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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Err.... no. This is all too vague and you really should wait a bit longer before starting something like this. Also, site games and competitions need to be approved first.
  2. In the guys defence, it may have just been a "boilerplate" response. In my real life job I recieve a lot of EMails, often roughly about the same issue. I don't have the time to write a custom response each time, so I just modify a template and try to explain any follow up questions in that as well to save time. This may be the same case. To be honest, it doesn't seem that rude to me. Locking you out of the site is a bit over the top though.
  3. "Maybe, as long as the hair/helmet covers it" As others have said, there have been a fair few cases where they don't... (In regard to What's this space for anyway?, that's for when you have more than one question. )
  4. Well that just proves how busy I've been lately.... Sorry guys.
  5. Has this been posted before? S@H have added these... 7199 The Temple of Doom™ Pieces: 652 $129.99 7198 Fighter Plane Attack Pieces: 384 $89.99 7197 Venice Canal Chase Pieces: 420 $59.99 7195 Ambush in Cairo Pieces: 79 19.99 My Target has 1 Cannon Battle left. This is great news for TLG; hopefully it means a second year... and an Imperial ship.
  6. Yeah, the staff forum gets a lot of dating ads; go figure!
  7. Not really. For the most part we just put the code in the skins. However, if you have a problem with them complain to Google. Seriously. I don't even know or care about who "Evony / Civony" is. Google just post here what they think is appropriate based on the site content.
  8. No! The LEGO's mine! She wanted me to add the smilies...
  9. Brickbeard’s Bounty $111.99 Soldiers’ Fort $63.99 <-My daughter wanted that.
  10. I believe your answer is here. In short, switch your view from "Outline" to "Standard". It's in Options.
  11. I got Brickbeard’s Bounty and Soldiers’ Fort in Target Glenorchy yesterday and it was still well stocked then. Wonderful sets too. My first full size real LEGO ship... Acording to me 6253 is a TRU exclusive in Australia.
  12. Welcome to EB! This seems more appropiate in the Hello! My name is... forum so I'll move it there....
  13. That's easier said than done. We can be quite picky when adding staff and it's hard to find suitible members. (N.B. Asking for a position is not a good tactic for anyone who wants to be staff. )
  14. Some people post little, but when they do they make up for it. I have around 9000 posts but it doesn't mean that I'm 90 times a better member than a 100 poster. But this is all hypothetical anyway.
  15. I've been discussing this with other staff and I think it's a skin issue. As EBs resident bug slayer it's my duty and privilege to find and fix it. Arghhh!
  16. This has been considered and I for one am very for it. The biggest issue is it's more work for the staff.... If it did happen it would have a limitation like "Only for members of over 18 months and 100 posts".
  17. Exactly. People fear change all the time. The things that we see as new will be seen as standard by our kids and not appreciated. Music is a good example. It's much more convenient today having a large selection of music. In the 90s I bought a 50 CD stacker (which I still have) but you can get the same effect now from the average MP3 player. Times change and people whining about it is the only constant.
  18. Problem Between Keyboard and Chair That shouldn't do it... but it is something you have in common. Even so, I find it hard to see how it could happen due to this. Does it happen in all forums? If it happens only in the Academy it could be a skin glitch... and I don't visit the Academy much so that would explain why I don't notice it.
  19. Not really. It could be anything; bad driver, virus, network issue... or maybe even the dreaded PEBKAC. I spend a decent amount of time in EB and I've never had this problem. Just the same, if anyone has this problem please post so here, and if possible throw me some clues.
  20. Well there you are. I stopped using that rubbish years ago as it was a resource hog and the whole re-download-plugins-every-version got tiresome. I use Opera now. That wasn't helpful was it? OK, I'll try again. I've looked into the Firefox compatibility issues and supposedly Firefox has relatively little. Do you have any plug-ins that might be causing the trouble? Does it always happen? If I downloaded it would I see the problem first time or would I need to use it for a while? I'll wait and see if Striker™ is also a Firefox user... and I'll see if any of the staff use Firefox.
  21. Thanks for the great photos! I love the aliens!
  22. In my experience K-Mart get most of the Technic sets, and Toyworld and Myer stock some of larger ones. I've bought all of the flagships in the last few years, and the last I bought on-line was 8421. (I'll be passing on the current flagship unless it's under $250 at retail.) To be honest, the more I look at it the more I don't care. I think it's because I have the Republic Cruiser... but the lack of any good parts, figs and the insane Star-Wars price could be part of it as well. On a more positive note, I now have the two main Pirate sets! So far I've assembled the ship and it's wonderful. (I didn't go in the T-Shirt Svelte; due to time reasons my wife went herself on the way home, )
  23. What browser are you using?
  24. Joe Meno from Brick Journal is at ComicCon and he's been uploading photos to his Flickr account... including these! Discuss the camel and other stuff here!
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