you if you are under 18. It said that we reserve the right and that it's stupid to highlight that you joined while being under 18. However, I agree that the statement didn't reflect our policy so I've been meaning to change that post for a while. I just did and it now says; The difference? This one gives only a rough idea of what an adult is, and says that we will ban you if you don't act like one. In short I've de-emphisied the age. Happy?
  4. For the most part, "Admin" isn't a rank, it's a job. In the olden days "Admin" was a given to anyone as a promotion, but now it's only given to people with a higher level of computer skills. Thus while we still have some non-technical staffers as "Admins", it's just because they were promoted a while back and we haven't had a good reason to "demote" them. Thus there will be no new non-technical admins, but it doesn't matter much as these days our "Moderators" have much the same powers of the old "Admins" anyway. (But "Santa Moderator" isn't out of the question! )
  5. To what? Technically in the EB hierarchy of confusingness a moderator outranks a regulator. It's been that way for years...
  6. We never ban anyone for being under-aged. We ban people for behaviour only...
  7. This is shaping up to be a very nice set. It really looks like it's been deliberately designed for AFOLs. Great work TLG! Isn't it two of these?
  8. Nice pic. Important reminder While EB is an adult site, please be clear that we are talking about LEGO here. Some black swords don't belong on EB.
  9. Probably? Does this help? I think Peeron is better, but BL is generally updated sooner... for obvious reasons. Thus I use BL for new sets, and Peeron for the older ones. It's really odd that TLG never put it in second set...
  10. Yes, I have the set and sword. It's this one;
  11. Possibly; I do like the set! However I have several sets with photos all taken that I just have to compile into a review so it may never happen.
  12. I personally wouldn't do it... but that's just me. I do however use Blu-Tak to hold things in place when taking photos. For example here... ...I just couldn't keep the crystal in my hand due to Fabuland fig limitations. However I'd never use Blu-Tak where it was overly obvious.
  13. Me too. As usual that price is silly... and I bet Svelte is right.
  14. Very true! Since this question (and more) has been answered I'll close this before it becomes a spamfest...
  15. Well the rules for double posting are the same as any post, but I'll answer your questions just the same. When is double posting allowed? If you are adding to a discussion. If you're just trying to bump a topic, especially a sale one, expect trouble. Is it allowed when there is discussion to be added? Yes. Is it allowed when something is updated? Yes, even if it's a sale topic. But remember; everything in moderation and the context it important. If you have a sale topic and you keep on adding to it every week we'll probably get grumpy. Editing a post in this case would be more appropriate. But if you've got a huge MOC and you're posting weekly updates that's cool. Is it allowed when a topic gets no replies? If you are adding to a discussion. If you're just trying to bump a topic, especially a sale one, expect trouble. Do you have any examples of what you want to do, or is this just a general question? In short when double posting ask yourself this question; "Am I trying to bump a topic?". If this is your answer then the answer is always "don't"! Bumping a topic is bad enough, but bumping a topic that other members don't care about is really annoying...
  16. As can ranting about other brands at every opportunity. Seriously guys; let's just say our opinions without insulting others. It's an interesting conversation but saying that being a purist is a sign of madness or that you are a snob is borderline trolling. This is a LEGO forum afterall. Nope. Another 30 or so posts and you're a citizen. I agree. This whole if-your-MOC-looks-like-LEGO-it-sux attitude gets right up my M%g$ Bl*ks My pleasure.
  17. You asked about the most recent case only...
  18. Well you're wrong then; Shadows started it...
  19. Yeah, but I discussed it with the wife and it just wasn't her bag.
  20. Well the reason behind the CGH name is obvious, but as for the rest, Hinckley changed KimT, I changed Hinckley, and Hinckley changed mine to Sally... I thought that was a bridge too far so I changed it to Sallyfried as I thought it'll be too confusing. I'll change it back now... It's all just an inside joke... and nothing to do with the CopMike thing.
  21. It'd be funny if he did turn up though...
  22. Errr... sorry for not replying to this last year. I saw it but considering the date I was rather busy. It's very impressive work! This is actually one of my favourite topic! When I made it I planned on making it my last one too... anyway that's quite stunning. How is it done?
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