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Everything posted by Rick

  1. I've been following the WIP on LowLUG. The end result is definitely impressive. I would have preferred to have the metro fully underground, i.e. have the street continue above the station... but that's a matter of taste: this looks great as well.
  2. Not really into Islanders, but this sure looks like a nicely designed set. I like the palm leaves overhanging the main structure. Back in the days when TLG would still put baseplates in their sets...
  3. I don't own any trains or monorails yet, but I'm definitely hoping TLG will come up with a something like a modern tram or light-rail next year (something like the tram depicted in the drawing of the 'Public Transportation Center' in the TRU poll earlier this year). For me, it doesn't have to be elevated per se. In fact I'd like to make a metro system one day where I'd use sloped track to make part of the track on street level and part of it below ground. Is there any example of that being done in a layout?
  4. Don't own a single Islander set, and I'm not a big fan of the subtheme, but the big enchanted island looks well-designed and has some nice play features plus a complete cast of minifigs.
  5. The lighting and photography are great. Good job.
  6. Very good entry! I really like the hill, the rolling cheese, and especially the posing of the participating minifigs, but also the spectators.
  7. Looks more brown than ginger/red on the pictures. Reminds me of the face that came on my recently purchased BBQ chef (8398), which was also brown instead. Bricklink doesn't seem to differentiate between the two, but my goatee was clearly different from the one in 7635, for example. The inverted slope bit is also my favorite 'design' aspect on this set.
  8. pssst... he's talking about power miners rock monsters, not regular minifig heads...
  9. I assume TLG 'solved' that by making a piece that has much wider application (decorative element - e.g. on 10211 Imperial Flagship - or flame) than merely serve as a plume.
  10. Nice to know a little more about the guy behind 'behind the helm'.
  11. There's a discussion about technic in non-technic themes here.
  12. I agree with the 6-wide vs 4/5-wide comments. But it's a nice design, but I really like your fish and chips stand. I like that you've kept the fish design on top of it... it's so good!
  13. The landscaping (including the aforementioned waterfall) is absolutely amazing.
  14. http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34048
  15. Great design! I see clear Green Grocer inspirations here and there, but you still managed to create something truly unique. Any plans on making a detailed interior for it?
  16. RR, better sails, better color scheme. The CBC looks a little unfinished and <insert that tiresome argument>. Good point about the steering wheel though...
  17. There there ... how about some red and/or pink and white stacked 1 x 1 round plates then? Not sure if it would look that convincing but you might want to give it a try.
  18. While this would be some really nice elements for a modular (I'd love the window washer idea and the color scheme), is this wishful thinking or are you trying to bring across some 'inside' knowledge? (hoping for the latter )
  19. Nice orchestrated chaos and cool that you managed to include all of the sigfigs. I don't think you necessarily need to remove 'modern' elements, like the camera. However, I don't think Erdbeereis' ice cream looks that convincing. I'd use the 'ice cream piece' (a.k.a. canon fire piece and three snowballs piece), even though that's not available in red or pink.
  20. As is supposedly set in the early 20th century, it most likely won't sell any electronics. I just hope they make it 'universal' enough so that it doesn't look out of place in a 21st century layout. I agree with TheOtters: I would probably buy it without even seeing pictures.
  21. Indeed, I wouldn't be worried at all about the design. I haven't really seen a bad exclusive recently. But the point that you bring up about the yellows could be more serious, although the worries about color differences of the dark red in Fire Brigade also turned out to be premature.
  22. Hate to burst your bubble, but look again at the set number... you're a windscreen (part number, that is), not too bad:
  23. I sure signed up a little too early. To get some good classic sets as your member number, you need to be in the 6xxx range, but I guess it's also a little risky since the Town Jr. sets of the late 1990s are in the 64xx range mostly.
  24. Classic, with more civilian elements please. But I also consider Romans a realistic candidate. Western also may return one day as a one-year theme (like - for the moment - Pirates in 2009), maybe also at its twentieth birthday, which would mean a pretty long wait still... But I guess TLG always wants to have town, castle, and space in the shelves. So, I also don't think any of the other themes will replace castle.
  25. It's in the 'other themes' review index (Creator is listed under other themes on EB). There are two reviews even.
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