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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Who said that people can't have two night actions? Look at us, everyone seems to have a night action, doesn't it seem strange to you? I wouldn't be surprised if some had more than one, in these circumstances. Especially the scummy ones. I'm not saying that he must be scum, but if there still are Werewolves around, then he must be one. He probably played both sides, with one hand protecting a Villager while killing another with his sword hand. And why wouldn't he want the Vampire dead? Perhaps like us, the Werewolves need to get rid of all the other factions.
  2. You have a point there, Arianna. If there are any werewolves left, like God seems to imply, then the Bodyguard is suspect. He could NOT have become a regular protector like he pretends. Who knows, perhaps he isn't even a bodyguard, he's maybe just trying to get away with the fact that if he's investigated he WILL show up as Werewolf.
  3. God, I believe we're 12 still alive. Ignatius is missing from the group photo. What is his alleged action, did he tell you? Anything information coming from him must be regarded as possible fabrication.
  4. Thanks for the heads up r4-g9, I will update the first post accordingly!
  5. How is your wife dealing with the escalation?
  6. I thought we already were on our way to the Lakota... But anyway, we only investigated the abandoned General Store behind my farm, but not my residence.
  7. To the hills? General, are we allowed to search the hills? And are the hills within the security perimeter established by the National Guard? Anyway, let's move to the Lakota. Is there anything in the port area that can be searched, before we board the ship?
  8. My Four-gettable MOC How many Fours can you see?
  9. So? Am I going to investigate my own house alone?
  10. Any way I slice it, Beatrice still comes up scummy. Vote: Beatrice Synclair (Badboytje88) I need some more time to think about the information you gave us, Harriet. I'm sure we'll come up with something.
  11. Wow, I need to sit down. There, please go on.
  12. Real-brick pictures of some of the Cars 2 sets can be found in this photostream starting with this picture. A few samples:
  13. Yes you will be allowed to PM once you reach 10 posts. I don't mind holding them for you for a while, just contact me when you're ready and we can discuss a sale.
  14. Oh but, what about me?
  15. I can't vouch for the authenticity of the set, but the number itself is quite plausible. Some of the most recent 2011 City sets have been numbered smack-dab in the middle of what was previously Fabuland series, so 3677 (unused set number so far) is fair game for a City/Train set. 3648 Police Chase 3658 Police Helicopter 3661 Bank & Money Transfer
  16. How are we supposed to kill you at night, now that Terence is gone? Easier said than done! Besides, the last 'message from God' wasn't very helpful... Maybe there is an evil reviver our there?
  17. Yes, the info was removed but you can find it here. I tried to get them but the official pictures wouldn't show up for me.
  18. Sorry for repeating you, I started writing talking before I read heard you. In that case, he must have a hidden agenda to bring back Beatrice. Not that I didn't like her... before! Maybe there's still hope that Sebastien returns to life again though?
  19. I threw in the Elf to make for a bigger trade, but I'm not really interested in trading it on its own. Thanks for the offer anyway!
  20. This last night was disastrous. Yes, the case of Beatrice is really intriguing. She admitted coming back as a vampire, but of a 'good' kind? I'm afraid that we've been told to eliminate all factions, so what are we supposed to do with a friendly vampire? And yeah, like many of you I can understand why Sebastien was brought back, but a vampire that was bound to draw suspicion from the minute she came back? That has no useful action? Why not for instance bring back Walter, a protector? And a minor difference, but perhaps important: Sebastien was brought back to life the very night he died. Beatrice came back from the dead a full day after she died. Does this mean that the 'resurrector' can bring back villagers dead many days ago? Should we expect Adam or Raleigh to come back to us eventually? It's not like that action helps the village much. Why would the sword killer kill a Rogue (Daniel) if he is one himself? By mistake? It doesn't make sense, are you trying to confuse us? One last thing that I noticed. Beatrice clearly saw (and thanked) her resurrector last night. So I gather that his/her identity is no longer protected, if it ever was. You know, I'm starting to wonder if the resurrector hasn't been converted to the scummy side at some point. Come on, what was the point of bringing back Beatrice except to give the village an obvious target? Hmm I hadn't thought of that. Since Terence wasn't really a vigilante, but a neutral, it's possible that the real vigilante was the sword killer and he has been been converted by the Rogue faction. I happen to have read Zed's book 'Eurodina or How to piss off the Noodles' and there was a vigilante named Keen who was converted by the scum but kept all of his night actions.
  21. Hi meatbingo, I do have some of your collectible minifig wants: Series 1: Tribal Hunter (sealed), Series 3: Elf (new opened), Space Alien (sealed), Space Villain (sealed) But I already have all the collectible minifigs I need. Will you consider a trade for other minifigs, random Lego, or a sale? Let me know if you have anything else to trade. Cheers
  22. While we're at it, I would also like to have a word with Mayor Bradford and Councilman Ackerson.
  23. Sure, I don't mind comparing my handwriting to the one on the note. I wish to copy out the note. In the meantime, shall we choose a target for our next visit? It's getting late.
  24. If commies only use knives, then there may be three vigilantes... which is almost as scary as having three commies amongst us. I'm afraid this whole situation is getting out of hand. But perhaps someone has new information to share after using their new powers? Remember that if we have strong enough suspicions we can always vote to throw someone in the brig.
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