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Everything posted by Rick

  1. It's the back of the fire truck itself. The fire station has a front and back garage door.
  2. It's not loading the style sheet. It could be on the site's end or you have disabled style sheets somehow (unlikely). Now that you show the screen shot, I remember loading flickr once and it looked like that. A refresh (ctrl-F5) did the trick probably.
  3. Same here, I probably won't buy it, but the designs could be good. So much potential.
  4. Ah, good thinking. I was wondering what a pan has to do with a mummy.
  5. Thanks for the scoop K-D. There are certainly some potentially interesting figs. Hoards of people will be excited to hear that TLG is going to release an elf. Can't wait to see what these look like.
  6. Thanks for the news K-D. The City Space theme is a nice idea for a subtheme. It doesn't interest me much though. From reading your descriptions, the thing that strikes me is how uninspired the Police subtheme is. While I realize that there needs to be a big police station as the top-of-the-line set, there is also the third mobile command center in a row. I'm kinda disappointed to see no hospital subtheme. But we've had these discussions before, fire and police sets are probably the biggest City sellers. Looks like personally, I'm saving some money next year.
  7. Excellent choice of shirt. I'm sure Ras will agree...
  8. Sveltastic... those are some hilarious captions. Took me a second to realize what you had done to your avatar.
  9. Nice bike Ralph. Amazing how you've managed to do the striping again. Any reason for choosing orange instead of red on the VW police car? Regarding the Technic helmet. It's to scale, but it kinda looks out of place. With such a smooth helmet I cannot 'see' a face in the bricks on the inside of the helmet.
  10. Hello Henrik, welcome to EB. You have built some impressive ships.
  11. Glow in the dark, from the Racers series.
  12. Nah, you'd float a 'div' using some CSS. But, no, to my knowledge it can't be done with BBcode. If it would be possible it would also have the potential to make signatures more compact.
  13. Also, Siegfried recently wrote down these general guidelines about 'revisiting old topics'.
  14. This largely has to do with the regular/retail lines versus the exclusives line (targeted largely at AFOLs). It's like comparing a City building (for example in 7641 City Corner) to a Modular Building (such as 10211 Grand Emporium).
  15. This is on its way to becoming the (one of the) best LEGO pirate ships ever. I'm amazed at what 'curves' can be achieved with rectangular bricks. The technique you use for the bow looks very promising. Easily the best I have seen.
  16. The constructions looks a lot more interesting than from the low-res images. And yeah, that's a lot of tan cheese slopes. Still, I'll stick to minifig-scale (that's expensive enough). Try making 'em smaller using LEGO parts.
  17. You've dug up a nearly two-year old topic, but perhaps for good reason. Has anyone here integrated MMV into a contemporary town setting? If so, pictures please...
  18. Wrong forum dr_spock, this should go in the Town forum Nice effort in reproducing it in LEGO. But... what are those giant pink things?
  19. Of course, a lot of sets in 'true' minifig scale would be hideously expensive. Not only for castles or forts, but for sets in almost any theme. For example, modular buildings already have big piece counts, but are still relatively 'small'. Now that I think of it again, the issue may not be about realistic minifig scale or even relative scale between sets at all. It's more about being able to 'play' with the sets, i.e. drive a cart through a gate, park a car in a garage, etc. But again, compromises in price/piece count have to be struck and like has been concluded before, adults may be more occupied with the issue than kids are.
  20. Don't they do that with some of the 'Chinese' specialty parts/figs (Toy Story, PoP animals) already or are those sets entirely made in China? I'm not bothered with this as well. Indeed, the torso and leg prints make it more of a collector's item than a handful of specific accessories. For some figs it's unlikely that we'll ever see a related LEGO theme (cavemen, 'Baywatch')
  21. Personally, I like the peacefulness and absence of weapons in LEGO City sets, although I don't really think Playmobil sets are particularly 'violent'.
  22. Welcome to Eurobricks and thanks for pointing me to your Collectible vignettes.
  23. These are great. So much detail crammed into all of the vignettes. And the idea to make them connect is simple, but clever.
  24. Some excellent entries. Good for me it's a raffle Giant (half-burried) cherries, what else...
  25. Actually the other seat is better than LEGO's because it doesn't have the center mark that TLG recently introduced. I have never seen a clone brand on here that seems to deliver such great quality at such an amazing price. The fig (mainly due to the head print) is a little creepy, but the quality of the bricks seems on par with LEGO quality. Although it is much better than other clone brand's design, I don't really like the design of the tractor sets. The color scheme isn't varied enough, all boring blue and gray. 'Problem' with these clone brands is that I could never get myself to incorporate the bricks in my collection. However, I hope this potentially 'real' competition puts some pressure on LEGO prices (wishful thinking I guess).
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