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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Perfection! At first glance I thought that photo on the frontpage was a reference shot....
  2. Want to go to an official EB event but are too far away? Well sorry, I can't help you there. But for Australians at least there's a partial substitute coming up; Canberra Brick Expo 2011! As the graphic says it's from the August 6-7, and they have some guests coming coming down to join the fun... including Jamie Berard! I'll be there too (as well as I Scream Clone, so come meet a Moderator or two :)) and I look forward to meeting as many local LEGO AFOLs as possible! Talk more about Canberra Brick Expo 2011.
  3. I love how Birthdays last two days on EB. ...we you broke it to me with LEGO so it's OK.
  4. My local (Parramatta) Target has the new Star Wars sets; 7657 Dathomir Speeder (50?) 7959 Geonosian Starfighter (80?) 7961 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator (120?) I don't recall the exact prices but I do recall they are horrid...
  5. Thanks everyone! I just got back from work so it's like my birthday has just started! I didn't get a huge amount of LEGO today (I buy enough all year round ) but I did get Scorpion Pyramid, which I'm assembling now.... Yeah, I feel the same way. Yeah, that was because I went to bed late. The other thing I got was new laptop, which I tend to leave Skype running on.
  6. Not a lot.
  7. Ahhhghhhhghhhh!!!! It's Daniel Williams / Jessica / Amandalove07 / Selena Fan 07!!! Let's talk about your potential return in private...
  8. Flickr user Mainman has shared his latest creation; a 1:100 An-225 Mriya. Find more photos and details of this stunning LEGO creation here!
  9. Stunning work... this is five minutes off being front paged! The Mriya is actually a favourite aircraft of mine; I even partially named my daughter after it! (Myra.) Thanks for highlighting this MOC for me.
  10. No! We have no rules at all about who can do reviews.
  11. Is this the Stigs Yellow Cousin* in action? No, it's much better than that; it's a review by mostlytechnic of the LEGO Technic Power Puller! This set is legendary for having the biggest wheels, a reconfigurable 16 cylinder engine, and a fine collection of rare and some one-off parts. Do you feel the pull now? No? Well drag yourself over to the full review in the Technic forum anyway! *I take no credit for that joke.
  12. Well I didn't expect you to know Tyco that well! Good work!
  13. He's just busy... sniff.

  14. I agree. The problem with search is you often need to know the right question to get the answer. I'm still for doing the experiment, but I'll delay it. My plan was to move the technical questions to a sub forum, starting with the oldest. I'd them merge along the way. Thus this would not affect much the people who don't want this done, and at the same time it's bring to light some old conversations. But I'll probably do this in a few months now; I have enough other work to do on EB anyway...
  15. I agree. I have no intention of experimenting with subforums in the short term after this poll. I'll keep thinking about this though...
  16. These pictures, and many, many more, can be found here....
  17. Remember this. To help you remember I'm closing this topic.
  18. It's OK. Joking or not, it's just a video about random hate... and that's not a good conversation starter!

  19. I don't find it funny. Please share it elsewhere...
  20. Sadly yes. I don't keep many of mine anymore...
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