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Another great review, I was liking the looks of this theme at first, but honestly all I want the sets for are the figures and weapons, the whole game aspect of it doesnt interest me at all, so i think I'll pass on this line, at least the individual sets, maybe will get the full out system sets.
If its something from Hewkii, it has to be the shoulder blades that Hewkii had, his actual sword is no longer in production.
Here guys I sized up the photos to 1500 and sharpened them, hopefully you can make out some truff; I noticed that Raw-jaw's head isnt visible in the pic, its next to the big teeth-looking thing, which is actually his claw
It's two of the Jetbug-mandible parts in black or gunmetal
My thoughts exactly. I meann, Nitroblast has oe on his chest, leg, AND shoulder, hardly a "core" of anything in my opinion.
Hello one and all, and welcome to the start of my Hero factory 2.0 reviews! Now I know this is the second review of drilldozer, but I honestly couldnt resist. While I would have loved to have had the chance to be one of the first to review these guys, I didnt get that chance back at the start of the month, but no biggie. Anywhow, before I begin I'd like to point out one thing about the pictures in my review, due to my camera's high exposure settins and the very shiney, deep, black that drilldozer has, the black turned out looking grainy(doesnt help I shot the photos early this morning either) So with that said, please keep in mind his armor is not sparkly like it appears, its very smooth black. ------------------ Set name: Drilldozer Set number: 2192 Pieces: 61 Ages: 7-16 ----------------- |Part 1|The Box| |Front| The boxes of this year's villains are the exact same size and styling of the series one villains. The front here shows Drilldozer in all of his glory. Like with all the hero factory sets, the colors of the package are simply stunning and deep, something I always enjoy. |Back| The back of the box follows the same style as last year's, showing drilldozer facing off against Nex 2.0. |Part 2|The Contents| |Instructions| The instructions of the set. Im thankful to say I actually had to use them this time around, with the first series of HF sets and latter sets of Bionicle, I could do it with my eyes closed because the parts being used were so predicatble, but these are used differently in so many ways. Plus, I didnt know which way the armor went |Limbs| The limbs are a completely new system for all of the figures. And i shall say, they are SPLENDID. As you can see, both joints AND limbs were redone in the new style. They have more material to them, causin them to be stronger, and the balljoints have holes in them to reduce the shock of the connection. Lego was smart with what they did here, they fixed the ball AND the socket. This way, the new sockets wont snap when going on old ball joints, and old sockets wont snap when going onto the new joints. Well, at least not as easily as before. As you can see, there are a TON of different styles here, and about double this amount of other styles. And thats nt even taking into acount what other new ones we could see in coming years. Each limb has a balljoint on it in the middle, allowing for the new armor system to fit on. |Armor| Here is the new armor. I LOVE this new armor, it looks very smooth. Now the armor introduces two new ways of connection for Bionicle. The first, is the ball joint socket. You can see the connection in any other review, since I will be setting in a whole second wave of reviews for the second series of these guys I wont bother repeating everything that i said in the first wave. The second connection type, is the two-pronged hole system. The size of this hole iw wha viking horns, lightsaber bars, flames, and other such pieces with into, the same diameter of the inside of a Lego Minifigures hand. The good thing about these, is they are good and strong, so no more floppy pieces!(viking horns...ugh) Ive dne enough rambling, so lets focus on what we get in this set. First, two pieces are exclusive to this set so far, at least in this wave of sets. The black torso armor that looks like it belongs on the old Hockey Player sets, and the long silver armor piece. We also have some various armor bits, the "engine/turbine" piece in gunmetal, and what many people call the "corrupt" hero core or "villain core" In my opinion, its not really core, as there are more than one on the villains. |Printed Piece| Heres the printed bit for Drilldozer |Other new bits| Heres the other new parts with the set. I dont know if the red spike is new or not, I've never seen em before, I havent really followed system lately. The mask, the flame, torso, blade, and balljoint/phantoka connector hybrid are all new as well. |Reversed head| The back of the head is Fire Lord's face |Old/Recolored Parts| Didnt bother showing the technic bits it came with, nothing new there |Part 3|Building| |Torso| Very solid build, very sleek with the new armor. |Limb start| Beginning the legs |Arms and head| Assymetrical. Not liking the use of the silver armor chunk as a hand. |Armoring Up| Adding armor, adds a great look to what would otherwise be very skeletal. |Part 4|Complete Set| |Front| |Back| |Posed| |Size Comp| |Bulks unlucky day| All in all, Drilldozer is a really nice figure. Out of all the villains, he was my least favorite at first, but hoestly he is my second favorite now, falling shortly behind Nitroblast. The dual mask doesnt bother me, and I really like the overal look of him. I think the Assymetry was pulled off well, and the new limb structure is excelelnt.Artculation is good, the double right arm is slightly annoying though. Bt, its extra limbs in my opinion, good for MOCs ;] Anyways, stay tuned for my next review, Nitro blast!
Yes and hero core
Witch doctor is a heavy prototype
Rocka is a lion, white head is supposed to look like teeth. Waspix/Scorpio share the same head Waspix has trans yellow shells All heros have a green shell- likely a printed piece
Have to admit, really digging these ones. I likes SPIII, but never picked up any of the sets as honestly it just wasnt my schtick, but I may get something from this line, Mainly interested in that mothership and the tripod(War of the worlds anyone?)
that review of Fire Lord kinda goes to prove my original point. But, regardless, as I said before, he is a wonderful parts pack. drilldozer and Nitroblast reviews coming soon
Thanks guys;D ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() The incola backd away from the large being that stood before him. "W-what a-are you-u?" The incola asked, stammering The being stared at him for a moment, then made a strange clikcing noise and spoke. "My name is Monogeth. I mean no harm to you. I need to speak to the ruler of this land." It said, in a robotic voice. The incola couldn't tell if the being had a mouth or not, as his face was mostly a flat white plate with the exception of his single blue eye. The beings head was extremely long, and came to a point at the back. "I will bring you to Nobilis Krakka." The incola said, and lead the figure onwards. --------------------------- Poduuc opened his eyes. What he saw, was unbelievable. The sandstorm had stopped. The large hole that had opened in the ground, was still there, however a figure was rising from the center of it, a pillar of stone lifting him up. The creature was savage looking, with two blazing red eyes, destructive looking claws, and spikes all along his back. His arms were massive in size, and Poduuc imagined they could smash the great pyramid of Ignus Perokidus to dust within seconds. The creature stood, and leaped off of the pillar as it stopped rising. It landed, a big thump as it did so. The sand around it's feet seemed to dance in motion, in a vibrating motion. The creature then picked up one of the Custos who lay near him. All of the custos appeared to be dead. It tore off its head, then pulled its body apart, bolts and armor falling to the ground. The sand around it's feet seemed to welcome the armor as food, as the granules swarmed, weathering down the armor into nothing. Satisfied, the creature walked off, not even noticing Poduuc. *** Piatra . *** -------------------------- The magma flowed to a stop, finally reaching its destination. The great plate. The great plate was a large piece of solidified protodermis that had been built over the Verricus, the most treachourous volcano in Ta-Terris. It had once erupted, and destroyed the entire city, and expanded into Po-Terris. The Ga-Custos and Ta-Custos had managed to stop it, however serious precautions had been put into place. And now, all of the magma from the volcanoes that had erupted on this day had traveled to this plate, heating up the top of it. That was all that was need. The metal tore, a hand ablaze emerged. Soon, a figure had ripped his way out from underneath the plate, trapped in the volcano for many years. It opened it's optics, and surveyed the area. Magma flowed at his feet. *** Incendiu. *** ------------------------ Guruk looked back down at the storm clouds. Something odd was happeneing to them, They seemed to be getting smaller. He ran, down to the bottom of the building into the lobby and looked out the window at the sight to behold. Something had risen from the street, And was absorbing the clouds. When all the clouds were gone, a blue armored beast stood, the red lightning flickering in his crimson eyes. It screeched. *** De Apu *** ----------------------- The being pulled himself out of the ground, using the darkness as a shield from himself being seen. Something had distracted the locals, something with yellow and silver armor. But it was of no matter to this being. It was the cover he needed besides the darkness. He ran, all f the cities electricity stored within him. *** Fulger *** -------------------- Kodua stopped. He couldn’t even imagine what he saw. The building he enetered was being torn apart by the wind, snow and ice. And a creature, covered in spikes and claws, had emerged from the floor, absorbing the weather. Then, it looked around, observing its surroundings. Then, it looked at Kodua. It's eyes grew deep red, and it braced itself, ready to attack. *** Gheata *** -------------------- Tyrant had been waiting for this, for a long time. Waiting to fight, to breathe, to walk the ground of earth. For years she had been trapped underground, building up her powers after being defeated by a greater power. But now, the Vremea were ready. They were more powerful, and ready to destroy anything in their path. They possesed the powers of the elements in which they had been surrounded by. Fire, Water, ice, Electricity, Stone, and the 6th was Tyrant's. Instead of mastering air, she mastered the thing that it supported in Le-Terris. Life. Each of the Vremea's names were Incolan names for their respective elements. Except for Tyrants. Tyrant's name should have been Viata, meaning life. But, she did not use her powers for life. She did not learn how to give life. She learned, how to take it away. Her name should have been Moarte, meaning death. But, something about it did not appeal to her. Did not seem right. Almost, as if it were already being used, by someone she knew very well. And hated. So she stuck with her original name that had been given to her before she was buried. Tyrant. Tyrant, was the name she lived by, because she was the ruthless and cruel leader of the Vremea. *** Tyrant *** But none of that mattered now. She was ready to fight. And the fool, clad in green and silver armor who stood before her, would be her first prey. She braced herself tolunge at him, as she did not have any weapons, not yet. However the opposer whipped his hand extremely fast, throwing a silver dagger that stuck into Tyrant's armor. Before she could pull it out, twin whirlwinds were emitted from his hands, slamming into her, knocking her to the ground. She growled, angered. She began to pull herself up, just as the opposer leaped over to her. It grabbed her by the spiked on her head, and lifted her up. With a sound of smashing metal, the opposer nailed her in the stomach with his fist, knocking her backwards into a tree. She then realized, that something about this opposer was different. All the creatures who had come near her before, had died instantly. This one, showed no sense of dying. Almost as if it wasn't even alive.
It shot through the sky like a silver bullet. It was chrome silver and white in color, and was shaped like a double pointed diamond as it entered the atmosphere of the planet and hurtled towards Valida Nui. It flew straight and true, towards the icy region of the Island, known as Ko-Terris. A snowstorm brewed to the west, but that was of no matter. The object had a destination. It flew towards the Glacier of Aurrut. It slammed into the ground, sticking up from the ice like a dagger. The snow around it was kicked up, but began to settle. An Incola that had been taking samples of the glacier moved near the strange object that had crashed. As he moved closer, a strange noise caused him to jump back. It sounded like a loud crack, and suddenly a few pieces of the object fell off. Then the rest of it unfolded. Before long, a figure, clad in white and chrome silver armor, stood. A single blue optic flared to life. It looked down at the Incola. ------------------------------ Kodua looked out the window once again. The snow had picked up, the temperature had gone down at least 40 degrees, and the wind caused the snow to slam into the building like a sandstorm. He wondered how much this window could withstand before shattering from the cold. He exited his room and shot down the shoot to the bottom of the tower. He then noticed that no one was in the lobby. He walked outside into the storm, bracing himself. But then he noticed, he didnt get hit my the snow. Instead, he saw a huge crown of inhabitants staring at something. he wandered over to investigate.The storm was in a concentrated area. All of the snow and ice was being thrown at one building. The wind funneled inwards toward the building, almost as if the building itself was sucking the storm towards it. The building seemed to be absorbing the snow. Kodua began running through the crowds. He was determined to get into the building and find out what was going.This is how he discovered things. ------------------------------ Guruk leaped back as a blast of lightning smashed the window of his room. Rain came in flooding the floor in an instant. Guruk leaped for his pack, then ran out of his room before he got taken away with the storm. He ran to the top of the tower, and ran outside. The Kryas Tower's top was above the storm clouds. Guruk ran and looked over the edge of the top of the tower. What he saw, was unlike anything he had seen before. The clouds were not just dark gray balls of fluff on top like normal storms. They were black, with red sparks shooting from cloud to cloud, huge funnel clouds sprang out of the cloud everywhere tearing into buildings, and the clouds were stuck in one place, they did not move. At that moment, Guruk caught the slight glimmer of something shiny out of the corner of his optic. He glanced to the right, to see something far off in the distance, like a shooting star, come shooting down from the sky and landing a long ways off. ------------------------------- Zepura had found something extraordinary. The ground seemed to grow in electrical strength as he moved forward. All of the energy seemed to be flowing to one spot. The flashlight grew brighter and brighter, then shot out. But he didn't need it. Smaller lights on his armor lit the way. It was getting harder to walk, as the energy was acting like a magnet, pulling him backwards and hurting him from the shock. But he kept on moving. But then, he was thrown sideways, being dragged along the dirt. A portion of the electricity was being pulled into another direction. many other Incola were dragged along with it as well. Then, Zepura felt the electricity leave him, and he crashed into something. He looked up, coming face to face with a being in yellow and silver armor. Three dark blue optics stared down at him. ----------------------------- Poduuc yelled as a twister of sand slammed into the group of Custos surrounding him, scattering them in the sand, as the sandstorm blinded them. Poduuc noticed a huge hole was being formed as sand was taken away from the ground. He backed away, the wind knocking him over. Two of the Custos were blown away, and sucked into the hole. A tentacle of sand emerged from the hole, whipping at the air, dissappating into a rain of sand bullets than nailed into him, tearing at his armor. ----------------------------- A silver object plunged into the great volcano of Ta-Terris. If anyone were around to see it, they would see a figure crawling out of it, the lava dripping off of his chrome gold armor. ---------------------------- The city of Po-Urbem. A vast collection of small villages all crammed together, with great stone sculptures all around. The most known sculpture was Ignus Perokidus, a giant pyramid with 7 sides that had been the first ever sculpture ever created in Po-Terris. A tour group of Ta-Incola were being shown the pyramid at this very moment. "Whats that?" one of them asked, pointing to the sky. Something was coming towards them, but the sun reflected off of it making it blinding to look at. The object shot down at lightning speed, slamming into the pyramid. Pieces flew everywhere, and dust filled the air. When the dust settled, there was a hole bored into the pyramid that could fit two Custos. A figure emerged from it. ---------------------------- The soft ground of the forest had housed her for many years. but now, the attack was ready. She had communicated with her brothers through their elemental powers. A green hand, with spiked on its knuckles, blew out of the ground. it gripped the soft earth, tearing loose a clob of grass. Another hand emerged. Then, a green lump with spikes on it, then two, yellow, eyes. An evil grin was then seen, dirt gritted in it's teeth. The monsterous creature pulled itself out of the ground and stood at full height. A bird flew near, then fell out of the sky, lifeless. The creature screeched. Tyrant was mobilized. She glanced upwards. A strange object was heading towards her. It was silver and shaped like a ground dagger. It came towards her, almost smashing right into her. She watched as the object plunged into the ground, then a figure rose from it, pieces of of the object falling off of it. It looked at Tryant. Then, it spoke. "Target Acquired." ----------------------------
Before I begin I'd like to explain a bit about this story. While I enjoy the Hero Factory sets and concept, I do miss the storyline of of Bionicle and such. Yes I know it is still existent in the canons and such, but, I really never followed those(though I do plan on starting on them sometime soon) But anyhow I decided to begin a new epic that is a total new start. However im not doing a new start like 2009 was. I mean, everything is new. The characters from Bionicle, such as makuta, Mata Nui, etc, are all gone. You may here some familiar words, like "Piraka" describing murderous thieves, but no characters will remain the same. Even the ranks of characters are different. Turaga are similar to my story's "Nobilis," the matoran are equivelant to my "Incola," etc. The Custos are not equivelant to Toa, they are less powerful, more like Vahki. Anyhow, here is chapter one, stay tuned for dailey updates. So there are two things that i did in this story. First of all, I tried to keep things simple in this chapter, to kinda bring in people who dont know a ton about Bionicle(Im putting this on BZP and many other sites) Secondly, i kept a lot of homages, such as the Knowledge towers of Ko-Metru and the Suvas of Mata Nui. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Lightning. It is a beautiful thing. Bright, colorful, and unique. A lone figure, clad in dark blue armor, sat atop a high plateau. It was dark outside, the stars and moons gleamed I the night sky. However ways off, the weather was much different. The figure had planted down on the edge of the plateau to observe the strange weather. Purple, green, and yellow lighting shot down from the sky, followed by the bellowed booms of the thunder. The figure, whose name was Guruk, had never seen such strange lightning before. It never stopped, it constantly flashed. When one bolt touched down, another would touch down in a different spot as the first was dissipating. The thunder would boom then the sky rumbled until another boom. Guruk could hear the rain crashing down on the village, known as Ga-Urbem. Ga-Urbem was the central city of Ga-Terris. Ga Terris was one of 8 regions of a large island called Valida Nui, which was known as the "Powerful Force" lands. The 8 regions were Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Air, Stone, The Caverns, and Plasmus Fortress. The first 6 regions all worked together to keep Valida Nui working. The fire region provided the forging needed for weapons, tools, and machinery. The water region provided the main drinking source for the inhabitants of the land. The great oceans of Protodermis that surrounded them were toxic to their systems, however the Water Region daily processes this protodermis into water, in which all can drink. The ice region has great towers that went to the clouds in which the Cartographers and Astronomists study the island and the skies. In addition they ran the boundaries of the regions. The Electrical region did just that. They supplied the electricity for all of the island. The air region is the region that supported life for over 80% of the creatures that live on the island. These creatures are used for transportation, food, defense, and other uses. The stone region is the noble area of the island, covered in sculptures and artifacts. They also build the barriers, traps, and gates that surround the islands important buildings and lands. The caverns were a huge underground expanse that had been carved out by beings a long time ago. No one on the upper part of the island knew what lived down there. there was one opening that led down into them, but those who went in never came out. The Plasmus Fortress was the center of the island, it was where all meetings, fights, shows, and other such activities are performed. Guruk was a being known as an Incola, an inhabitant, of Valida Nui. Incola were the main inhabitants of the island. Above them were the Nobilis, the noble leaders. The Custos, were the guardians, who were assigned to the regions of the lands. Guruk edged down the Plateau. His home was in one of the high-rise buildings in the city, in the Kryas tower. But should he go, or was it safer back here? He then noticed a fellow Incola running towards him. At once he recognized it was his friend, Kodua. Kodua ran up to Guruk. "What's going on?" Guruk asked his icy friend "The storm is causing mayhem in there, Custos are having to barricade the streets and keep it down, a lot of have been hurt by the lighting." Kodua replied "When did it start?" Guruk replied, noticing a huge bolt of lightning slam into the Kryas Tower. "A few hours ago when the blue sun started to go down." Kodua said "Hopefully it stops soon, at this rate, Ga-Urbem is going to be a graveyard." Guruk said, a sense of seriousness in his voice. "Well there's no sense in trying to get to your tower right now, you can come stay with me till it passes." Kodua said, and began walking. "Thanks" Guruk replied, and followed Kodua. ---------------------------------- Nobilis Grakka walked around the Ga-Suva. Each Terris had a Suva in the center of it, in which important meetings were held around. Grakka was the elder of the water region, and as she walked around the Suva, she listened to the calming sound of the waterfalls along the walls of the building it was located in. She stopped walking. Her matoran Chronicler entered. "What do you make of the weather?" Chronicler asked "Strange." Grakka said "The Nobilis of Lightning is on his way here now to investigate it." Chronicler said "Its passing, Grakka replied, dissipating actually." She said, pondering her thoughts. "It just, it started and is leaving. It doesnt move. The wind has no effect on the clouds." "Do you think it is an unnatural event?" Chronicler asked "There is only one way to tell." Grakka said, a sense of disappointment in her voice. "What might that be?" Chronicler asked "We wait." Grakka said, and walked away, out of the building. ------------------------------------ Kodua dropped his pack off as he entered his room atop the Seris Tower in Ko-Urbem. Guruk walked over to the grand window that took up the entire front wall of Kodua's home. It overlooked almost all of Ko-Urbem. The window was made of glass, a material created by the joint manufacturers of the Fire and Stone regions. The stone region smashed rocks into sand, and merged with magma to create the material. It was used as a clear barrier for all of the towers in the Urbems. Kodua walked over to his laboratory and flicked on the lights. "Whoa!" He exclaimed "What?" Guruk asked "Something's going on with this island! The volcanoes of Ta-Terris are erupting everywhere, Ze-Urbem is in a major blackout, and" He paused "And what?" Guruk asked "Run. Go back to your Urbem, Guruk. The storm is ceasing. Get out of here. You dont want to be here, not with these readings that I'm getting." Kodua said urgently "But-" "Just go! Ill talk to you later, Guruk" Kodua said, rushing Guruk towards the door. Guruk left, then Kodua turned around. Snow was beginning to fall outside. The storm had already begun. ------------------------------------ Zepura turned on his flashlight. He was a Incola who lived in Ze-Terris, the Electrical region. It was normally an extremely bright area. But now, the power was gone. The city was blackened. The only light came from the thousands of flashlights that were turned on, and the starry skies. But at that moment, Zepura noticed something very odd. The ground seemed to be buzzing. He rubbed his hand in the dirt, and felt his hand vibrate. He approached Nobilis Zet-De-Si, the Nobilis of Electricity. "What's with the ground?" Zepura asked "Its light ablaze with electricity. Its like all of our light has gone into the ground" Zet-De-Si replied, musing idea. "Where are you going?" Zepura asked as the Nobilis began to walk away "I was on my way to Ga-Urbem to investigate the storm. I thought at first there might be a connection with the lightning and our lack of it, but the charge is different. It seems we have two different issues at stake here." ------------------------------------ Turpaq, the Nobilis of Fire, watched two Custos slam a lead barrier down in front of a stream of lava. All of the volcanoes had erupted, and the temperature of the fire region was getting dangerously hot. The armor was beginning to become malleable on him. At this rate, it would melt right off of him. The, the rest of him would probably melt. He was surprised that the Custos could function so well in the conditions. They had been built to withstand intense heat, but this was even beginning to test their abilities. Many squads of Ga-Custos were on their way, but at this rate, it would make no difference, whatever was happening was happening fast. But The heat wasnt what intrigued him. It was the fact that the lava seemedalive. It was all heading towards a certain area, but where he couldnt predict. It seemed that, when blocked by the Custos, it found another path, moving up over hills and plateaus. ------------------------------------ Poduuc, the Nobilis of Stone, sweated as the heat from the border region Ta-Terris made its way into Po-Terris. He was amongst a large group of Custos, being lead to Po-Suva. But at that moment. The Custos stopped. 'Why are we stopping? I must get to the Suva-" Poduuc began "Danger Sensed. Enter Defense Mode |()|" One of them replied in it's robotic voice. "Danger? We are in the middle of a blasted desert! All this sand is getting to your circuits." Poduuc replied angrily. But then, he began to regret what he said. The wind picked up. The sand began to swirl around his feet. The Custos huddled round him, providing a barrier. The Sandstorm had started. ------------------------------------- Luytus, the Nobilis of Air, leaped aside as a massive Arooki Bear raged past him. As Luytus followed where it had come from, he noticed that things seemed to be dying all over the place. Birds fell from trees, bear dropped to their knees, and the plant life was lowly dying. Luytus backed up, and began to run from the area. Whatever was happening was killing everything. And Luytus did not intent on being killed, not today. Two Le-Custos ran past him, swords and guns at the ready. He watched them enter the forest. He then heard the familiar beep of their deactivation. He began running once more, twice the speed now. ------------------------------------- Guruk lay in his bunk, listening to the alarms of the Ga-Custos running outside in the streets. The sky was peaceful. It was nearing daytime. But then, Guruk looked out his window, observing ga Urbem. A great flash of lightning came down, and rain dropped down like a bucket. The storm was back. And this time, it was bigger.
Well I know I didnt get the opportunity to be first to review some of these figures like I did with the first round of HF, but alas i do plan on reviewing whatever sets I get, so. Might get fire lord, as much as I hate him, for the parts.
Hero Factory 2.0 is now available on TRU's website.
Pretty fluent but looks a bit restricted
These sets will be incredible additions to any mocist collection and will change the landscape of constraction Mocs, I can tell you that
Welcome one and all, In spirit of december, I decided to make this, the "Deal of the day" Each day, I will update this topic with a new item for sale, so be sure to check back every day. NOTE: I will EDIT this post, not post a new post for every offer. So dont rely on post count to tell you when there are new deals, just keep checking in ;]) Deal #1 (12-5-10) Lego set 10173 Item Details; Item is in great condition, built once and used for display. Instructions included. Box will be included if you so desire, however keep shipping charges in kmind. Price: $150 plus shipping&handeling (this is a fantastic price for this limited edition set that was only available at christmas for 2 years, I have seen it go from $240 opened, and upwards of $380 mint) Deal #2 (12-6-10) (placeholder image for Brickbeard's Bountry) Price:$50 I ship worldwide however keep in ind the shipping prices I have straightshooter points -VBBN
sure would be nice to get a hero even some white thrown in there
These villains are the byproduct of a not yet fleshed out building system.
Those gaps in the hands concern me.
Happy birthday unique! Man I remember back in 07, I think you were one of the first people I ever talked to here on EB..ah what memories.
Dual head masks on villains
I'll take 2.0 over "Duncan Bulk" any day of the week.