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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Very nice and I am glad you are giving to charity... but I would guess it is really the "Tomorrow Fund". One 'm' and no 'a'? Sorry to bust your chops while you are doing good in the world, but misspelling that word in particular drives me crazy! Very nice
  2. Well the ship seems a little too tall and narrow for its length, but if you are planning to build it on standard hulls, then the limitation makes sense. We sure have seen a lot of LDD models as of late! It seems to be a nice program because it is easy to work with and you have the option of buying. Anyhow, other comments on the model: The stern cabin looks excellent and I commend you for that. The forecastle (front) seems a little squarish to me. I am not sure what pieces are available on LDD but I might use some wedges or facets to make the ship a little more sleek up front. The masts seem a little close together. I would recommend moving the fore mast (front mast) further forward. The custom cannons look pretty good! Perhaps you should give us a close up of just that model! Finally, though building on the standard hulls sure is easier, just look at the difference between the Arbiter II and the Phantom to see why your own hulls can be much better than the prefabbed ones!
  3. I did not invent this tool, so credit goes to the creator... Anyhow, you can adjust the scale based on how tall you believe a standard minifig is and then it will calculate how many studs it will take to take up a certain distance in "minifig feet". If you assume that a Lego fig is 6 feet tall and Lego stud is 1.14 "minifig feet" but if you say that a standard minifig is only 5.8 feet tall then a stud is 1.10 "minifig feet". This makes sense because the taller a fig is, the longer a stud is by comparison... one plate is .46 feet. Anyhow, I like leaving the scale at 6 feet. This would make something like the Phantom which is 30 or so studs wide 34.3 "minfig feet", not the 30 minifig feet the common 1 stud equals one foot approach some use would give. overall I guess what I am saying is it all depends on how tall a minifig is. If one is 6 feet the result will be different than if he is only 5 feet. I guess it is also hard to base scale solely on "stud height" because a stud is a length measure while a PLATE is a height measurement in Lego. One stud does not equal one (or even three) plates, but is instead some odd measurement like 5 plates is 2 studs. This means that height in plates is not the same as height in studs unless you factor in the 5/2 proportion. I am not really sure how that factors in to the calculations, but that is what I have used! Lego Scale Converter
  4. Scale wise, I always have used some online Lego scale calculator. I would think 50 feet would scale down around 44 studs or something... so 60 studs would be like 69-70 feet, which seems a little wide to me. Then again I think the beam with in studs for the Phantom is only 30 studs wide at its widest point (beam width) or so, which would be something like 34 feet which might be a little too narrow!...
  5. Proper scale? It actually looks too big to me, but I guess I am no dimensions expert! I would guess the beam width of such a monster couldn't be more than 50-60 feet- so 45-52 or three studs at its widest, it looks larger than that... but I really have no idea! Either way, it is a beautiful ship!
  6. Well... 16 per side on the lower deck = 32 13 per side on the main deck = 26 2 per side on the quarter deck = 4 3 per side on the forecastle = 6 4 chasers... two by the rudder, 2 on the quarter deck = 4. Total is 72. You were close... maybe you missed the chaser!
  7. Lego Pirate 83's ship also has brick built masts if you can find that on in the forums!
  8. Very nicely done indeed! I think I recognize the technique for attaching the Jibs! And black statues on the back are always a fav. or mine! This is a nice ship, I shall make alliances with you should we cross on the high seas! As Tiber said, some more space between the guns would be nice, and it is a little short for three masts, but you have to work with what you have for hulls I suppose! Anyway, I like this a lot. It is a excellent!
  9. Welcome aboard! Nice first ship. I like the rigging work, the sails, and the general shape. It looks like you built off the prefabricated hull nicely! The ship may be a little small for four masts, but it doesn't look overly cramped so I commend you for that! What is your next project going to be?
  10. Heh- of all the ships you could have made, this one probably has one of the smaller "broadsides"! I Realize you said the ship was named after Gov. Broadside, but still... Anyhow, I like the interesting shape used, and the colors are very well coordinated. Like other cartoon-ish ships, it is probably a little tall for its length, but that I will take coolness over reality any day! Nicely done. I was going to stay what Boney said, nice ships, never any sails ;-) Keep up all the work, you sure have proved to be an industrious member as of late!
  11. I would like to make a suggestion... I have noticed a lot of people have been taking fuzzy pictures of minifigs. If you're using a digital camera, I found the best way to avoid the fuzziness, and also "white out" from the flashes is to back farther away from the minfig and then use the zoom feature to get the picture to an appropriate size. When I get too close, the camera just can't pick up the image very well! Try that out next time you are snapping a few close-ups!
  12. Nice stern castle Tiber m'man... A VIP did you say... I think I see a handsome bloke dressed in red on the quarter deck there... As I side note, in case any were wondering, if you heard about the Minnesota bridge collapse, I live less than 10 miles from the bridge, but never travel over it really. None of my loved ones were involved in the accident. Anyhow, back to the ship... I might still suggest raising the stern 2 plates so the whole stripe may continue around the back, though I don't know how that would affect its removal. Looking good Mr. Tiber!
  13. There are only four. They are on a slide/pivot system so they may be moved to either side. The two on the quarter deck shouldn't count, they mostly seem decorative ;-)
  14. I think you invented a few words in there! no, its not too high! Looks good, though making it a little higher would allow you to continue the stripe all the way through which might look nice. Anyhow, I'll be awaiting the progress pictures!!
  15. Exactly how I voted! I don't think we mean ship in the more exacting classification sense, we mean pirate vessel's that aren't rafts. But it is easy to see why the smaller vessels wouldn't get many votes. I suppose technically speaking, pirates would be more prone to using sloops and hoys or maybe brigs, and rarely ever anything as large as any type of man-of-war!
  16. Come on now, for not having any Pirate pieces and a limit supply, this boat is nice. We HAVE to consider the pieces with which one has to work when evaluating these ships. To me, with no piratical elements, Mr. Skilzz1 has done a good job of using other elements to compensate for the lack of those pieces. Of course, we should give constructive criticism to make the ship better! Along those lines, I might suggest making the sail and mast in the middle a little taller, and making the rear of the ship curve in a little bit. Other than that, it is a good start! New Moc on!
  17. Welcome! You've come to the right place for Pirates! If you haven't done so, be sure to check out the Ship and Land based indexes for a feel of some of the creations we've shared here! Again, welcome aboard!
  18. Yeah it would be! Without the cannons or figs, it might be a little easier to swallow, then buy them seperately. But if you have the money and the need, it would be cool to have! Keep up the good work!
  19. Friends, we have a MOC cannon index with pictures and links right here in the forum to help with just such a question! The link to the indexes is the very first post in the MOC forum, well above the first post as a special link. Following that will get you to an index for land based MOCs and ships as well as accessories and cannons. Here is the direct link to the cannon index, but be sure to check out the other indexes as well!! Click me to go to cannon index!
  20. Ohh- I like the "Brick Technique" you used and the roof too. High quality stronghold I say!
  21. Yeah basically, without ANY warning, the guy who maintains Brickshelf decided to shut it down, most likely because we rely on it heavily. He just left a single message that Brickshelf was discontinuing and that he was sorry for any inconvenience (haha). All our links were broken and years with of pictures potentially gone. I personally think it was all so he thought he could make us pay money to keep the site... well that is basically what he got, because due to the outage he is adding more "premium" pay accounts due to a large response of people who offered to "donate" money to keep the site alive. It displeased me greatly. But it s back up now... I just wonder if we can trust it to stay that way!
  22. For shizziles mister skilzz1! Welcome aboard Matey! ARR!!! Not what the heck did you type up top?
  23. Are you sure about that friend? My understanding is that if it is done right, your neck should break on the fall, and you will die pretty much instantly. Self hanging is another story. And beheadings, well I heard you used to pay the executioner to make sure his blade was sharp so he got it all in one clean swipe. I would guess multiple hacks would be unpleasant, and was probably fairly common!
  24. I don't think I said I didn't like it just because it wasn't historically correct, I said I didn't like it because it looked bad. I only marginally care for realistic...ness... I would much prefer something "look good" than be completely accurate. However, part of "looking good" is at least kind of looking proportional to a realistic ship. The sails in the middle are way too big and ugly, the lowest ones way to wide for the height. The mizzen mast is far too short, and I have no idea what is hanging off those masts... PotC is fantasy for sure, but at least those ships looked like ships. I would have mo problem, for example with sails full of holes, or sails made of algae, or fantasy pirates with both hands for hooks and both legs for pegs, or ghost pirates, or anything like that, but when the ship looks terrible, then I have issues. To me, everything above the deck looks very bad, partially because it is historically not proportional, and partly because it is just plain ugle and poorly constructed... so that makes me not like the ship.
  25. Mah. I don't really like it all that much. The masts and sails are all wrong and funny looking. It looks good if you take off the masts, and let us see some details, but the masts are sails are plain terrible and ruin it for me!! Also what's up with the jib sail? That sure wouldn't do anything on a real ship! It also looks like it has the potential to have a really sweet cabin, but we can't see it, so I will withhold further judgment! It clearly is NOT Megablocks. It is built will the Lego bricks and the elements are clearly not Megablocks. Cannons, rigging pieces, rowboats, mast sections, all Lego elements. The structure does look like it was at least designed after the PotC Black Pearl to a certain degree. Overall, good size, details and hull might be good, but everything above the decks just ruins it for me.
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