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Everything posted by VBBN

  1. +1 to the_customizer Thanks for the cheerleader
  2. That Rocka head is absolutly terrible looking IMO
  3. Aye I bought jetbug for resale but opened to check content was all there and he had the new joints, I am in Michigan as well
  4. Only $50 Opened both but put on display only US citizens ONLY PM me --{VBBN}--
  5. Honestly it doesnt look all that splendid at all. The right thigh looks especially terrible in my honest opinion, it just looks like, beams. Not armor, and certainly just as glaring as a thin limb. Same with the other thigh, the wheel I understand is part of the MOC but im focusing on the main structure, it's just as bad as before, yes it may be thicker but it looks exposed and has no armor, showing the balljoint. Now if this is a style of a MOC that fits then I can see it being okay to use, but i think the general idea will take a lot of perfecting to fix the issue.
  6. Well look at the 2008 sets. You take a look atthem and go, "no, they couldnt make vehicle out of these." But, they could. They would be mostly technic obviously, they wouldnt nessecarily have to use the new new system.
  7. Henceforth i'm not a big fan of it.Prime without a nose is, disturbing. I mean, it's certainly not a bad series, the voices for the characters is pretty good. I just, i dont know it seems like they have to compete with Animated now and hence could be hard to deliver.
  8. I havent followed this topic but believe me, I'm VERY excited about this ew theme, simply cannot wait for them to start appearing, hoping the Black pearl is going to be magnificent.
  9. Well then 2. But to kenta, you arent tired of, just take a random example, furno? A red hero? Already got three, pretty positiv many more will be on there way. The thing about villains is they are unique, a, whatever kinda creature you want to call a rahkshi, beetle like bitil, or wasp like waspix, they are different in design and have things that make them special and cool in their own way. Something like a red hero gets changed in armor. Maybe each one is unique, but you get my point.
  10. All the yellow insects? All we have had was Bitil.
  11. Actually Waspix is very unique, It beats out the bug designs of 2008 by a milestone, it cobines the mosquito style of 4 arms that Gorast had and takes it a step further by adding on a stringer and thorax, as well as a much more solid ooking design overall. My point though is, it's not enough. Anything that breaks away from the humanoid fom is fine by me, but effort is what is needed.
  12. I think the real question is, would we have seen this whole new system of imbs and armor if Bionicle continued on? Would they have eventually switched to the new system and the idea arose? It's an interesting though, as obviously bionicle would use these pieces on things such as Toa and all, and hence we would have seen dfferent results than Hero factory. Or would we? See, what if Bionicle WAS planned for more years in terms of toys. A "Jungle Planet" called Bota magna? That seems awfully similar to our 3.0 Hero Factory lineup. if nothing else, the concept of the animal villains and such. So maybe, those designs were already made back when they were thinking of the concept of Bota Magna(not the heros obviously, but maybe something similar) Granted thats pure speculation. The actual sets and concepts of figures and environments are thought out in ahead though. lego had the design of the mata nui robot made all the way back since 2001 but just kept it secret util 2009. And so who knows what they had planned after the Stars. Was it things we never have seen? or was it the concepts of these hero factory sets? Who knows at this point in time.
  13. Great review, have you considered joining the Reviewer's Academy? A pretty nice little set, the extras are bareable in my opinion. Though the ninja is, as always, one of the star parts of the set. --{VBBN}--
  14. Very nice looking indeed, the proportions are just about sport on, And the styling of it is very classic to me, makes me think of something I would have bought from lego back in the days of yellow-fig sets, which honestly is something I like quite a bit. --{VBBN}--
  15. I second you on this. While the creatures are both a good change and also something in which we enjoyed previously in the form of Rahi, they are also vry lazily constructed animals. Take a humanoid figure, put him on all fours, add some back armor, a tail, and a somewhate-animal-like head, and there you go, it's an animal. I'm not saying lego is bad at making animals, what Im saying is these figures arent the right kind. Sure, scorpion is okay. But he's the biggest one. I mean, we only have 4 animals here guys, One of which is a very humanoid wasp-styled one. I would have prefered to see BIG creatures, with multiple piece heads with jaws and such like fenrahk or something. Being small it just doesnt look like effort was put into them, especially when they have the exact same armor pieces as the heros in essence.(And so did the fire villains, something that annoys me quite a bit) Now with that said, who knows what would come with vehicles. When we got our latest vehicle, Furno bike and Dropship, they barely used any of the hero factory bits, and focused completely on bionicle and technic. Vehicles would give us not only the complicated builds that are lacking in these sets, but also force lego to, as Brickthing implied, find new ways to use the new pieces in some way.
  16. As far as we know, no. unless one appears as a special store edition or as a "secret" set which rarely ever happens, we will have to wait for the 4th wave for any hope of vehicles.
  17. Changed on figures are usually minor modifications in parts not the actual design of the figure and the last two waves of photos we got from hero factory the only prototype things about them were the printed pieces(of which the first wave did not have) and so i'm guessing these designs are just about final other than the green bits, provided they will be printed bits.
  18. Prototype pictures or toys at toy fair? In terms of pictures, the Bionicle Metru Mui 2005 playsets Visorak battle Ram and Tower of the Toa.
  19. Aye Feburary shall be Toy fair which will be you best bet. Toy fair will of course be fully covered on my flickr as always. Probably will remain prototypes though, expect those green bits to still be on the 3.0 heros.
  20. Great review! Like I said about the city minifugre review, i really hope these end up in the US, or Import prices are going to be dang high. --{VBBN}--
  21. Went to dinner at our country club at 6pm, got home at 8and watched tranformers 1 and two with my parents in the home theater, then at 1 went to my friends party. Twas a good night indeed! --{VBBN}--
  22. Throwbots was the US name? I thought it was the other way around. --{VBBN}--
  23. Well not entirely. Sure, they had certain themes to each wave, but so does hero factory(First wave was, well, futuristic, second wave is fire, third wave is jungle themed, etc) That plays a part in the storyline, but we are looking at the overall basis. For example, Sure the enemies were different in each series of bionicle. But, the storyline of mata nui and Makuta was there, provided the backbone. Some variations came into play, Like metru nui, but for the most part 2001-2003 and 2006-2010 were all one, solid, storyline brought together by canons and comics and the books obviously. --{VBBN}--
  24. Aye, quite a youngin for this site, Please remmber Eurobricks is aimed for an 18+ audience, so do your best to be at the top of the maturity level you can and best grammer you can Anyways, welcome to Eurobricks. What are your favorite themes? --{VBBN}--
  25. Agreed. Things tha last too long become stale, good storyline or not. And I mean, the concept gets boring. --{VBBN}--
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