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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Pretty Phoenix. Really nice work with the micro scale(s). So much detail, and I like that it is micro but slightly bigger under the bridge. The castle is very "romantic". Maybe that isn't the perfect word- it screams "fantasy". Maybe that is more like it. The scene doesn't really scream "action to me" but it is really purty!
  2. Oh sweet! Love that site!
  3. I like the elemental- form the top he sort of looks like a minotaur. I like the spiraling fire. It has a pretty sweet effect. There are a lot of good little details here. I like the guy with the water bucket and the fleeing villagers. Your photos do a really good job of framing the action. Even the horse seems terrified!
  4. Cool action! I like the flying pig the best. I like that the action is so fast it pictures with the blur, that is a really nice touch. Looks like you need another light source on the photos, but the angles are great. Good entry!
  5. Good job! I like the colors and the action. Solid work on the elemental too. The transition between scorched and not yet scorched could use a little work, though I am not sure how to fix that! Another good entry for you. Watch out guys-- she's a challenge pro!!
  6. That guy looks like TreeBeard's cousin!! I like the face and his pose-ability. Overall the elemental is solid. Your microscale is also very good. It works for me in that shot. The photos are a bit grainy and the shots where you can see the kitchen floor there do detract from the escapism. I would try taking the photos outside in the shade somewhere. That may help with the grainy photos a bit.
  7. The microscale does work very well in my opinion. The cyclone is also very good. I also like how the trees really look like they are blowing away. Interesting story. The tavern build though seems a bit under detailed to me. I suppose a good amount of it blew away!
  8. Yes indeed! I like close-ups and details, but a good overview really helps out. Again- really love the vine work- very lively. Great work with the action scenes.
  9. Great work man. A+ The colors and architecture don't seem overly Mitgardian (they feel more Elvish), but a little variety never hurt anyone. The face on the elemental is very cool and I like the water effects.
  10. That's right!! Rogue has an entry too!! I have high hopes for us for sure!
  11. We are getting dangerously close to needing a pirate off!!
  12. Pirate wannabes are in Kaliphlin.
  13. Didn't you know all the pirates are in Avalonia?
  14. Great job guys! Penkid, MikeyB and Rolli all still to come!! Any others?
  15. I agree to an extent that it is a bit crowded. I moved the tower and a couple of the houses in the build to open it up but there were certain sacrifices I had to make to get the power functions and the details in. Agree to disagree on if the power functions makes up for it! The fire mostly exists so the light bricks can be used in the fire effect. I figured if the elemental broke the base of the tower with the vines or caved in the earth below the tower, any sort of lantern, fire place, or cauldron inside or outside the tower could spark a flame. I also didn't show the broken part of the tower either, mostly that was because of the power functions again. Just go with it man!! See previous photos above. I retooled them after you were like the 5th person to ask. It is much cleaner now, though I admit the microscale could have used some more work!
  16. I love the vine work and the dark blue house. I also like the little plant guy coming out of the roof and the action. Lot's of good little details like the guys pouring the fire on the elemental, Quinn's corpse (she has the worst luck with plant monsters) and the statue of liberty! I like that you left it open enough to have some great action of Benoic rallying to attack. The elemental does look a bit stiff, but we already talked about that a bit. I also wish there was one photo that was a little higher up so we could see a good overview.
  17. Volcano is awesome! I love the guy pouring the water on the fire. Good action as well. There is some NPU in the elemental as well, though I wish it had a face. I didn't instantly get what the tree was, but after a second it came to me. With the cut out this totally qualifies as within the 48 x 48. Because the of the nature of the title-challenges, we can't really double up on them. this would NOT qualify for that title since it is also a challenge 4 entry.
  18. Cool... literally! I like the ice effects, the micro build and the round tower. the action is also good. Nice quality on the images too. The elemental seems a little flat but I like that he can fly! He also has the same color scheme as soccerkid6's which makes me think they could totally be related!
  19. I did see it on Netflix- I don't recall that part specifically though. I thought the Earth guys were pretty cool. Indeed. I can't figure out how it got there though. Who would bother to point out missing stairs? Seems too critical to me!
  20. I was unaware! Interesting note. Who decides this kind of thing? Is there an Elemental handbook somewhere? Anyhow- I did throw in one Ecc specific Easter Egg in the houses. Maybe you missed it... This was my first trip down the PF road. I learned a bunch, but it definitely expanded the required build time!
  21. All depends on if you consider the elemental "natural" I think everyone knew what I meant, but I guess that is true, a disaster caused by an elemental may not be so natural!
  22. It is less than brilliant. Not sure I have a photo of it on its own. Here are a couple... You can see a second elemental terrorizing a settlement in them.
  23. I thought the LEDs in the eyes really brought the elemental to life. I put two more LEDs in where his hands come out of the ground, but they are so faint, no one will likely notice! I think the video does a good job of showing the two red light bricks going off in the fire under the tower, though I wish I had done a better job with the flames in that area, but it was hard with the tower tipping down on it. Maybe an "in the dark" photo would be cool. I also have quite a bit of translucent pieces on the elemental. Maybe an "Angeli" blacklight pic could show that off as well! Scratch that- dark green doesn't seem to glow- though oddly several reddish brown pieces glow BRIGHT orange under the blacklight- so weird!
  24. The Elementals have reached Avalonia!! Be sure to check out the youtube video in the thread for a good overview! I had to get this up today as my schedule will stop me from getting it up later this week. Remember the deadline is fast approaching! Let's score some big points for Avalonia!
  25. I saw you post you were motorizing and I also made a frowny face knowing I would not be alone. I know you are a creature expert so I bet you have something sweet cookin'
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