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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Could you share some photos? No. TLG do not do that. They are very protective of their properties and do not sell designs/machines/moulds, also, they have tried outsourcing and it didn't work for them. This is a simple case of theft.
  2. It's looking good! I'll have to make myself one.
  3. Most space fans saw the prototype Space Truck Getaway and felt a bit annoyed. I sure did... I've been meaning to try to re-create the original but DrNightmare (like many EB members) has saved me the time! He's even sharing the plans in LDD form. Right now he's building a physical copy so give it a look!
  4. Thanks for a great review... or a preview in my case. I'm not sure if I'll be trying to get a box of these or not, but you've given me all I need to make a decision! At least my hat is on straight.
  5. Yes, that is nice. I'm going to clean this topic up, gather up some other good answers, and turn it into a tutorial... soon.
  6. I'm the party pooper. Closed.
  7. Perhaps, but to me it'd be more appropriate to be allowed at around 250. We can't do that so it'll stay as it is for now. We've seen over and over again that the poll privilege is easy abused and over used.
  8. Looks like something Dr Suess would build.
  9. They do that a lot; I've got photos of the 7897 Passenger train markup.
  10. Not terribly useful; I don't have any "spare" half circles like that.
  11. ...yeah, that can be an issue.
  12. I'm S1egfried! ...don't worry; I don't chat to anyone!
  13. What's faulty about the set? (Mine stands OK...)
  14. Not a prob. I think I have somewhere (from an eBay lot) a motor... but I don't have any tracks. Yet.
  15. Good spotting! Yeah, it does like like it could be one, but as you say it's too blurry to be sure.
  16. Didn't I answer the question? You take the manual box off, and put the motor box in it's place; look here. Or am I confused?
  17. Sort of... in that it has more unique figs like the SeaTron would have had, but I think the time difference is too large to see it like that. Is this that video...? If so, you're not talking about this one are you? If so, it's not a monorail...
  18. I don't own a functional one, but I believe that it's so you can buy one of the manual points and upgrade them to a remote one.
  19. Please don't create multiple topics on the same subject because you didn't like the answers given. It's rude and annoying. Also, people can't message you as we disable the messaging system for new joiners...
  20. As the folder said, it's "From BrickJournal Issue 6". They explain a bit more there, but not much.
  21. It's a confirmed prototype of "Seatron"... but it's not a prototype of the monorail system.
  22. After about ten years of Bionicle TLG decided a refresh was needed, and Hero Factory was founded. But I must confess that as the Heroes went I was very unimpressed. I bought most of the 2010 Hero Factory Villains as to me they were interesting, varied and good value. (I especially like Corroder.) But the 2010 Heroes were made of too few parts, had no elbow or knee movement making them look rather stiff when being posed, and were made up of over specialised elements. As many said they were much like the Stars line, which I personalty only bought one of... and felt a bit ripped off over it too. In the end the only Hero I ended up with was the simplified Furno who came with the Furno Bike set. But thankfully I'm not talking about that line! This new line is very deserving of the "2.0" title; it's a complete rethink in terms on construction technique. It's also a much better value line, and even TLG seem to think so as in some catalogs they are saying "Up to 50% more elements in each can"! The emphasis on pins/axles has shifted to ball joints; many of the heroes have none at all, and the others have just one or two. (The Villains are not as drastic as this, but more on this later.) A whole new line of ball-jointed panels was made just for this line. The variety is quite impressive, and I intend to try to find uses for them in non-HF MOCs. It's very nice to see a return to true elbows and knees. It's been a on/off feature for years, and as a V2 line goes, the 2.0 heroes are far superior an upgrade than, for example the Toas to Toa Nuvas. It's interesting to compare XPlode and Nitroblast. Nitroblast for one has more pieces (57 to 45), but he also looks more substantial, especially in the arms. The Villains so far seem to have more pins/axles in them and I thought at first that it was because they were assembled first (some sets have old pieces) but when I noticed this part... ...it became clear that TLG don't intend to make pins "illegal" HF parts. (Studs still seem to be though.) It's going to be interesting seeing the pin/axle count of the next line. Getting back to looks, it's less clear who looks better from the rear. XPlode's back looks better but his arms look odd. Gundam Virtue! What's he doing here you ask? Well it's interesting to... ...compare joint techniques. Notice the holes? Since adding these holes to reduce joint shock is nothing revolutionary, it does make you wonder why they took so long to add them. I believe this feature first appeared on the first HF line with one small hole on each ball joint. Final thoughts: No score this time, but it is nice to say I like this new direction. My interest in the Bionicle waned in 2005 when the mechanical/Technic link started to decline and, while I have loved some since (like Thok from 2006), for the most part I haven't bought much since. Hero Factory (and Von) re-sparked my interest and with this new line it could stay that way. With a new focus on the ball joints and other connections Hero Factory can stand alone on it's own merits. Long live LEGO Action Figures, long live Hero Factory! For more Hero Factory fun, be sure to read my other 2011 reviews! ...and now as an extra bonus here's some behind-the-scenes footage from the making of these reviews! Preston: Hey look guys, I'm the tallest! Natalie: Yeah, but I bet you can't dance! Furno: This is going to kill my new image. Von: I... must.... resist... Von: Stuff it. Von [scuffle scuffle scuffle...] Natalie: Don't move or I'll start doing the moonwalk right here. Von: I'm back! Von: I'm Going! Von: You guys are so hot right now. P.S. Sorry that this review is so late; I started work on this in late November but I started a new job and moved house at that exact same time so it was hard to find the time. But four months later it, and my Hero Factory 2011 reviews, are complete!
  23. Indeed, like it! What more could you have added aside from pendula suspension?
  24. Bricklink provides quite up-to-date inventories of most sets (for example) so providing you don't care about the exact pieces it's not hard to rebuild sets.
  25. Imperial Flagship: it has more freeboard and less sails for its size and is thus more seaworthy.
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