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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Wow, great work! Makes me what to read about Napolean.
  2. I have some friends in Brazil, and I've heard about your Lego woes. Great job though on your build! You have some great detail and I like all the minifigures you've included.
  3. Are these Spanish-Mitgardian troops? Half of them have mustachios
  4. NPU with the R2D2 legs! I also really like the sideways rock and the swan. This is a great build! Question though, what's the assassin's story?
  5. It's so big! Amazing work!
  6. You could build all three in one go, but I would think you'd want to keep them all together until after you get some feedback. You might not pass if the builds are not up to the right standards so you might need to improve on them before taking them apart. So, it might be a little presumptious to build all at once. Just go a little slow, take your time, this contest is going on for a long time still.
  7. It's the bolder font with the names Aalborg for the southern city and Dårlig Ulv for the one in the north.
  8. Those sound like some winning ideas to me. I hope it takes off for you!
  9. I for one really like the cluttered look. Reminds me of the carbonite room from Cloud City or the chamber where Vader gets his armor for the first time. Your greebles are amazing and your base is incredible! And also, AH! There is a naked trooper running around the ship!
  10. In preparation of my character's bio being put up soon. Allow me to point out two towns that haven't been shown on the map yet, that are important to my sigfig:
  11. I'm not sure every Mitgardian practices archery that way... I for one have a higher code of ethics than that.
  12. Either of those ideas sounds like a good one to me! I'd love to see some more Nocturnus scenes.
  13. Awe yeah, this is amazing! Great work cross-guilding!
  14. I think it's scratches on the lens.
  15. It's true, snow can blow onto vertical walls and stick. I see it all the time where I'm from. I like your stable. It's a very unique style and works well.
  16. This is a good start, but I really think you should work on your photography. Try using the Macro setting. Also, your builds would benefit greatly from a base built under the MOC.
  17. Only if I don't beat you to it!
  18. @Duke Blastus: I love your sig-fig's torso
  19. Ah, the woes of an AFOL. I've faced the stacking problem with PaB cups too. Though, I've gotten more understanding nods than queer looks when I'm feeling through CMFs. Maybe it's just the story I go to.
  20. Thanks! I'll have to give it a try next time I use it.
  21. I really like your conical roof and the chairs in the back. There's a lot of detail here and it looks good.
  22. Nice. Good job with improving your background! I like how you placed the Mitgardian flags.
  23. Love the horrified expressions Great use of Doc Brown's head!
  24. Uh, we kind of already do with our Landscapes contest...
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