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Everything posted by ZCerberus

  1. Ah true enough, but the design of the fortress is supposed to span a cove, so the entire backside would be inside the cove and there would be no way to attack it from behind. One should not forget that Location of the fortress is also a big deal!! Next project is get real life in order... then I think I might make a few Pirate/Spanish vessels on pre-fabbed hulls so the Imperials have at least a credible threat to face
  2. Thanks all-- Here is 1600 x 1200 of the whole ship from the side. straight on... And a slightly better picture of the anchor for Phred...
  3. Excellent... though I think you will need hundred of plates for such a build! Keep us updated!
  4. Yeah?... I wonder if that is partially also the angle of the camera... they are certainly shorter than the other yard arms... which consequently might not be wide enough (??)... I guess we'll see when I try to add sails! Anyhow, I'll keep advised of the progress!
  5. Does "Finish" imply that you have started? ;-)
  6. I think there is some kind of TIE army forum over in the Theater section that must do something like this. I would imagine it would be like that so no ACTUAL meeting is necessary. We could make fleets/battle groups for themes, or maybe even locations/continents and then decide what is the flagship of the fleets and what kind of ranks each captain has. It is an interesting, if impractical idea. I am not sure how one does such a thing, but it still sounds interesting.
  7. Rigging Getting more complete, still no...err... one partially complete sail... Man the flash makes everything sharper, but the shadows and coloration suck... When the ship is done I will snap photos without the flash on a tripod. That should take care of both problems! For now, You will just have to enjoy them a little fuzzy... or poorly lit!
  8. These are both excellent examples! I love the schooner! It is even appropriately named! Very nice! I think Fortress revamps often show the biggest changes. That is quite a nice upgrade!
  9. Very nice. From the first thumbs they didn't look all that similar, but once I clicked them and took a look, they were definitely similar with the exceptions of the colors and the upgrades! Nice. The third one definitely has some excellent upgrades!!
  10. So I was thinking of reorganizing my Brickshelf folder when I found myself thinking about how I always seem to want to revisit a MOC and retool it. I thought I would share my own "MOC Evolutions" and then encourage anyone else who had a MOC go from one thing to a totally revamped and much better version to share here as well! Fort Brighton The Covenant The Sienna The Arbiter II On a couple of ships you can see it took a revolution before there was any evolution... but even the difference between the second and final design of the Covenant and the Arbiter II is quite striking! Does any one else have any MOC evolutions to share?
  11. So I was thinking about Fort Brighton today and how it has evolved... For those who are fairly new here... this was the first version of the Fort I ever posted here, then the updated version as I worked some of the kinks out, and lastly the final build... For any of you who feel embarrassed to share an unfinished MOC or a MOC you don't think is "Good" enough, and for those who think any MOC isn't worth sharing, keep in mind, a little experience and feed back can really help a creation out. I would consider my experience and the feed back on the forum here to be an invaluable help in this build! One would also notice the evolution of the Ships in the pictures with the Harbor as well... this gives me an idea...
  12. at this point you could basically forget the prefabbed hulls!! This disadvantage would be no prefabbed bow or stern though.
  13. Well I am not sure how many studs tall it is, but my tape measure says the tallest mast is about 3' 6" tall, or about 106.5 cm/1.065 meters I think I measured the length to be about 4' 6" which is roughly 137cm/1.37 meters long. Currently I have each section of the ship separated to work on the rigging, so I didn't remeasure the length. I think Phred's DDW is probably taller. I think he decided to give his ship bigger rigging because he modeled the dimensions after the Surprise, which was using extra tall rigging. I am not sure how accurate the dimensions on my ship really are. I always prefer to go with "cool factor" over reality.
  14. That could be VERY helpful! If you could send it to me, I will make sure I send him what I want done to it. I changed the e-mail address a few days ago so it was closer to my handle on here... it will be my EB/C-P e-mail address! Anyhow, you can send it to that one!
  15. Well I gave him directions, but I haven't heard back. I hope it means he is working diligently on the pages... but we''ll see!
  16. Work on the Phantom has been slow due to real life. These pictures are dark, but it should give you some idea of the rigging and the progression on the ship.
  17. Well if it were known that is the newsletters official "poll of the month" it might receive adequate attention. Also, if we insert a link into the next months poll in the poll results from the previous month, maybe many who receive the newsletter would also vote in the poll. I am not sure what we could/would ask, I would imagine it would be the kind of questions we see here. You know, "what is your favorite set", "do you prefer guards or soldiers", "what is your favorite land based MOC?" I just think it would be another fun little section and it would be very easy to administer. In college they did such a thing in the school newspaper and then added the quotes of the rationale of about 10 random people who voted. We could do the same thing. If the poll was what is your favorite set you could pull the quotes of a few people who voted for the BSB if it were the winner and one or two who voted for other sets and insert them into the results. I think that poll questions with only two or three options might be best in many months so we have a strong majority opinion and strong dissent, such as guards or soldiers, or ITP or EF type things, but that could vary depending on the month. It was just an idea to add a fun section. Is every set even worth reviewing? If so, then I guess maybe we might want to do more than one MOC a month... surely we have more MOCs than LEGO® has pirate sets. It could take years just featuring MOCs in the ship index!
  18. Yes...well maybe we can feature MOCs more fully if we know the builder. Then we can get a few comments or something from them as well. Like how long the MOC took, what the inspiration was, what they like best about it, that sort of thing. Or maybe we could just do a mini-feature, even if not in every month of a MOC builder! We could ask the builder how long they have been making MOCs and what their other favorite themes are, and what other MOCs they have in the works or whatever. It could be a randomly selected builder, or the builder of a featured MOC, or even just anyone who has been making a spectacular contribution in the recent past. We could also do a poll here on the forum for which MOC/MOCs to include in the monthly newsletter. Or perhaps have each admin/mod feature a different one per month, however that would work out. We could have pirate/LEGO® related polls on the forum here that we intend to feature in the newsletter, and publish the final results of the polls in the next month's newsletter. Also I guess I am not opposed to only allowing a single MOC of the month, or whatever, at least initially. because I feel like eventually the Newsletter may become more MOC oriented as time goes by as we can only run set reviews for a short while since there is currently no new LEGO® Pirates sets coming out... that we know of, and after which, we can feature more MOCs.
  19. Thank you Captain, though I must warn you, I do not look kindly on pirates when I catch them!
  20. By definition, a ship-of-the-line is a Man-of-War that has three decks with guns on them. How many guns do you require to qualify as a first rate Ship-of-the-line? I would think it would be more than 42! Anyhow, I look forward to seeing your creation!
  21. Yes, but have you made an ACTUAL flag with the jolly roger on it? I believe he revealed that it was modeled after the Queen Anne's Revenge, but Sir Scott can speak for himself!
  22. That is what I like to hear!! Phred, you can come over, but it will cost you one imperial guard figure and two muskets!! j/k Yeah, apparently the gave me the title under my name to say I am some sort of expert! It looks like you are an anime/Japanese styling LEGO fan, mechs and avatar for instanve, very cool. I think the ninja line was a pretty cool line a few years back as well, did you ever get into that at all? Or where you not a Lego
  23. Well I am hard to find right now, but if I am ever here, it could be worked out! -- I had to run out the door before posting all the thumbs... so more thumb-madness!! Some interiors
  24. Ah- a Double Post! NO!!!! Heh- anyways, I resized the photos, and I will give them to ya'll in a flurry of thumbnails! First an over view, then some details... The Larger Fortress Section. Smaller Fortress Section More to come later!
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