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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. "That was epic, can we do it again?" "Oh and I can use a Remedy on Alexandre if it's the best way to heal him."
  2. Tox Laximus, please tone down the aggressive tone and keep this discussion civil. If people don't agree with your opinions, move on. There's no need to escalate this and call names. I hope that you haven't joined Eurobricks only to grind this particular axe. Calm down and enjoy the quality of the discussions in the Technic forum. If you have an issue with posts in the forums, please report them and leave the moderation to us.
  3. Galen certainly didn't expect such a display of force. "Mercutio help us, this is insane! Where to start? We need to take out the Druid as soon as possible, but also the Juggernaut. Losing positive effects to that Mantrap would be most annoying. And who will dare to approach the poisonous Lurker? We do have about 6 Remedies among us, but using them is a waste of time. Time that we don't have, because I can hear Artillery Proggs making their way here. Aargh!"
  4. OoC: For some reason I have three Leather Armours down in my inventory, but actually I only own one! Galen shuffles through his diminished supply of consumables. "I wonder how many more foes we will meet before reaching Eidolon. My guess is that we won't have a chance to return to the Town Hall before the end." Wiping the blood off Elgar's Wrench, Galen softly hums an old drinking song from his village. "She's fallen hard for me I can see it in her eyes She acts just like a nurse With all the other guys..."
  5. I have moved the posts above out of this thread as I felt they belonged to a different discussion. Please try to stay on topic. Now carry on!
  6. "Thank you Sylph, I hope we never need to use it!"
  7. Galen drinks a potion. "Well, I can't say we've done too bad, so far!" OoC: What happens when one uses a smoke bomb, in this case? Flee for the rest of the whole Fungeon Battle?
  8. "Hurray! So these are the fools driving the wooden contraption. Why do they even bother to fight I wonder, they're already tired and wounded. If I were them I would run for my life." OoC: Did I get any gold from the first mug of round 11? And I really believed in that typo!
  9. "Great! It's time to cripple the Trojan, with it being sealed and confused. But watch for those specials!"
  10. "Missed twice? There must be a way to hurt that sniper. I'm ready to have another go at him."
  11. This topic has been discussed time and again, the most recent thread being this one. I will merge this once members have had a chance to comment.
  12. "Ah, that felt good! I looove this Rubber Band, thank you so much Nyx Father Grogmas!"
  13. "Hmm... I don't like that Sniper, I hope we can get rid of him as soon as possible. Thanks for patching me up Sylph, it would seem that I was unlucky during that last attack."
  14. We have a whole forum dedicated to brick films and comics, and your topic belongs there. Moving!
  15. Your comments are probably unfair towards a large majority of Muslims who you've never heard complaining about anything. Please avoid such offensive blanket statements.
  16. Welcome to Eurobricks, MizFinn. We have a forum dedicated to train discussions, so I will move your topic there. Please have a look around!
  17. Fugazi

    stud blue

    From the album: Icons and Tags

    stud for indices
  18. "What am I doing? I shouldn't be using my whip." Galen falls back to the back row and pulls out Elgar's Goblin Wrench. OoC: I forgot to mention that I intended to attack from the back row with the poisoned Goblin Wrench, instead of the whip! With the Rubber Band, I can keep attacking with the Wrench each round.
  19. Merged with the previous discussion.
  20. "Yes, I will give Hal a Nostrum and Smelling Salts if he will have them."
  21. "Hmm... You are right, better be prepared." Galen applies Deadly Venom to the Goblin Wrench, then takes Nostrum, Mead and Smelling Salts.
  22. Welcome to Eurobricks TonysBrickVault. Please note that we do not allow new members to sign up in order to promote their business or contests. Make sure to read the Member Guidelines (link in my signature), in particular this bit about joining for self-promotion purposes:
  23. "I'm not very familiar with enchantments and hypnotism, but if you think that I can restore this person using a Remedy, I'm willing to give it a go."
  24. The torture session? Galen couldn't remember most of that, the whole thing was but a hazy blur now. He might have mentioned her, for sure. "The Regret? I see... Um, thanks for the tip, I suppose. I will keep this in mind." Galen cast a sideways look at his companions. All were a bit pale, but no one was panicking. Brave men, all of them. He raised his eyebrows at Sylph, hoping that he would get the hint. Are we attacking?
  25. Galen didn't really pay attention to the 'emperor's' ramblings. Arguing with him was as pointless as had been arguing with any of the previous mad Progg leaders they had met so far. Besides, what was the Progg trying to accomplish? Convince them that they should give up fighting, just so that they would be slain more easily? If that was Eidolon's intention, it meant that he wasn't invincible and that he would rather use cunning than fight the heroes. Then something caught his attention. The abomination mentioned his sister. "Eidolon, what do you know about Brianna's disappearance?" It was a long shot, but he had spent two years already fruitlessly searching for her. Something told him that Eidolon was only reading his mind, but perhaps... just perhaps he might be holding off something else.
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