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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. ...and you're trying to make out I'm a demon? Killing on a hunch is cool now? How does one go about killing a "Demon" anyway? You're a dangerous idiot and I will be staying as far away from you as possible.
  2. Very nice... but this belongs in "General"... and probably merged too.
  3. Well I've just gone through and added what I think is the rest of the entries. Did I miss any? If so please tell me! Also, I've started replacing the images. If your MOC is marked with Final! the please note that I have no plan to make a new one. Thus if you don't like the image tell me. I'll do more in the next few days.
  4. You've got about 5 days. Then it's pre-judged as is.
  5. I'm surprised this was needed. Mine works OK as is.
  6. Invalid. One of the major reasons is to allow voters to quickly look at all topics without having to wait for long load times. Duplicate images in quotes don't matter. New images, regardless of the poster, do. If you create a new topic and someone spoils it tell me. There's no need. The Technic forum moves fast enough and I'll be temporally locking the originals. I agree. That's why I allowed WIP topics. BTW, efferman's presentaion topic is a wonderful example of what I want.
  7. I'm locking this topic to prevent it being bumped. Please post all comments in the new topic.
  8. Who's to say there isn't going to be one next time targeting girls? I've seen loads of ads for McDonalds targeting kids; does that mean that they don't care about the adults? This is just a small promotional probably run by one person in marketing... In either case Town is bought more by boys. That's a fact. You can't blame LEGO for going for where the money is.
  9. Thanks! It's missing a few reviews and MOCs though!

  10. No new toy to play with? *I try to remove the swords.*
  11. Happy Birthday to my favourite LEGO dog.
  12. This achieves nothing. The image is still loaded regardless. Please just don't post big images. Any topics with oversized images either be invalid or have the images removed, depending on my grumpiness on the day. The rules are there for a reason, don't try to outsmart them. You're not. But like most you'll need to make a new topic anyway as this one has too many images. (You can link to this one in the topic though. )
  13. Yes. I will index the rest in a few days and then on around the 10th I'll change the thumbnail to the first image of each topic and start the pre-voting.
  14. The standard of EB staffers continues to drop.
  15. Silly me expecting staffers to respect the closed topic.
  16. Well the time is officially up! Will I accept late entries? If they're good! But in any case all entries need to be finished in about a week. I'll post here when it's almost time, but do note that in about a week I'll be re-making the index which will end up being on the voting topic so make sure that ASAP your first post of your topic is the one you want. (Remember that some people vote based on the index image alone... )
  17. Everyone can. But when the time comes you better make it clear what your entry is, if need be by making a new topic.
  18. Right now it's 4:30 pm GMT. 7.5 hours to go. It'll be a bit after as I'll be at work around about then. After that people have about a week to finish up before the pre-judging starts. I have no plans to stop people editing entries after that time, but once the decisions have been made that's that.
  19. Well it's the 3rd for me so I think it's time I brutally ended this topic.
  20. CorneliusMurdock has made some reviews of the new Mavel sets! Smashing? Sharp? Impervious? Find out in the LEGO Licensed Forum!
  21. I'm a bit confused about your posts; they weren't consistent with the other ones. Anyway, the nonsense is all over! Get back to making last minute entires!
  22. If you read the Guidelines, you'd be able to answer this question yourself. Since you did not, I advise you to read this.
  23. Promotional images! For better or worse I claim credit for these.
  24. But this is the third time I've frontpaged it!
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