Well, it's all been said but it's probably about time the staff made an official response. We've been discussing this for the past few days and we unanimously agree that EB would rather not be involved. We're not completely against the idea of a donation build, but in this case we don't feel that the situation is the best. Ideally for us to think this concept could work we'd prefer;
It was led by someone (or better still a group) that has experience in building large models. (E.g. Norro, KeithLUG)
More than one builder was involved in case of sickness, boredom, or some other reason that prevented the MOC being completed. I think for each $1000 donated you need at least one person on the team. Each member would need to be 100% clear about who they are and where they live... and preferably live close together.
The design was chosen by the team with community consultation and with the eventual buyer in mind. In the case of targeting a charity, I also think it'd be better if it was one you felt passionate about.
The model was partially finished before any donations were asked for. This demonstrates commitment as well as giving everyone an idea of how long it will take to complete. A time frame of one year or less is preferable.
In regard to the actual proposal so far, I have to say that the complete lack of large scale experience, 2 year time frame and an apparent intention to be the sole driving force behind the model give me extreme doubts of it's eventual completion.
Sorry if our rejection causes any offense.
You can discuss and plan it here all you want though, but if you start to ask for or take donations you'll need to go somewhere else. I heavily recommend you heed the advice of Eilif in particular.