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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. Wait, these are on TRU? Why do I not see them at all?
  2. Definatly will be getting multiples. Not really as big of a concern to me to buy mulitples now, since it's generally cheaper to get these sets than bionicle were, at least how much they were in the start when toa were a standard of 8$.
  3. Welcome aboard, I checked out your links and added you on flickr I too am a huge fan of transformers, moreso than lego even Have a good time and ask if you have any questions
  4. Welcome aboard, and a very interesting username! Yes the collectible minifigures are quite addicting! Looking forward to your dioramas -VBBN
  5. Thought I would share my thoughts on this guy, albeit a little late to the cut. Set Name: Rocka 3.0 Set Number: 2143 Pieces:30 VIP Points: 7 Year of Release: 2011 Lego S@H: Rocka 3.0 Brickset: Rocka 3.0 ----------------- Packaging Front Rocka 3.0, which for the remainder of this review I shall simply call Rocka, comes in the same canister as every hero has come in. The only noteable difference is the fact that all of the lids for this wave are lime green. (For those who are not familiar, all 2.0's had orange lids, and 1.0's had lids corresponding to the colors of the respective hero) Other than that it's pretty standard, showing off rocka in his lion-y glory, with the usual set information. Back Once again standard, shows off a combiner model between Rocka and Stormer. I still find it odd that they use the hero core as a size comparison as opposed to the standard mask. *** Contents Spilled out Nothing says lovely like seeing gold parts fill out of the canister. Certainly a good amount of pieces here, and is almost on par with the original Toa Mata in terms of price and parts. Instructions Nothing to really comment here, though one thing I must say is that i love the heads with glowing eyes to the far left, a very eerie backdrop indeed. Random Instruction Shot.. ...Though it's actually not random. I chose this shot here to show the black/grey differentiation, which can vary. As you can see, Rocka's isn't the easiest to tell. Being a smaller set, this isn't much of an issue, but on a much larger set this would be. "Bone" Pieces As you can see, Rocka does indeed have the thinner shoulder torso, causing his arms to be closer into his chest. I'm not a huge fan of him having ths piece, but I do find it more useful for female figures, so I don't mind it. In addition he has some standard short upper and lower joints, and well as a slightly extended version of the lower joind, which makes his legs taller as I'll get to later. Armor and Other Interesting Bits Firs thing that you will undoubtedly notice is the lovely gold armor and feet, as well as his black hand, and white hero head. He also has his nametag, which i'll touch up on in a second, and his new paw piece. More Interesting bits A white hero core, gold chest piece, some new claws which ill get to in a second, his head, and some gunmetal exo-force/bionicle minfig robot arms. Helmet Now when we first saw picture of Rocka's head, I can say with confidence no one knew what was going on with it-let alone where his face was. In closeup, you can see he has a very awesome looking lion headsculpt, with a huge mane. That's no joke either, this is by a far the largest helmet on a hero thus far; And it looks LOVELY. Though to note, this wasmore designed for Rocka XL, a large version of the figure who utilizes this head much better. Rear View Fear not children, the back of his head is indeed closed, so there is no unsavory gap behind this large helmet. It too has some nice shapes and detailing. Nametag Plate At first I wasn't a huge fan of the trans green, and I'm still not. I mean, I know I'm going to get criticized for this, but when it comes to these nametag plates, i would RATHER have a sticker, because I want to reuse this part, without hating to use other resources to remove the printing. But alas, it does look quite nice and has some nice gold and silver paint on it. Other new bits And so here we are at the other new bits in the set. The new hook-claws(which are solid plastic), the pointy blades(rubberized plastic), and finally the large paw piece. All of these bits are quite useful for the hero factory system, and are great additions in my opinion. *** The Build Bone Structure Normally the forearms are the same as the shins, but as I stated earlier, he does have longer shins, so he stands taller. You can also see the closer shoulders. Armor Armor works pretty much the same here is on 2.0, just random bits here and there in different configurations. The colors on him are quite balanced, much like previous waves, so that is good to see. Though, the green on his arm is a bit of a throw off, but Ill get to that shortly. *** Finished Set Front Back In his finished form, Rocka looks quite stunning. The gold and black give off a good contrast, and white hero core looks excelelnt(lets face it, white and gold go good together) In addition, the white hero head looks neat with the lion head, as it acts as "teeth" for the helmet. The giant paw leaves something to be desired however, as it does cause him to lose a black hand(White of course is a lovely black hand -.-) On a plus side, the weapon hand itself is quite nice, and offers some good poseability. And yes, he does suffer what I now dub "HBS" or "hollow back syndrome" a common problem caused by this new building system. Posed Still Think Hero Factory is not a worthy successor to Bionicle? (at least parts wise, story wise it can't even compare:() Think again And a final Size comp ---------------------- And so there you have it, Rocka 3.0. I must say, he is quite a nice figure, with good articulation as expected from a 2.0 core build. His color scheme looks excellent, and of course his new helmet is very striking, and arguably the best. Though a bit large, it still looks good, and even moreso on his larger counterpart. If you are only going to get one hero in this wave, then I would recommend Rocka. His design isn't the greatest, but he is the only hero thus far to have gold parts, white hero mainframe(core and head), and of course the lovely black hand. other than that, you won't be finding a large amount of new parts in any of the figures. parts; 9/10. Not many new bits as expected, but lovely gold, and a great helmet. Would like more armor to bulk him up however. price; 10/10. For a figure this size, I have no problem with the price. P/p is a bit off, but once again that is expected. design; 7/10. Although he may have good parts, his design..isn't that great. it's quite generic, with oddly lacking arms, and I do not like the thin shoulders. Anyways that's it for my review of Rocka 3.0, stay tuned for more hero factory reviews! I know I was late to the chase this time around, but fear not I will be grabbing the 4.0 or "1.0 re-imagined" sets as soon as I can for reviews.
  6. A set only available for christmas, available only two times. $250 shipped. (I know that seems like a lot, but that is the bare minimum a loose one goes for. You won't find a deal that is cheaper than this. Sealed ones go for almost $600) Set is 100% complete including box and instructions US ONLY I have trading feedback Paypal payment is preferred VBBN
  7. Got this fine fellow yesterday, quite a good set, might possible pick up XL now. Review coming later this week;)
  8. Grabbed a Rocka and Nex 3.0 as well an a Ninjago COLE Keychain from lego store yesterday, got 10% off on my peel card!
  9. Just threw this together real quick, don't have of my lego at the hand right now and as you can tell I have literally nothing left of my photo studio as I am redoing it, but regardless,
  10. Still not a fan of black phantom at all. Only a few extra plates(Technic hole plates on his knees? o.0 ) And I'm not thinking his colors will look that sexy; You can tell he is overly CGIed. With that note though, I am glad to see less red.
  11. He actually isn't very small, he is quite a bit taller than most standard canister sets when standing at full height, and obviously quite a wideload. Unfortunatly. But, it's lime green, what do you expect
  12. You can try variety of ways, such as axles shoved into the eyepiece and mouth of the head and try to pry them apart, but honestly there is no assured way to take them apart, let alone without damaging some part.
  13. Not sure what monstrosity I've created here
  14. I'm usually always overcritcal of things, so here we go. Villains: I must say, the villains are...well, bipolar. on one hand, they are a step in the right direction, being much darker and menacing looking, but at the same time, I feel like their designs are lacking. Black Phantom: Tis honestly has to be said, What the megabluck? Where did this pile of bones come from? It uses almost the exact same design that fire lord and rocka did, but even more simplified. After the quite awesome Witch Doctor, this is a major step back. However, Black Phantom is by a far the coolest name we have gotten in hero factory thus far. In terms of pieces, I'm liking some bits. Black hulk chest, giant mace ball, and strange bug creatoin on top of the thornax launcher. Jawblade: Well, this fellow will be difficult to pose, seeing as he is a shark. But, if anything is for sure, that is one menacing shark, even making pridak look like a fluffy kitten. Splitface: No all we need is Black-Winged Sonarbird man to fight him and put him in arkham asylum. Not too impressed wih this guy. Nice mask, but what is with the armor? Why is it...bubbly? And round and...eeeehhh. And thing to note, this guy is small. Seems like the sizes of these guys are scattered. some big heros, some small, some big villains, some small, no rhyme or rythm here. Thornraxx: Okay, firtly as I mentioned earlier...Whoever lego has name these guy, fire him. NOW. We have had rockoh vs rocka, scorpio vs scorpio, and now thornax vs thornraxx. Nope, they arent running out of names at all. Oh, and this set looks awkward, and will be literally impossible to pose, like jawblade. But, he has teal, and that's an immediate buying point for me. Toxic Reapa: I get a Halo Grunt feeling from this fine fellow. Other than the fact that he is tiny as takua, he's nice looking. heros: Breez: Hey, finally done with the 2.0, 3.0, 68779.4535, etc. Now let's take a look at breeza clause. What, that's not her name? Well when i see a revolting color scheme of lime green and red I think xmas...Something to note, this may mean the retrun of glatorian heads, as that is def the same mask. Evo: I think evo here needs to hit the left arm workouts a bit more...But damn, that is one splendid looking head. Furno: Honestly, I LIKE this furno. he honestly just looks really powerful, and makes me think of what I originally thought tahu would be. But I still cannot stand that face. Rocka: DO WANT. That, is absolutly beautiful. No further words needed, except, TRANS GREEN THORNAX LAUNCHER. Surge: Looks pretty good, will wait for further pics on him though as he is kinda blurred out.
  15. Ben ten was overpriced, with very little useful piece, a ton of reused molds, and even more simplistic than these. As parts packs, these have redeeming quality. Ben 10, did not.
  16. Thornraxx? Lego, are you really stopping that low on ideas for names? First we get a second scorpio, now a remix of Thornax Toxic reapa sounds neat, but tat could just be because my gamertag for xbox live is Toxic White :tounge: Splitface=/=Two Face? Sounds quite nice
  17. Couple day's late to attend this exciting Anniversary, but no matter, As one of the first teachers, i want to personally say that I love working with both my fellow teachers and students, and always love to see new teachers joining the team, and new students aspiring to be top notch reviwers. At the rate the Reviewer's Academy goes, I don't see it coming to a close anytime in the near future, so continue to see reviews coming out, and hopefully many more anniversarys to celebrate! -Veebs
  18. Still one of my fav bands of all time.
  19. Yes but exo force was one of the worst offenders of the DSS, and having clear backed stickers stopped after the first year.
  20. Welcome back buddy!
  21. The grren nameplates are starting to grow on me, But i wish they woud be stickers, and actual colored plates, not trans green.. Keep on topic please
  22. http://www.brickfactory.info/ Pretty sure that has what youre looking for Except the MC-toran...but do you really need instructions for them?
  23. Firstly, welcome to Eurobricks, may I suggest introducing yourself in the Introductions forum! Keep it in silence, why is that? And there isnt anything we can do really, we can complain all we want but unless everyone in the world stops watching the show and stops buying the figures, lego isn't going to do much at all. That's why we write fanfics, animations, etcetc.
  24. There are many different ways to approach "seriousness" in Hero Factory On one hand, yes, I wish it was more serious. Of course, it's never going to be as strong as Bionicle was, because it's not supposed to. Granted, I think they need t brach out a ittle because soon having Furno 45.0 is going to get a little ridiculous. But back to the topic at hand, yes, the villains are goofy. Mostly the voices, but the way they act(More the first wave villains, the fire villains were a little more threatening) Now, i that an issue? Well, no, goofy is okay, IF used right. Take for example, Krekka. Yes, he was a dufus, but he had muscle and could fight. Take the Joker or the Riddler from Batman, Both funny, and yet both very threatening. THAT is what I want to see. If the villains are going to be goofy, that's fine, but they at least muct be truley threatening. And of course, epic fight scenes would be nice...
  25. Well, that was Hatchet's death, that kind of was important:p At least for people like me who are big fans of the dreads and were angered by their death.
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