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Book II- Chapter 1- The Battle for Nocturnus.

Revolword’s defeat should have marked a day of great joy in Nocturnus, the realm hit hardest by Revolword’s elemental monsters, but Revolword’s defeat has since become known as the Day of the Black Victory. A new alliance calling themselves the “Black Spire” with membership consisting Varlyrian rebels, Hand of Corruption Soldiers and Drow loyalist have captured over half of Nocturnus and erected a stronghold in the heart of the darklands. Bursting up from the ground, seemingly overnight, the fortress has been named the Obsidian Spike. The Spike taunts Nocturnus’s lords; it is not just a sign of the changing times in Historica, but a symbol of the new power unleashed in Nocturnus.

After the events in Cedrica, the Varlyrian flood quickly cut through the eastern defenses of Nocturnus, killing or enslaving all Nocturnians in their wake while the Drown tunneled up from the south and the Hand forces rallied from their defeat in Cedrica to invade Nocturnus from the west. The Black Spire’s assault was only stalled when Lord Ssilyrrlith, General Grimm, and an army of volunteers from all the guilds made a desperate stand at Abyssian Castle. The battle was bloody and claimed the lives of many heroes of Historica, including disgraced Avalonian General, Sir Trian Buress. The battle for Cedrica is over, but the battle for Eastern Darklands now begins.



(Credit ISC for Abyssian)

Now in control of the northern and some of the western portions of Nocturnus, Lord Ssilyrrlith calls a meeting to discuss the dire situation.


(Credit Ecclesiastes for the Nocturnus Throne Room)

Lord Ssilyrrlith: As you have become aware, our position hassss left usssss vulnerable. The Black Ssssspire controlsss the easssst, and ssssouth while we hold the north and some of the wessst. Though I had hoped Buresssss’s death would bring the Avalonians into the fight, we still have only received sssuperficial sssssuport from the other guildssss.

General Grimm: Yes, Lord, it would seem we must seek new alliances in every corner of Nocturnus. The orcs, minotaurs, spider people and cyclopses must all be brought into the fold. They are savages, but they are also warriors and Noctrunians.

Lord Ssilyrrlith: Yesss, General Grimm, we must seek new alliancesss, but we must also ssstrengthen our defensessss. We can not continue to lose ground to the Ssssspire. Every inch of our land is just as important as Abyssian itssself.

Commander Fangmore: We should show our strength Sslither, we should strike at the Spike itself! Send their monstrosity crashing to the earth and scatter the Spire forces like the roaches we know they are!

Lord Ssilyrrlith: We can not commit a force that large to a ssssingle target, even one as tempting as the Obsidian Sssspike. We will need to win many battles to topple the Black Ssspire.

General Grimm: Should we send emissaries to the other guilds for assistance?

Lord Ssilyrrlith: They have already left us for dead, besssides, each hasss their own problems to addressss. The Avalonians who joined our caused have been exiled from their homesss and it is rumored Rex has unleashed a dark power in the Mystic Islesss. Kaliphlin facesss its own internal struggle as Flagg has stepped back and we hear the Jarl struggle with too many uprisingsss to even know friend from foe. We can not count on help from anyone elsssse. Thissss isss our home and we mussst defend it now!

Commander Warrent: What are your orders Lord?

Lord Ssilyrrlithr: First, we must persuade, by whatever means necessary, the factions in the Darklands to join our cause. Ssssecondly we must ssstrengthen our defensessss. Build towersss, wallsss, gatehousesss and fortificationsss wherever we are vulnerable! Third, we must find the weak pointsss of the Sssspire and take the fight to them.

General Grimm: We do as you command sire.


(Credit Ecclesiastes for the Nocturnus Throne Room)

***Black Spire***


From his perch high above the Nocturnian swamplands, the new Lord of Nocturnus calls his most loyal generals to discuss the war in the Darklands.


Lord Raavage: The Nocturians have held Abyssian and their Avalonian friends have temporarily halted our attacks in the west. Because the intervention of the Avalonians could not have been foreseen, I have only taken the head of General Varsk for this failure, should any of you fail me now, your fates will not be so pleasant.

Commander Basil: We have witnessed the Nocturnians strengthening their defenses. The serpent has slunk back in his hole to hide!

Lord Raavage: Do not underestimate Lord Ssilyrrlith. We wounded the serpent, but we have not killed him. The Nocturnians are more resilient than we believed.

General Lurn: We Drow are not concerned, we have a secret weapon to aid in Nocturnus’s destruction. Malicia, would you kindly bring in the weapon.

*A resurrected, zombified Trian Burress enters the chambers*


Lord Raavage: So your necromancer was able to revive the old dog! And he is loyal to me?

Zombie Sir Burress: I can speak for myself M’Lord Raavage.

Lord Raavage: Then speak zombie!

Zombie Sir Burress: I am loyal to the Black Spire M’Lord.

General Lurn: Of course he is! What kind of Necromancer would raise an enemy from the dead! He is bound to the life spirit of Malicia. Whomever she supports, her new dog supports. He is intimately familiar with Abyssian and the plans of Lord Ssilyrrlith.

Zombie Sir Burress: Lord Ssilyrrlith will attempt to rally any undeclared tribe to his aid. We must do the same and forge alliances with any creature not yet flying the Spire's banner. The snake will also use guerrilla warfare to strike any patrol or weak point we may have left open. We must seal the gaps in our defenses and strike the Serpent's forces whenever they surface.

Lord Raavage: A useful new weapon indeed. As the mutt suggests, I command you to build up our defenses wherever they are weak, “convince” those tribes who have yet to claim their allegiance to side with the Black Spire, and should you encounter any Nocturnian in your way, place their head on a pole atop the Obsidian Spike! Victory or death.

All: Victory or death!


Later, alone in the throne room, Malicia enters.


Malicia: M’lord

Lord Raavage: And so the spell from the Book of Marzule brought the dog back to life. Are you sure you could raise an entire army if we can capture the Orion Sphere?

Malicia: Yes m’lord. The Orion crystals held in Abyssian would allow us to raise an army of millions. With the dead on our side we could crush Historica and enslave all the humans, elves and dwarves who stand in our way.

Lord Raavage: And Basil still knows nothing of our plans?

Malicia: No m’lord. He still believes Varlyrio and will be an equal partner in our quest to take the guilds.

Lord Raavage: That fool. He still believes we sent Varlyrio to Cedrica to capture the Helm of Elemental Magic! Did he really believe the elemental scourge was the strongest magic in the land? It is not the elementals that will rule conquer Historica, It is the dead that will rule this land.

Malicia: Victory or death m’lord.

Lord Raavage: If we are successful, Malicia, not even death’s grasp will stop us!

**Challenge I**

  • If Nocturnus is your home guild- Reply to this topic and declare the side of the conflict you wish to support. You will automatically be assigned to this side.
  • If Nocturnus is NOT your home guild- Reply to this topic and you will be ASSIGNED a side to support by November 1st, 2013.
  • If you have not joined any guild yet- what the heck are you waiting for? Join already!
  • To win this challenge, your side must win at least 2 out of 3 categories below. The decision on which side wins each category will be made by the core leaders who do not manage Nocturnus aka Ecclesiates, Ska-for-Hire and rogueang

Category A- the small scale/minifigure challenge

  • Depict a character from your side winning an epic battle against an enemy from the other side.
  • Entries are limited to 16 x 16 with reasonable overhang.

Category B- the medium "build" challenge

  • Build a defensive structure of any type to shore up the defenses on your side.
  • Entries are limited to 32 x 32 with reasonable overhang.

Category C- the unlimited story challenge

  • Build a scene and accompanying story depicting how your side will recruit a tribe in the realm of Nocturnus to fight for your side.
  • You may, but are NOT required to use a tribe created by our members in the Tribes mini-challenge.
  • There is no limit on the size of the build or number of builds that may be used, however, no more than 5 total pictures may be displayed per the general rules for all categories below.

General Rules for ALL three categories

  • One entry per member per category. This means you can have one entry in EACH category if you should so choose.
  • Entries should be new (never posted anywhere previously). If you have any doubts about the suitability of your entry contact one of the staff members.
  • All entries are to include only real LEGO. No clone brands.
  • Decals will be allowed if you've made them yourself, but no cutting, sculpting or modifying parts.
  • Entries are to be placed in the contest entry topic (replace with link) in the forum.
  • Entries may be edited at any time up to the end of the contest, so feel free to make improvements if you wish.
  • Every entry should have and entry name.
  • You are allowed to create a WIP topic. However, every entry should be posted in the entry topic for it to be eligible for the contest.
  • Entries are to consist of no more than 5 posted pictures of 800x600 or smaller resolution but may also include a link to a folder of additional images of any size. You can have a video instead of a photo if you want.
  • No photoshopped backgrounds or packaging, but you are allowed to edit the background to remove distractions.
  • We reserve the right to disqualify any entry that does not follow these rules.
  • These rules can be changed whenever we see fit to ensure that people follow the intent of the contest
  • Entries must be posted before January 16th, 2014 anywhere in the world. Entries will be accepted so long as it is January 16th, 2014 anywhere in the world.

If you seek individual glory, the best overall entry in each category will receive a sweet brick-built trophy provided by ZCerberus.


Winning Category C) Nocturnus Best entry was awarded to Gunman.

Winning Category B) Black Spire Best entry was awarded to Torgar.

Winning Category A) and therefore tiping the battle... Black Spire Best entry was Emma.


Edited by ZCerberus
Changed deadline due to confusion

  • 1 month later...
  • Author

Team Nocturnus:

Dr. Cogg

Lord Vladivus

Hammerstein NWC

Captain BeerBeard


Dr. Rod


Siercon and Coral

Derfel Cadarn












Duke Blastus








Masa of Kaliphlin


Jason Cicchini



Thomas of Tortuga

Louie le Brickvalier





Team Black Spire:





Captain Nemo

captain donkey

Captain Settle






de Gothia











Mr Breden





Vangar graybeard





Hyler Talliwell





Challenge I

Category A:


Emma: A Dragon's Blood

Robuko: Hercules slays the Ravening Squid

MikeyB: Heroes are Made

Penkid11: The Fire Inside

Kai NRG: Defeating the Lake Monster

Kerntechniker: Bringing Justice

Zeussoid: Yewllow Man in a Yellow House

Lord Vladivus: Shadowmere Stands

Soccerkid: A Clever Trap

Tomsche: Ambush from the Waves

narbilu: Grimm on Hemresa

jeroenaa: Random murdering

lisqr: Inferno magic

Gunman: Conflict at Rakath Mountains

Black Spire:

The Architect: Duke Agelbor

Cara: Where she walked

Gideon: To Ambush an Ambush

Garmandon: A More Ample Midday Meal

mrcp6d: Moruth Pass Encounter

Robinson: Tharadum the Sword Rainer

Erylasgalen: Beware of the Swamp

Dragonfire: Trickery

HammerBro33: Ambush in the Cerean Pass

Torgar: The Spire's Toll

Carson Haupt: A Good Day to Die!

kabel: Get Grimmson!

bkrosell: Ancient Burial Grounds

Simon_S: A bad Nocty!

Captain Settle: Tactical Error

MKJosha: Not All Victories Are Won With A Blade

Category B:


Jason Cicchini: Minotaur Castle

Dr.Cogg: The Puppet master's wall

Penkid11: Reclaiming the Fort

Kerntechniker: Walls and Bones

Robuko: Serpentine Hall of Nocturnus

Lord Vladivus: The Ancient Toll Towers

Soccerkid: Denrith Fortress

narbilu: Mountain Pass

Infernum: The Watcher's Tower

jeroenaa: A small defense fortress

C.J.Cutrone9: Into the Flames

Black Spire:

HammerBro33: The Cerean Outpost

mpoh98: Armathian Stronghold

mrcp6d: Moruth Watchtower

Gideon: Swamplands Tower

DeGothia: The tower at Blood Lake

Erynlasgalen: Tower of Abaddon

Dragonfire: Bad News

Captain Settle: Black Spire Fortress

kabel: Shraliek Camp

Hyler Talliwell: Rakath Watchtower

Torgar: The Raven's Aerie

Legonardo: Moruth Outpost

Gabe: Stranglehold Tower

Bkrosell: Tower

Category C:


Dr. Cogg: An Unlikely Alliance

Penkid11: Village of Sorrow

Gunman: The Cellar

Kerntechniker: Words and Wisdom

Jareth: Aldea de piedras blancas

Niku: Stand against the waves

Kayne: Draconians-Book 2

narbilu: Mount Crow of the Snow elves

lisqr: Golem's Dungeon

Black Spire:

MKJosha: Sometimes All You Need Is a Warm Body

Torgar: Recruiting an Old Friend

Gideon: Recruiting a Cyclops Tribe

Simon_S: The Genius Malignus

Wedge09: If you don't want to align...

Balthazar: On the border with Nocturnus

Awesome! categories look awfully similar to the nearing communal build for nocty... :tongue:

Lock and load, go black spire!

I wish to join in on the fun.

The contest is much more streamlined and particular than before (I'm not pressured into making a castle far beyond my own willing). I really like that and it will allow me more focus on finer details.

Sign me up please! :thumbup: Great throne rooms btw, i can't decide which i like best. :classic:

This challenge looks great, well done guild leaders! Go Team Black Spire!

Well, I guess I have to join, so sign me up!

Lord Nar'Bilu of Avalonian Hemresa will help defend whatever cause is chosen for him and his legion.

I want to join too :)

Amazing builds, ZCerberus :wink:

Heh. I always knew Burress was weak. I pledge my support to Lord Ssilyrrlith and Team Nocturnus.

Pretty sure I can crack out an entry for each category. I knew the fig barf I just had would come in handy.

Lord Ssilyrrlith and Team Nocty. Chuck Raavage ontop of his black spire spike I say!

Quick question - no clone brands but I assume brick warriors and BA type weapons and accessories are ok? I built my whole tribe on them?

If that's ok I'm in otherwise I guess I will be building just for fun.

Is my photo editing style acceptable? If not I don't think I will be building anything.

Sign me up as well, looking forward to building in the Eastern Darklands and interacting with its inhabitants!

I assume that it is ok to invent new side characters for this, but is the sigfig also required to be present in one/all of the entries we make?

I'm also in from Kaliphlin!

Quick question - no clone brands but I assume brick warriors and BA type weapons and accessories are ok? I built my whole tribe on them?

I think we had this discussion back in Book 1, but it's a bit fuzzy. From what I recall, by no clone brands he means no Megabloks, etc. The altbricks, brickarms, etc. of the world are used to accentuate Lego and not compete with them so they were considered "OK". But a clarification from the guild leaders would be helpful!

Edited by Kayne

I also sign up!


Edited by Louie le Brickvalier

Im in for Black Spire

The Knight of Embers pledges his allegiance to the Black Spire.

@ZC Category A, is it single minifigure vs single minifigure, or can it be multiples on each side?

Lord Ssilyrrlith and Team Nocty. Chuck Raavage ontop of his black spire spike I say!

Quick question - no clone brands but I assume brick warriors and BA type weapons and accessories are ok? I built my whole tribe on them?

If that's ok I'm in otherwise I guess I will be building just for fun.

This is the (paraphrased) conversation and the result from the tribes thread:

Everything that doesn't say LEGO is an aftermarket part. What is the difference between a clone brand and aftermarket part? Everything that doesn't say LEGO is a clone brand. I don't get that part of the rules. Is there some hidden catch?

I mean brickarms, brickforge, etc is okay since companies like that supplement your LEGO accessories while clone brands are trying to competing with LEGO. Seeing how this is a LEGO site we should avoid Megabloks and Kreo type parts etc in official challenges.

It's pretty simple to me, if the company makes sets they are a clone brand. LEGO site, LEGO parts. Minifig accessory sites and things like the alt bricks leaves are okay.

Good rule of thumb- if you think it would violate the rule, don't use it.

  • Author

Is my photo editing style acceptable? If not I don't think I will be building anything.

Yes. You still do a more or less solid color background. The rule mostly means no mountains or effects. I borrowed the rules from a generic rules post so we can have a standard set as much as possible. Your typical style is within the rules.


Edited by Louie le Brickvalier

Sign me up!

Great storyline and challenges, the builds are also spectacular :thumbup: I'm looking forward to building some Nocty stuff :devil:

Also thanks ZC for offering brick built trophies as prizes :wub:

  • Author

So should each category build be in it's own topic or should all of them be in the same topic, together?

Its own topic.

@ZC Category A, is it single minifigure vs single minifigure, or can it be multiples on each side?

Multiple is okay so long as it depicts your side achieving a great victory over the other side.

Multiple is okay so long as it depicts your side achieving a great victory over the other side.

Wouldn't have it any other way! Now to get planning!

You have my sword, and you have my bow and my axe. :knight:

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