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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Yes, but also "Juiniormark". (juniormak) In both cases there was only one logical person.
  2. +1 Asuka for a shiny guy +2 to Svelte for helping deliver a shiny guy and for this... er..... It's a trap? Please take better care in getting the user name correct. Luckily in this case I knew who you meant. Updated!
  3. Happy birthday Sne!
  4. Well now you do! I merged the topics.
  5. You'd be surprised! At least it shouldn't be too hard for you to think of a topic.
  6. Indeed you aren't! Millacol88 was right about my intended meaning... but who said that I don't make typos? I do my best but a few slip though from time-to-time. Nahh; I'd be too easy... and I suspect that he want me too.
  7. No idea, but the blog hasn't been updated since April and according to Google the site was alive on the 27th of July. It's possible that they are just moving to a new server... but you'd expect they would have announced it first. On the other hand we don't always announce that kind of stuff. Perhaps it was a routine bit of maintenance that went wrong?
  8. <quietly> You are aware that you're spelling it wrong, aren't you? </quietly>
  9. I wasn't planning on anyway. Everyone has their own opinion. (I hope it's nothing serious... )
  10. Too much CG. To me it became just another (bad) effects movie. At that time graphics was a novelty, and they went overboard. The highlight was Raiden. I never saw the second. I didn't like RE1 (it took too long just to get started and ended when it started getting good) so I didn't see the second. I'm not a fan of the games though so I can't make any comment other than that. Yes, but I think my bubble is safe for now; it's due to be released in 2007...
  11. I held just the tail! It was hard to aim with my left hand and hold with my right (I'm right handed), but not impossible. You have to wait until it stops swinging. Either that or a fast shutter.
  12. I predict that it'll be horrid. The Dead or Alive movie was, as was Mortal Combat and Street Fighter. Like most game movies they ignore the existing story and characters... I'm very glad that there still isn't a Soul Calibur one. On a positive note, Ron Perlman would be good for Paul.
  13. Yes, I remember that, but his post implies that it's a new part, not a just a new mould. On a side note, mine doesn't have that problem/ That would be annoying. Have you tried other figs?
  14. Indeed; I even spell mine differently... So do I!
  15. To be honest I'm just surprised that you're even talking about it; it's been a common part for 27 years afterall.
  16. I think you're 100% right. Glad to be of service.
  17. How big is it? When I took this photo... ...I was holding it with my other hand! I have a new MOC that I want to take some space photos of this weekend and I'll be trying out the fishing line technique for the first time.
  18. In related news, I just realised that the steering wheel piece doesn't actually steer the wheels. Shocking!
  19. Not at all, but I'm not a fan of wasted resources, and as an ever growing site we have to be careful to not do this. Going though the Pirate forum (which has the Fast Reply enabled) and tallying recent topics I see; Replies - Reads 34 - 1038 11 - 284 86 - 2071 17 - 565 12 - 243 12 - 327 0 - 84 31 - 1351 6 - 241 20 - 1081 Total Replies = 229 Total Reads = 7285 Which works out as 3% efficiency! ...but that's not all! It even pre-loads it for guests! Co-incidentally I'm actually looking into some posting related bugs at them moment and this could be a major source of the problems that I've been seeing.
  20. Actually I don't like the option. To pull that trick it pre-loads the editor, even if it's not used. I'm tempted to disable it forum wide...
  21. Yousa right so meesa merged the topics.
  22. Nice news, but wrong forum. I'll move it to Star Wars.
  23. ...and that answer is still good!
  24. Thanks for the great review. I'm still undecided on this set... and sorry to say your review didn't helo! Thus I gave it a rating of "It's nice, but I'm not a technic builder it's more of the same." The faws in the model really do make me wonder if it's worth the full price. Thus I can happily see it as a parts set, so I'll buy it only if I find it cheap! The cab is very good looking though, and I love the new fairings. The old type generally didn't blend as well so I was never a big fan. (From your photo I thought it had pendular suspension or something! It must have just been the axel bending... ) You naughty boy! Can I have your job?
  25. starstreak has finished a very detailed review of the 2009 Technic Flagship model, 8258 Crane Truck. It even includes a 100 photo assembly process video! Find the review here!
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