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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Thanks for the review! *sweet* I am stunned at the lack of an interior... not that it makes much difference as I wasn't likely to want this set anyway as I own the passenger plane from last year. Sorry to steal your image, but I just had to post this! :-P
  2. Cool! I look forward to it! *sweet*
  3. Welcome to Eurobricks! *sweet* I've been waiting for your introduction topic but it seems this could be it now! 8-| On the subject of pin colours, I am still undecided if I want one colour, many, or a few. I was a bit concerned when all the 2 long axels were red, but black is more common again now. I have grown a bit used to the fixed colours to be honest, but I think blue can be too startling a colour in some MOCs.
  4. Yes. That is the same wheel and largely the same track (it's just missing the slots) that they have in Dwarves Mine. I use that same wheel with my Road/Rail truck. ;-)
  5. After all these years you still don't understand. :-| I have no problem with the fighting of gravity. We fight gravity on a daily basis, and in the end it almost always wins. It wasn't until we launched probes to the moon that we finally beat gravity... only to be defeated by the moons gravity. X-D I just don't like the creation of gravity via artificial means...
  6. Welcome to Eurobricks! *sweet* Your dark ages were long! You could call them a Dark Score instead. ;-)
  7. Welcome to Eurobricks! *sweet*
  8. You are such a negative nancy for your age! 8-
  9. There's something odd going on here. I thought your son was two? *wacko* For someone who is "just getting back into lego's" that's a mighty fine start. 8-|
  10. I suspect this is for the non-technic Ferrari lovers. It looks like it doesn't even have steering. It probably is a lot better than it looks in the photo. I recently got the USC Batmobile and that was far better than I expected. *sweet* It's 1:9. (It says so on the box.)
  11. Sorry, as you say it would just cause trouble. :'-(
  12. Thanks Conchas... I knew I forgot one... :-$
  13. Honestly mate, Bricklink would be the place for you to go. Topic closed.
  14. Sure! You deserve it! *wub* If you have a better or prefered logo just send it to me. My pleasure! Great idea!
  15. Indeed I did. :-$ But it can't be blue as (Impartial aside) I don't have a lot of it... I'll give it some thought. *sweet*
  16. For the record, Eurobricks is undergoing heavy re-structuring. All the mods and admins (including me) have their hands full already so indexes will have to wait. In the meantime, feel free to add to this list or make your own and when time frees up we will update this Index. *sweet*
  17. Then you aren't looking hard enough! X-D There are some new duplo sets including new trains (and another push along steam train; is this the third or fourth set like this?) and a new Ferrari... ;-)
  18. Thanks! *wub* I can't believe there is another Ferrari F1 car. This one's 1:9. :-| If this keeps progressing there will be a 1:1 model soon! X-D EDIT: The last laugh is on me; that last one was 1:8...
  19. I'm helping in the forum re-sort and some MOCs are just too cool to not comment on. :-$
  20. A DoubleT MOC! 8-
  21. I hadn't seen this before! What a great idea! *wub* Your castle one is beautiful too! Is it done yet? X-D
  22. Great idea! :-D (Due to decal discussion I have moved this to MCW.)
  23. Welcome to Eurobricks! Enjoy your stay! *sweet*
  24. I agree with Tanotrooper with the exception of his "kitbash" definition. Since kitbashing to me is a destructive activity I think you would need to be cutting and glueing almost every piece for a MOC to be classed as a kitbash.Thus I don't think "Kitbashing" is a term that makes much sense in regard to Lego. It should be left to the guys that do real kitbashing; using parts from a model kit to make a different model to save the massive effort of scratch-building.
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