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Everything posted by Rick

  1. I like your marines. Not sure yet whether I like the hats. But knowing you a little, it's historically accurate (where do you guys get historical 'dresscode' information from anyway, i.e. what do you use as a reference?). You need to update your avatar now tough. I'm a big fan of the little canon design. The big one is just a little too big for my taste, but then again it might not look out of place on your ship. Are you planning to use them on the lower decks? It'll sure blast some redcoats or pirates to bits.
  2. Indeed, nice that you did all of this without modded parts. Not even stickers.
  3. Broadside for sure! Because with the new Pirates series, it turns out he also leads the redcoats (the 'new' governor is called Broadside in the Lego Battles game).
  4. Great idea! I also prefer the transparent pieces to suggest glass. I like your design.
  5. Any smartphone is a great AFOL tool
  6. Nice, simple, but detailed enough. I really need to get some bricks for brick-built trees. How many leaves go into one of your trees?
  7. Nice cars, I think the black car is a bit too wide, but the transformed-into-an-icecream-truck-camper is great! I think the oversized icecream on the top of the truck could do with some color though (the brown is a little dark).
  8. I'm not sure whether this is the right place to call for this, but is it worthwhile to let the ambassadors address the issue of inferior minifig parts with Lego? I'd really like to know the reasons for this direction* and a promise that this will be confined to certain sets. It would be totally unacceptable if these parts reach regular sets. * I'm quite sure it has to do with the cheap manual labor involved in putting these minifigs together and the associated location of the factories. Apparently quality control is severely lacking at these locations. Furthermore, I simply cannot understand why minifigs in Battle Packs and Tic-Tac-Toe sets should be pre-assembled! It's mainly sold through S@H (and Lego stores) and I can't imagine it would make a difference whether they would sell these sets in packaging where you can see the assembled figs or in a closed box with the box art depicting the assembled contents.
  9. Now that's scary! (only click on an empty stomach ) Edit: Made the image smaller to not give Commander Flash a heart attack...
  10. Considering his other posts, I guess he's going to be (at least) 'taking a break' soon.
  11. I also only own a few of the dull, soft ones, and lots of the harder, shiny ones. Even though I played with them - and probably stepped on them - extensively when I was I child, they are all in good condition (if you ignore some bite marks here and there ) and none of them is broken.
  12. That 'True Blue' drawing is great!
  13. They look terrible, thanks for the warning indeed... Do they glow in the dark?
  14. Hmm, interesting thought. And while certainly possible, I think it's more likely they come from a different lower-quality production line/factory/country.
  15. THANKS!!! Looks like I'm assigned to your regiment for now I'm glad I didn't pick that torso for my sigfig then...
  16. Aren't the dull ones the ones made from a softer material? If so, they came out later than the shiny ones. The shiny ones are from the 80s, the dull ones from this century I think.
  17. Welcome and congratulations on your SES purchase! btw: I think your introduction will be moved to the 'Hello my name is...' forum by one of the mods.
  18. Thanks, I would like to see...
  19. Very impressive. That's absolutely gorgeous what you've done to the entrance of the cathedral: I love all the little little details and the gold you put on there. The color scheme on everything also really works well: the brown and tan indeed go well together. Overall you've really kept it from looking as one giant white block.
  20. Nice army you have there, General, decent size. I like how you've included all the sigfigs, but you forgot me
  21. There are quite some forts being built lately. Yours* looks huge and very promising. You have some seriously yellowed bricks there, which I am not a fan of, but it sure makes it look more realistic. * 'Fort' that is.
  22. This is so cute . I have to restrain myself not to buy any Fabuland sets... there's so much Lego still to be bought. The instruction style reminds me of the 6000 Idea Book.
  23. Wow, this is the first time I see this, it looks amazing (and huge). I'm looking forward to the new pics.
  24. It's per member of a LUG, not per ordering member. So the number of members determines the maximum order size for the LUG as a whole. Makes sense, because remember it is the LUG (as one) ordering, not individuals. How the LUG splits up that order is their business and (logistic) problem.
  25. But then following are requirements, some of which are per user (as I understand it now, that's to differentiate small from big LUGs). I think many LUGs are still going to be using this to the benefit of individual members' collections. But the 'per user' requirements and the following discussion in the thread about whether this is better than PAB, for example, suggested it was for individual LUG-members purchasing bricks. At least the purpose of the program is much clearer now.
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