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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. As part of Forresto's Magnificent Millennium Message Masquerade he has made a new roving home for the Kaleds! Exterminate LEGO style! The LEGO Sci-Fi Forum is Superior!
  2. 6:20 It's shaky, but it turns! (I've watched that scene too much... )
  3. I've been tolerating this for a while, but if you're going to keep bumping this off-topic conversion and triple posting while doing so then I'm going to have to close it.
  4. Don't stress if you can't find one. You might work it out later... or we might find no-one finds them all! (This one is not mine.) But no hints...
  5. He did mention that. Do you think it would be do-able? Won't you need to move a lot of shafts? I recall they run both sides.
  6. Another motor. I did some testing with mine and I found it was turnable that way but I never looked into it much. (I didn't like the model; the legs are too wide for my taste.)
  7. On that subject; No the banner is not an answer! We just wanted to freshen up an old banner. Yes, I was asked this.
  8. My suggestion would be to have a leaning weight; that could create a gentle curve and shouldn't be too hard. Making the legs move interdependently would be tricky to say the least... A flexible joint isn't a bad idea but you'd need to move a lot of the insides to make that work!
  9. I got some Hello Kitty Uno cards recently.
  10. What members? Decals in most cases refers to custom minifigs, but I don't hear much talk of "badges".
  11. Does this topic answer your question? (I'll make you a "lady" right now. )
  12. The forum clock is wrong. Has been for years; read about it here. We could fix it but then everyone would have to correct their settings...
  13. Preferably not! The "Honorary Member" group hasn't been used for a while, and it will probably end up being removed. Phred and SlyOwl for example were reverted to Fellows. To be honest, I've never liked the "Honorary" group concept. It's a rank with no privileges; a tag would make more sense. It has a kind of "gold-watch" and "out-to-pasture" mentality to it that seems condescending to me. In some cases though it has been appropriate; for example Jinzo was never actually a Fellow, and that's why he didn't "revert" there. I recall that's was why he was the only recent case to use that rank.
  14. Our History Moderator been deployed elsewhere so he can no longer fight for the EB cause. He can't give much details, but I've heard it could be his original posting; Claw Castle. In any case he's back in the Fellow rank and we shouldn't expect him around as much. He has promised to send a carrier pigeon from time to time though. His help, advice and company will be much missed by all the staff, and we'll be keeping a spot for him on the EB Staff Table should he ever wish to return. Aside from his staff work, his castle design work, such as Rewnsill Outpost was highly regarded and I hope he finds the time to continue his great works in the future. I hope all goes well for you Sir Dillon.
  15. Good luck! You'll be much missed.

  16. Siegfried


    Having kids does take a lot of time out of your life! I hope it all goes well.
  17. No, it was 100% unofficial. It's all on their FAQ page.
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