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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. It is certainly a surprise to see the site up and running again earlier than expected. Well done Admins, and thank you for all the hard work! I hope the transition to the new server goes smoothly.
  2. I would never have guessed! Love it!
  3. Have a great birthday Erdy!
  4. Merged with the existing discussion!
  5. Merging this with the Samsonite discussion thread.
  6. I'm not sure what you're asking exactly, perhaps you should explain a bit more. Are you asking about the legality of fan-made flicks taking place in a brick-built store, or a real store?
  7. Good job Murdoch17, I like the overall look of your consist! You managed to capture the rugged beauty of a cab unit pretty well, and this is especially apparent in your last 'trackside' view. Given the flat-topped shape of your locomotive nose, I would consider giving these units a different pedigree though. They remind me of Alco cab units, much more than of FTs or any other EMD model. Call them repowered FA-1 and FB-1 or something in that vein, and it would be perfect!
  8. Welcome to EB, JayLogan. You will be able to see profiles (including your own) once your reach 10 posts, this is detailed in the Eurobricks FAQ (link in my signature). I'm not sure if you can post images before your 10th post either. The board does allow PNG file embedding:
  9. I believe this does belong to the Events forum, I will be moving it for you shortly!
  10. Great work all around! 1. Ricecracker and Si-MOCs - 2 2. CorneliusMurdock - 1
  11. Have a great birthday Stash!
  12. Me, me! 1) What previous experience have you had with mafia games? I have played in a number of Mafia games, from Eurodina to Excalibur. 2) Will you be able to actively engage with the game for the next 6 weeks or so? Yes. 3) In terms of your playing style, which Norse god do you identify with most? I would choose Forseti, god of justice and reconciliation... because I don't like people fighting!
  13. This is a worthy project Rufus, and I look forward to your updates! This is the flagship set of early Classic Space, and there aren't enough of them to go around! It looks like some bits are in sad shape, but I'm sure that you can work some magic and breathe new life into this fabulous ship -- not to mention the smaller sets I see in the first picture!
  14. I'm a witness! In such a complex game featuring twisted night actions, roleplay actions, puzzles, one-shots and what not, there were uncountable occasions to bend the rules, give more clues, add a one-shot here or flip the coin again there. But Hinckley would have none of that -- we discussed options, sometimes made dodgy plans, but in the end the rules established before the game started we followed through and through. Perhaps too much so, maybe it would have been wiser to redraw the roles when Shadows and Draggy ended up respectively Godfather and Serial Killer. The possibility of a SK conversion, the odds of which were very slim to start with, suddenly became very real. Still we thought that the setup was playable, and left things as they were. Even with the help of his conversion, Dragonator had to walk a tight rope and no one should think that Scum did all the work for him. He should be proud of a well-deserved victory.
  15. +1 to CorneliusMurdock +1 to Big Cam +1 to DarkDragon +1 to Athos Thank you guys!
  16. I have added a number of Team GB minifigs to my trade list. I also have a few complete sets available for sale, PM me for details.
  17. Eurobricks is like Hotel California. You can log out any time you like, but you can never leave!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kintobor


      Oh yeah, watch me!...


    3. Fugazi


      Still here? :P

    4. Flipz


      Replace "Eurobricks" with "Heroica", and you have me. :P

  18. Not to mention the roleplay actions directed at you!
  19. Good game everyone! Except for the last Day or two when Town had given up trying to make sense of the confusion, it was an excellent performance all around! I'm not sure I understand why people assume that hosts don't lie to the players. Hosts have to lie occasionally when the roles and actions force them to do so. A simple example: the Usurper role, a Scum who has to kill the Godfather in order to win. Can the host share the Usurper's Role PM and win conditions with the rest of the scum team? Of course not. Would the host have to come up with a fake Role PM, or insist that he can't give out that information, were the Scum players adamant that they needed that information? Yes, because otherwise the Usurper's role would be compromised. Except that in most games, the Scum role PMs aren't automatically shared among all Scum, or the Usurper's one would be doctored right from the start. Hosts lie to paranoid/insane/naive investigators, to Millers, to Lovers, to Bombs... all because it's part of the role. In this game, Scum were mad at Hinckley for telling them after a successful conversion that Draggy was vanilla when they already knew he wasn't. Being so intent on blaming Hinck, they missed a clue as big as can be. WHY didn't Hinck decide to share Draggy's PM right away after the conversion, and why did he send them a fake Role PM when he was forced to do so? Why did Hinck tell Scum that it was Draggy's prerogative to share his role PM or not? That should have raised so many alarms that I was afraid Scum would never trust Draggy. But instead, they attacked the lie without really considering the reason behind it. Hinck was forced to lie in order to follow the mechanics set at the start of the game. Draggy could be converted and become part of the Scum team, but he kept his original action and special win condition. He could have killed without telling Scum, had he chosen to. His SK kill night results were always sent in his private Role PM thread, and not in the common scum PM thread. How is that not a clue to Scum that something wasn't quite right?
  20. Well you could be right, only Zepher knows!
  21. Um, that's the whole beast, not its hat! I went for a turban/keffiyeh to represent the Chimera's headdress but white really didn't look good so... I suppose I had it died? If you have a better suggestion I'm listening!
  22. Consider it a tribute to your performance then. I'm not done yet.
  23. It's the final countdown We're leaving togetheeeer The final countdown...
  24. Most interesting from the list on http://www.spielwaren-werst.de is the following: 6029277 Friends - Collectibles Series 1 -Bags contain 1 cute animals, and his home-single action item! -From 5 years (Google translation)
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