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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Great to hear that there are still plans for Brickshelf. I always liked the idea of having a LEGO-only image hosting site.
  2. Tap pieces with open 'nozzles' again? Haven't seen those for a while... new mold maybe?
  3. Why is everyone starting games as I'm about to go on holiday? Sounds like fun def, good luck hosting this madhouse. The view from those windows is reminiscent of something...
  4. I see plates with white tiles on them, not 100% positive, but that's how it looks to me.
  5. If I correctly remember, flickr requires you to link back to their site everytime you deeplink a picture hosted there, which is achieved by flickr's BBcode.
  6. On the page for a picture, click on the dropdown arrow next to the facebook icon, and select 'Grab HTML/BBCode', select size (preferably 500px) and tick 'BBCode'. Copy/past what you get and you're done. But that's basically what Ricey explained here.
  7. Happy Birthday Alice and Draggy! It looks just like him!
  8. Right, we don't need a thread about every single cartoon or TV show on a forum about LEGO. And please improve your spelling and use proper punctuation and capitalization.
  9. I can vividly imagine you chewing on Fabuland boxes as a kid. Do eet. Do eet now.
  10. I'd love to play in this, but unfortunately won't be available to play in July. Have fun everyone! And, if it's a real kill-fest, be sure to sign me up for the next one if I'm not back yet for the next game (Hinck?).
  11. I wuv babies [ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw it's true ]
  12. I really like how you've achieved that old battered look. It really is beautiful in all its hideousness.
  13. I just received five Fabuland figs (at €1 each, I couldn't resist) with very decent face prints, but of which 4 have loose legs and heads. Now Hinckley has given a tip for tightening loose arms and legs, but is there a way to do something about the loose heads?
  14. Oh look, it's paranoid Cameron Crocodile What's he doing so close to that flame? And are you sure it's safe to leave Pandora alone with those two guys?
  15. Becka is alive!
  16. Isn't this issue highlighted in the signup procedure? Because the question seems to be coming back at least once a week. Maybe a FAQ is in order? Although that maybe overdoing it considering we already have an index of tutorials and an explanation of user groups and tags.
  17. I know what you did wrong. You used 10 dark-tan 1x2 plates under the third floor windows instead of tan (just compare the second and third floor).
  18. Happy birthday Sandidelydandidelidodida... ahem, Sandy.
  19. He didn't post them in this topic. I also thought he'd be on the list already, but I had to add him. Feel free to update with old(er) title though, lightningtiger.
  20. You really look like you had a good time.
  21. Let's see... Left: Right: It's part nostalgia - undoubtedly - for a generation of AFOLs in their 30s, although many younger AFOLs also appreciate the theme. But Fabuland also was never intended to be realistic and is instantly reminiscent of a carefree Richard Scarry type world.
  22. Well, she promised pictures of the members at the Event, so I guess we'll find out soon enough.
  23. Your problem will solve itself in 7 posts. A search or browsing the most recent topics in the correct subforum would have probably answered your question.
  24. After TLG stopped released Indiana Jones sets, Adventurers returned quickly in the form of Pharaoh's Quest, so there is a pretty good chance 'Classic' Pirates will return after TLG stops releasing new PotC sets. Although I don't know any details about the LEGO-Disney license or movie release plans...
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