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Everything posted by Rick

  1. I agree, the loading mechanism is a really nice feature. You definitely were the main instigator. Those two concepts go hand-in-hand (Just kidding Americans) Nice job. Nice build, but I don't really see a mean muscle car in it, but perhaps that has more to do with my mental image of a muscle car.
  2. Rick

    City 2010

    I also liked civilian sets. But nevertheless I think a lot of kids prefer emergency services and I also had quite some fire sets (but that's probably because my dad is a fireman). Come to think of it, it could be that the parents of (especially) boys unconsciously have certain stereotypical ideas of what kids should be playing with. Fire and police sets fit quite nicely into those stereotypes. When offered a choice of a set to pick, for example, I once chose The Guarded Inn (one of the few 'civilian' castle sets).
  3. As far as I know, Lego has never produced such a tree. There is always a possibility that it is a clone brand.
  4. The 'brown' ones are actually listed as an possible alternative in the Bricklink catalog. So it seems this obvious error is widespread. I'd ask for a replacement part.
  5. True. Agreed!
  6. If I'm one of the few, I'd happily change my timezone settings. No biggie. But it looks like WhiteFang had a similar issue.
  7. I got that, but you could make it a 'double' hanging tree... often the trees right on the edge of the rocks hang over, so it would look even more natural.
  8. I don't know if everyone is experiencing the same problem, but isn't it easier to adjust the server time (or is that time correct)?
  9. Is this gonna be the oldest topic kick ever? I'm experiencing the same issue as Norro almost 4 years ago, so I was rather surprised that a search only brought up this topic on the time zone issue. I have my timezone set to GMT+1, auto-correct DST is on (I have also tried manually adjusting DST) and the forum clock is one hour ahead of actual time.
  10. I think 'if' is answered positively by the mere fact that this thread exists. 'When' is likely to be confidential to not help the competition bring out sets at the same time.
  11. Anyone working on the 'yawn'-emoticon yet?
  12. Looks like this one
  13. The sun shining in gives a really nice effect. I always enjoy well-executed stained-glass techniques in Lego. Does your cathedral have an interior (or have I missed this in one of the previous picture sets)?
  14. Great! I really like the color scheme, the striping, and of course the bull bar.
  15. Congrats from the opposite side
  16. ... and now you've posted in 'Licensed' so I can't see it in the latest post on the board index... Why is everyone so obsessed about what admins do in their 'hidden threads'? I'm sure they've got tons of boring admin stuff to discuss that I don't even wanna know about. <-- why is this called 'sing', I wanted a yawn... we need a 'yawn'-emoticon.
  17. You mean you go through every topic m...a...n...u...a...l...l...y?
  18. I can somehow (from a non-AFOL perspective) understand the choice of the shako and epaulets for the bishops, since they need to be taller than the pawns.
  19. Personally I don't like bricks on their side to construct 'floors' and I don't even mind to have studs showing on top. But you could always finish things of with tiles.
  20. I really enjoy browsing this topic every time a step is added. Like you said, it's important that the basic techniques are covered and explained. What's the fun in just building what everyone else is building? Therefore, I was also expecting some more variation in the color schemes used, although the black and dark red looks really good. If there are more people building, I would love to see some more WIP pictures. I don't even own an official pirate ship (yet), but as SlyOwl said before, this will definitely be an invaluable resource for everyone who is ever going to build ships.
  21. This is it, right?
  22. Glad I'm not the only one...
  23. Said it before... turn Super's team into Blackcoats.
  24. After watching some Tournament of Retribution entries, I don't see 'em as yellow pants anymore Nice paintjob on the backpacks.
  25. I don't own it, but this is definitely a favorite of mine. It would make an nice entry to a port. The minifig assortment is great and I just love the canon placement behind that little plastered wall. If a new version of this set would ever be released, it would almost certainly not include two soldiers and a captain again (rather the compulsory one captain and one soldier, not a very big span of control ).
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