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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Welcome to Eurobricks! *sweet* Not a prob.... newbie. ;-)
  2. Welcome to Eurobricks!
  3. Ooops! Must have just been some odd internet glitch. *wacko*
  4. Mr Hinckley sir... :-$ Why is that green car there? Isn't that a fake from last year? It's even in a folder labled "fake".... 8-|
  5. Thanks Chuck! *sweet* There are a lot of others there too...
  6. Well you can time me next time... if you're good enough to follow me. Besides, the problem is that at 22:30 they pump halon into the factory so that's all the time I have.
  7. Welcome welcome welcome... but you really should post this here... 8-|
  8. I normally get mine by sneaking into the factory after dark. At 22:13.56 there is a badly designed gaurd change over that gives me the 34 seconds that I need to pick the 74 locks and sneak in. I then go mad crazy taking photos for a few minutes and when I am done I hide in a tiny turbos box. All I have to do then is wait untill I am shipped out.
  9. That's a cool little set. *sweet* Hopefully it won't have a "Special Edition" price.... X-D Thanks legomilk.
  10. Sorry, too late! Please check the New TECHNIC sets for 2008 next time. ;-)
  11. Happy birthday! *sweet* Have a grrrrrreat day guys! ;-)
  12. Cool cool cool! *sweet* I just want to enter for the fun; I'm not going to win. :-$ Now I just have to find the time to make an entry! :-D
  13. A picture speaks a thousand words. Thanks for the words, but you can find the pictures here. Since this topic is only usefull to the blind I will close it.
  14. I'd really appreciate it if you considered changing your name...
  15. Welcome to Eurobricks! *sweet* I'm not much of a bionicle fan either. I only buy them on sale, and not even that lately! :-D
  16. What I thought he meant was that he was going to up-end the table and "tip" it onto the floor! 8-
  17. Welcome to Eurobricks! *sweet* Can people from Israel buy via S@H? Many people on this board buy only from Bricklink as they say it is cheaper...
  18. You know I've never watched that show (I don't watch TV) so I'm probably missing that joke. :-$ As for the walrus, it looks like cousin Susie. She would do anything for a bit of attention. :-/
  19. Happy birthday all! *sweet*
  20. Yes. I won't cry if you say no.
  21. King's Castle Siege 7094 for $100 AUD in Target. ($50 AUD off.) *wub*
  22. Old news mate.. so I merged your topic with the old one. *sweet*
  23. Ahrrrgh! I've been over-rulled by a superior officer. :'-( Would ja be wanna me to spend some time in the brig for giving the sailors the wrong impression. :-$
  24. Errr... is this a one off ruling? In other words, can I replicate one of this pieces from similar pieces so I can do an entry?
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