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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. I suspect she'd not like that either. Sure I could. It probably would involve a board mod though... but now I think about it may not. Does that mean boys should get a blue star?
  2. As I said, it's mostly because of Noah Webster. He (quite correctly) thought that English was overcomplicated and confusing so he set about simplifying it. His changes were mostly ignored until after his death, but eventually derivatives of his work become the US standard. Ironically, since his work is mostly only recognized recognised ( ) in the US he has actually made English more complicated and confusing.
  3. There is some logic to it, but it's mostly because Noah Webster wanted the US to be less like mother England.
  4. Close enough! Thanks. At this point all entires are valid.
  5. Nice setup!
  6. Well, it's all been said but it's probably about time the staff made an official response. We've been discussing this for the past few days and we unanimously agree that EB would rather not be involved. We're not completely against the idea of a donation build, but in this case we don't feel that the situation is the best. Ideally for us to think this concept could work we'd prefer; It was led by someone (or better still a group) that has experience in building large models. (E.g. Norro, KeithLUG) More than one builder was involved in case of sickness, boredom, or some other reason that prevented the MOC being completed. I think for each $1000 donated you need at least one person on the team. Each member would need to be 100% clear about who they are and where they live... and preferably live close together. The design was chosen by the team with community consultation and with the eventual buyer in mind. In the case of targeting a charity, I also think it'd be better if it was one you felt passionate about. The model was partially finished before any donations were asked for. This demonstrates commitment as well as giving everyone an idea of how long it will take to complete. A time frame of one year or less is preferable. In regard to the actual proposal so far, I have to say that the complete lack of large scale experience, 2 year time frame and an apparent intention to be the sole driving force behind the model give me extreme doubts of it's eventual completion. Sorry if our rejection causes any offense. You can discuss and plan it here all you want though, but if you start to ask for or take donations you'll need to go somewhere else. I heavily recommend you heed the advice of Eilif in particular.
  7. Happy Birthdays! (Wow you guys share a Birthday... I seem to have forgotten this. )
  8. Hmmmm... *I'd like to try and move the lever using the loose bit of scaffold.*
  9. ...and what a great job you're doing too. I feel so secure having you around.
  10. Seems rather unnecessary to me. To me the whole point of the Lady group was to let new joining females stand out if they choose to... but to me it no longer makes sense if someones a Fellow. It all seems like a slippery slope to Lady variants for every rank. I think a tag would make more sense. I'm tell'en Hinckley...
  11. Perhaps! What do you mean, as a tag or as an additional rank? (An extra rank would be a pain in the butt... )
  12. ...says the guy who took my knife.
  13. Would now be an appropriate time to ask for some hot muffin?
  14. You're not supposed to know that. Who told you?
  15. For the most part! That slime pit floor looks pretty darn close (but not quite ) to a complete 10x10 and you included 4 photos not 3.... But I was going to change the photo limit to 5 anyway.
  16. Err... I don't seem to recall what this Lever looks like... Yeah, or perhaps that bit of yellow scaffold... Yeah, where is he? Who saw him last?
  17. Wonderful! This could be the MOC of the year! I especially like how Obi-Wan has become a wine-o!
  18. Please note that I read this post twice and failed to see any questions in it. Good! Staff are automatic victims. I'll survive... I hope! Sort of. The rules do state; Is it at all possible to make the top 9x10 so you're not so blatantly pushing the rules and thus encouraging others to do so which then results in bigger and bigger vigs like some sort of LEGO related arms race which the forces me to say "no-overlap what-so-ever"? This contest runs a month.
  19. I'll start worrying about that when someone hits 50,000 posts.
  20. Both are very good; the crane particular looks really close.
  21. Errr.... yeah. Thanks guys for posting the links. I'm closing this. Actually I agree. A lot of them were pretty cool.
  22. Probably. I just posted as I can do what most can't; check the older site to be 100% sure.
  23. I go over to this object and while remaining a respectful distance, look at it.
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