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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Oh well, we tried! Thanks for having me in your game Quarry, this was certainly a new experience! I look forward to the conclusion of this game.
  2. So you're saying that Petra, Richelle and Rupert are not trustworthy, yet it's me you're voting out? You're arguing too much to be scum, unless what you're trying to do is to convince Richelle to vote for me. If she's scum as I'd like to think, she certainly will.
  3. Sorry, wrong button. Here's what I was saying: You replied, yet I didn't say you were evil. Rupert didn't reply, yet I'm accusing him. Do you understand that part of the reason I'm accusing Rupert is his launching into a private conversation right after I cast my vote? That is hardly evidence of anything, besides it's not strictly true. See, if we were truly communicating privately, we would be able to make sure that we don't look like we're acting together. You just mentioned that you weren't paying attention to Rupert when I cast my vote because you were busy replying yourself. You are contradicting yourself. Any tactic is good if it helps this family survive. Anyway it's not much of a tactic, it's more Loyal people thinking aloud because they're not able to share their ideas privately. It was just a sincere expression of my feelings, you decide what to make of it. I wasn't trying to make you feel sorry for me. If you are Loyal, then you do have all the pressure upon yourself. Realising it can also make you think harder. Yes, I'm Loyal so if you are too, by voting for me you're giving away your life. It's simply the truth. I obviously want you to doubt yourself, because you're not making the right decision. You have been suspicious of me on and off since the start of this ordeal. If I were scum, you would be long dead. And don't tell me that it would have cast the suspicion on me or whatnot. You were suspicious of plenty of other people too.
  4. Besides you shouldn't mess with me, I have a snowflake on my forehead.
  5. While I'm still sure that Rupert is scum, Tammo's animosity and mistrust -- despite never having accused him -- are making me willing to consider that I could be wrong about Richelle. Either way, the Loyal between Tammo and Richelle will get to choose how this day ends, and if there is a tomorrow. If Richelle votes for me, the game is over. If she votes for Rupert, then it will be clear that she's Loyal and that tomorrow Tammo is your target. On the other hand, I still believe that Tammo should be Loyal, so I beg you to reconsider your vote. You didn't give one good reason for you to vote for me, since the start of this ordeal talking about your 'gut feeling'. Do you have anything better to offer? Are you ready to lose your life and your family over your gut feeling?
  6. Potato Messenger
  7. There's no way I can explain it while remaining in character. Suffice to say that in his hurry to act, Rupert didn't use his secret scummy channels to communicate, but rather more obvious methods.
  8. Perfect. Now if Rupert is Loyal, there will be two votes coming up to complete my lynching. But it won't happen, because there are no two other scum. Tammo, of course that I stalked them. That was the point of my vote. I stalked all four of you, since I had no idea what would be the result. You can figure out by yourself how I figured out who was talking to who. The fact that Rupert denies ever being in a secret conversation is very telling. He could have said that he was chatting with someone else, on some different business. I saw him, I'm sorry that the rest of you didn't. If you're Loyal, you're giving your life away right now. If I'm wrong and you're the second scum, then I hope that Richelle will know who to vote for.
  9. I'm afraid that I can make up shit and you wouldn't see the difference, as there is no possible proof. You must believe me or vote me out. I was there, I witnessed the fleeting moment. You were intent on the main action scene, occasionally reflecting on past days. Rupert cast a glance at Richelle, then went on to have a private chat. Mere coincidence? You decide. In the meantime, I still haven't heard a reasonable explanation coming from either Rupert or Richelle. I wish there were cleaner ways to end this game. But we've just spent 5 days searching for evidence that never came. I don't know if we're simply all too tired at night to look for evidence, but it's getting frustrating to go down one by one without even a shadow of hope. We took down one scum, and it was pure luck because she wasn't being very active. So I don't care anymore if you follow my lead or not, because either way I want it to end quickly. I can't go on trying to sleep in an empty bed where my husband used to be, waiting for the killer to come for me. So Tammo make up your mind either way, just bring an end to this ordeal.
  10. No, it's just that I didn't see you having private conversations. Besides, your explanation for what you were about to say came quickly and sounded more sincere. Are you complaining that I'm not going after you?
  11. Warning you this morning not to be hasty was a setup for what I just did -- not that it was bad advice anyway. It was even more odd that I would vote then unvote, yet you changed your mind and decided not to say anything?
  12. No, the real problem with my analysis is the possibility of there being only one scum left. He would wait until there are two votes for a Loyal until voting himself. But in that case, the Loyals still have a chance at ending the ordeal tomorrow, with or without me.
  13. Of course, you weren't privy to the looks I saw exchanged between Rupert and Richelle. And it's not something I can prove to you. But consider this: now there's a vote for Rupert, and nobody's jumping to follow me. If Rupert was Loyal, the two scum would vote right away. Are they? On the other hand, if you vote for me Rupert and Richelle will gladly follow your lead -- they don't even need to be careful about it. Would you like to test it out?
  14. Rupert was the one who reacted strangely to my vote. What were you about to say when you saw me accuse Petra? And what made you change your mind and stop in your tracks? Vote Rupert Spalkowa (Rufus). Tomorrow the surviving Loyals should give a thought at lynching Richelle. She's the one Rupert turned to when I cast my vote. It's interesting to see that she replied so quickly to my voting/unvoting Petra when she normally barely says a word all day. Maybe someone poked discreetly her into action?
  15. After I voiced my vote, I studied all of your reactions. You were all around, it was a convenient time. I don't know if Petra is scum or Loyal. All I know is that if she's Loyal, scum will flock to vote right after me and end the day. If she's scum, there will be no quick reaction. One of you turned to one other, had a secret conversation, was about to say something. Seeing that Petra might be in danger, I unvoted her. The person stopped before we had a chance to hear what she was going to say. Want to guess who I'm talking about?
  16. Ok, I have been trying to work this out for half a day, trying to figure out who are the bad guys here. The strongest clue I have is Petra's dubious voting pattern and apparent connivance with Irena. It's not much, but I doubt there will ever be anything else. Therefore I vote Petra Steinenthaler (def). Unvote Petra Steinenthaler (def). Fascinating.
  17. At this point, I'm suspecting all of you. Petra, because you defended Irena when she was under fire, Tammo, because your pro-activeness could be a cover, Richelle, because you weren't of any help yesterday, and Rupert, because I'm suspecting all of you. Seriously, Petra and Richelle seem like the most scummy to me, but I've been wrong before.
  18. I'm still no closer to figuring out who the scum might be, but I just had a horrible thought that I wanted to share right away. When the time comes for us to vote, please make sure that you have discussed your options thoroughly before casting a vote. We're all assuming that there are two Not Loyal among us, right? If only one Loyal casts his vote for another Loyal by mistake, all the two scum will need to do will be to quickly bandwagon on that vote and the day will be over -- and the game too (figuratively of course). So yeah, no rash decisions and tentative votes today, please.
  19. And merged. Carry on the discussion!
  20. What?? I certainly didn't expect this. I thought we were doing good yesterday, but I was completely wrong about Amy. I'm sorry for that, although you must admit that the evidence against her was compelling. So what now? I'll go back to my notes and see if there's a solution to this mess.
  21. You're doing great! Much improved since your first attempt. Now if you want to improve it even more, a few details that could use some work: - the CP Rail multimark (logo) should be the other way 'round, with the arrow pointing forward. - the lights on the rear of the hood should be clear just like the front ones, not red. - no lights of any kind on the equipment box behind the cab. - that area behind the cab that I'm calling the equipment box should probably be much smaller or absent altogether if you want to emulate an older 4-axle unit. I would shorten the cab and end it square, none of that smooth sloping down.
  22. This is a terrific MOC Sir Dillon, I really love everything about it! I could see this building coming out of a Jean-Pierre Jeunet or Terry Gilliam movie, gritty and crumbling but still full of life, with a slightly fantastic feel. I love all the minute details, yet the plain rear walls and the still water bring a perfect balance so that the details are not overwhelming. Sir, you are inspired!
  23. Not bad at all actually. And with a few minor tweaks it could become an excellent model. If I may suggest, I would go for a more uniform colour, perhaps keeping the grey frame with white safety band but going for a more uniform red on the hood. I agree that lengthening the hood by a few studs will help achieving more realistic proportions. And perhaps get rid of a few of the grills on the roof, I don't think they really match the real-life locomotive that well. The round tiles or equivalent are a better choice there. Anyway, you have a good starting model -- and it's nice to see a Canadian one for a change!
  24. While I would welcome the release of a 'realistic' alien head (whatever that means! ) the combination of alien head, robot torsoe and red hands is dubious at best! Lady Liberty looks like a quite finalised design though. On the other hand I doubt that preliminary designs would ever leak from a factory. Then as Aanchir mentioned, some of these minifigs could also be meant as promotional items -- is there a Lego store opening in NYC in the near future?
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