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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. I gave you the name but Ricey gave you the title. Ricey is quite the title master. Quick someone change his title to "title master"!!!
  2. Agreed. The 99% of the reason the tower even exists is just so I could make it tip over with the PF motor. I had a different top section built for it originally, but it was too heavy and stressin' out the motor and gears, so I cut back to the top you see now. It still looks good, but it was a little sacrifice that had to be made!
  3. Lord Burress, The Elemental terror has reached Avalonia! After going to Brickworld though, I so totally wanted to use a PF motor in a MOC. I figured this was the PERFECT spot to use one for a castle MOC. Check out the youtube video of the MOC in motion! WATCH ME I HAVE POWER FUNCTIONS!!! It only uses one Medium/regular PF motor, 4 LEDs and two red light bricks... and a bunch of gears and springs and rubber bands and stuff... Overview of the MOC. Terror and details in the village! More details- the elemental and a little ballista Details in the streets After hearing some questions about the micro build- here is the micro build shots and one of the micro by itself. And lastly some of the gearing for the MOC. There are some more pictures of some of the other fun details in my Flickr set, so check them out here!!
  4. Very nice work! Avalonia HO!!!!!
  5. Miss Preteen USA- for suggesting Captain America's second daughter's Avenger name could be Miss Preteen USA. From Ricey.
  6. You can also pick them up in the chess sets- though the quality is not so great on some of those parts.
  7. Not quite as cool as rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock but whatever!
  8. The first video isn't even in the same MOC Beery, it was just meant to show the ballistas work. Try to avoid calling something pointless though- if there is truly a whole topic or comment that is pointless report it to staff. I think I know what you were trying to say though, it didn't make sense as part of the MOC presentation in your opinion. I could see how it would come off as out of line, so I am glad soccerkid6 took it the proper way here.
  9. Didn't they make three way chess on Big Bang Theory? Let's get Sheldon on making a four way version now!
  10. Nice water effect. I like the elemental and the micro build as well. Some good action as well. It looks like the photos are a bit out of focus and are a bit dark as well. Try adding some more light while you are taking photos and that might solve both issues!
  11. Love these. These look great! I built some of your Elite Guards (or at least similar enough) for some future MOCs, and now you pull out these pimp mofos, too cool!
  12. Ha- indeed. I can understand not wanting to show fear, but to be smiling- you are a hard man to be sure! Avalonia may need to recruit you both to fight the elementals in our area. They are enourmous and mean! In fact- I have a small contingent of troops for each guild built. I think they are pretty pimp- so they may be making a few guest appearances in MOCs soon!
  13. Welcome lad! Nice figures! Very appropriate.
  14. I don't really see that- but what do I know! On the elemental though, I like the mouth and I like that he has four arms, those are both really nice touches.
  15. never heard of him. While I am glad we have some good elemental hunters among us, I fear they might not live long enough for us to wage a counter attack!
  16. Good job! I like the lighthouse and the boat. I was originally going to say the micro seemed out of place until I saw the photo that it was supposed to go with, then it made sense and worked for me. It looks like a few guys up top don't realize they are under attack though. Cool crane as well. Very solid. Only thing I wish is there was more substance to the elemental, like it had a distinct face or something. Otherwise, very good!
  17. Cool action! This fits your style for sure. I really like the micro work. Excellent job on that! I also really like the action. It feels like people are terrified! Run away goats! Run away! My one critique would be the color on the elemental matches the colors on the houses and ground a bit too much and it is hard to pick out what is what in that section. I know the elemental is an earthy like guy so he should match the earth, but he blends in a bit too much in that little section. Otherwise, very cool.
  18. All right all right- less dub metal step more challenge 4! Anyone have a WIP to share? Only a week to go on this people and we need to represent!!
  19. It's really up to you, just an opinion from a pirate-castle cross over guy!
  20. The rocky cliff should become some mountains. I would add a bunch of peaks etc. I didn't really get "sand dune" from the tan stuff. I would add some tan plates on the ground to help get the transition from the green plate to a desert-y area. The dragon looks pretty sweet though! You're right, historical accuracy is not the main goal here, but it just doesn't feel "right" to me. It may be just my opinion, but I thought I would offer it up in case others felt the same and Mike could make some adjustments.
  21. That NEVER happens to me. I have about 6 bases for builds ready to go. I have ideas for a 1. Desert Joust 2. Elven alter 3. Avalonian Tower 4. Albion Engineers Guild Hall 5. Albion Water House 6. Evil Wizard's House. Right now I am working on Challenge 4 and another side fun project which I hope to complete soon. So many ideas, so little time!
  22. I like the idea, but this thing doesn't look like a medieval ship, it looks like a golden age of piracy ship. I think you'll need to retool it in a MAJOR way to get it to fit.
  23. Are the two of you planning to enter challenge 4?
  24. 48 x 48 (with reasonable overhang) is the max size, so under 48 x 48 is completely allowed. Also, the micro landscape does not need to be contianed within the 48 x 48 space but should not constitute a separate MOC.
  25. I like the build overall. The rubber band is a little thick, would a LEGO variant work? I saw the build before and after the changes to the backdrop and the backdrop changes are good. In some of the photos I get a sense of the backdrop being a far away mountain/cave, but in others not so much. Good work overall.
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