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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. Actually mate, he didnt have a choice. That is the scene where the idiot woman got herself hurt by debris because she was where she shouldnt have been, and sued paramount or Bay or one or the other I dont really remember, and Bay was no longer allowed to film there. Since that highway is the same detroit highway that the island had, it was simply replicated. I mean, it's a tiny detail, unless you had seen the island you never would have known. But of course, filming WAS a major issue with this movie. bay said he wasnted to amke a scene with the wreckers ona race track, and you know all the stuff that would come with it but the only place he could get to, to film, denied his request, and so there goes that scene. And if you woder why bay didnt just CGI the stuff he didnt have, it's because of 3 things. 1, he needs to have a foundation to work off of, 2 his computers are better than rotf(nimated devastor melted the insides of a computer) but still can go down, and 3 its very costly.
  2. Welcome to the forums, be sure to ask if you have any questions, and have a good time! And yes indeed, UCS sets may not be as amazing as some MOCs on here, but they certainly are very awesome regardless
  3. Wow, I wouldnt have thought that was 146 pieces just by looking at it It looks good, the tower is nice, but the grounds just seem a bit empty, not really sure what could be added however
  4. I was going to post a seperate topic but why not, I'll just post it here, Made it to BZP's frontpage, check it out. And, I am part of the team now for it
  5. Quick Question, does anyone here see the new sets in a local store, that live in the US?
  6. The architecture sets are built on a very small scale, with a lot of pieces. That things doesnt look to have more than 20 or 30
  7. I do agree with interest in clone brands, especially the new KRE-O sets that Hasbro is releasing, reviews so far say they are very close to lego quality. Welcome aboard the forums
  8. See lego now that's the proper way of making upper thighs. Looks good to me, I do like the piraka skulls with horns, they add to the jungle theme he has, though it does make him more villanous than heroic(Not that it is a bad thing in my opinion) My only criticism is the arms/hands. The arms seem a bit odd, maybe wider shoulders somehow? And the hands, I think would be better with claws. Not huge claws, but not the standard blcoky hand piece. The mask looks very nice, and honestly looks perfect for a "totem" theme.
  9. I'd second that Welcome aboard, have a good time, ask if you have any questions, and good luck in getting yourself fully away from the dark age you had away from the ever so addicting plastic bricks !!
  10. You may find being around this forum, that you will learn a lot from the community as a whole, especially MOC techniques and such. And with the inclusion of contests, stunning other MOCs, and other such things, you may get a change of heart and MOC quite a bit more mate, it's known to happen Welcome to Eurobricks
  11. Got the comic in the mail yesterday, other than being VERY fast paced, I must jump on the boat and say that Rocka 2.0=BumbleBayBee.(bayformer bee for those who dont know my nickname for him;))
  12. Aye I'm hoping my TRU gets them soon, I'm quite wanting Witch Doctor and bulk
  13. I must disagree with the cartoon statement. Yes it may have been ruined by some bad cartoons like armada and cybertron, but Transformers Animated and Transformers Prime have been as highley appreciated among the fandom as cartoons since Beast Wars and G1.
  14. Now I gotta disagree with that. I wanted the twins. Reason why;
  15. TOPIC CONTAINS SPOILERS. Read at your own risk. Released on June 28th Discuss and review here
  16. Wait, no reviews before July 1st? What did I miss?
  17. Saw the entire wave at my TRU, didnt get them though. Not really sure if I want to get any of them. Actually the one they didnt have was buk who is the one i want primarily so meh i'll probably splurge enxt time i go and get the whole wave but we shall see. The vader you are referring to is a good friend of mine mate, i'd appreciate it kept on the downlow
  18. Look what appeared on seriouswheels frontpage; http://www.seriouswheels.com/ First time a non-real life vehicle has made it on there.
  19. True, I was just showing where it started- though that is just a repaint of Tomahawk...close enough
  20. Vortex is a transformer, however this is what he looks like in toy form; It was released in the 80s as per the G1 line, and a later version came out a short while ago http://tfwiki.net/w2/images2/thumb/9/98/Universe-ROTF-toy_Vortex.jpg/300px-Universe-ROTF-toy_Vortex.jpg Now then onto the MOC, looks fairly good as a transformer(Not nessecarily vortex) But I'm not to sure whats going on int he upper half there
  21. That's about what I figured. So looks like a bit shorter than 08 Takky(As the head is going to be lower) but I'd so those spikes will be about equal height, maybe a bit taller
  22. VBBN

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  23. What exactly is going on with that clock piece? Is that all a sticker or is that a clear sticker over ridged grill bits?
  24. Mainly just Witch Doctor, as I quite like him and think he will be excellent with some modifications. And legojazzbricks, they think you are a big ugly action figure as well
  25. This is very interesting, though with the way that structure is made, those pieces are gonna twist and bend everywhere
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