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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. I guess I should have included this... I still blame Taz.
  2. What are you talking about? If there is a problem, I blame Taz.
  3. I don't either- but full quotes followed by "welcome" done by a few members in a row does seem unnecessary. Plus, it would be nice to have a standard message for those who don't read the first post to know what to check out to get started. It can be overwhelming I am sure! I like that we are friendly and welcoming, but we should also do a little better job of keeping the thread readable! Mikey is on the short list, any others looking for a J O B?
  4. I blame Tazmaniac Because it IS his fault. ISC for shizzle.
  5. And because we are awesome-ish!
  6. So I was thinking.... Maybe we need to have one member who is the official "Welcome" party member who can help new members get their barrings. Though it is great we have so many people saying hello to our new members, it does sort of clog up the thread with pleasantries. Anyone want to sign up for this honor? EDIT: we may even be able to talk DC into a bonus title for being the official welcoming committee.
  7. HAHAHA Finally something that hasn't been blogged yet and has some nice intrigue! [bloggedcp][/bloggedcp]
  8. Funny you should mention this.... check out the first post to see the newly added "Sheriff of Avalonia" and "King of the Castle" title challenges!!
  9. Oh- that looks really well done CBB. Can't wait to see more!
  10. Thank you, yours is also quite lovely and great within the guidelines. Thanks Niku. Glad to see you back around the forums! I am not sure what stonkingly means, but I think I should thank you . I loved your micro so I was sad to hear you wouldn't be entering. I agree there are some things that could have been improved upon, including the micro, but I was learning the PF stuff on the fly and it really took some time. I figured out how to make the gears do what I wanted, but the real world weight and flex of parts made me have to do some retooling to get everything to work! I also wish the micro was in the main shot, but getting the right angle on this one was tough since it is really viewable on three sides and each side hid a cool feature on a different side. I also now wish I had one static picture of the tower tipping over since I think that would have been fun as well. Thanks for the comment on the base. I like to do tall bases but this one does have more flair with the recessed details on two of the sides for sure! The height was also necessary to route the gears and cables for the PF!
  11. I was just curious. I am fresh out of daffodils, so I guess I am staying in Avalonia.
  12. It would work exactly like that. The leaders are not bound to the public vote to pick a winner for the guild.
  13. There will be a public vote for the big prize, but the guild leaders will score the entries for the guild points.
  14. DC will be back sooner than you think!!
  15. That sounds like a lot of work. I was hoping I just needed to plant some pretty flowers in the labyrinth or something.
  16. I wished you a happy birthday already- but I couldn't miss the chance for a public display of affection- happy birthday-- ewww gross.
  17. Happy birthday buddy! Phred was my first online LEGO friend- how adorable! We missed you @ brickworld!
  18. Yeah. I have title challenges and Albion builds to do... Maybe I can START one before challenge 5 is announced... maybe.
  19. Cool. I agree, it does look like it was charred.
  20. Excellent micro! I would love to see that full scale!!
  21. Very pretty! Even a Drow city can be pretty. I like the Elemental's sense of motion. And this build even has some plants! I don't really get "terror" or even "action" from the build though- this thing is more like a piece of art.
  22. Thanks. I stuck in as many Easter eggs as I could in those houses... Besides the ones you mentioned, I also spy a challenge 1 minibuild, some Heroica "dolls", a dragon staff for Ecc, and is that the Elemental Helm??
  23. I like that first photo where parts of the elemental look like it is floating. The decay effects are also very cool. The roof is awesomesauce. It always seems like there is one really awesome aspect in all your MOCs. it has to be the decaying roof on the house in this one!! I do wish we got one higher up "overview" shot of the MOC for this entry.
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