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Town Admin
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Everything posted by Rick

  1. I wonder how smooth your rides will be at the end of this without oil changes...
  2. Seems like Sieggy is finally having success fighting that nasty Jim Henson trojan.
  3. "Likes to PoP rubber dwankies": Yet another variation, courtesy of the Dwankonator himself.
  4. It's the old 1989 bluecoat, most likely from the Vintage Minifigure Collection's production run. Besides, they would update the torso print if they'd introduce it in PotC.
  5. Indeed, I'd suspect the slight variation you find here to be similar across the 'classic' minifigs as well. Was there ever such a theory that there would be weight differences? Anyway, you're on your way to disproving the theory that there are differences, which is what science is ultimately about. ... and it gets even better. Can we officially nominate this for most nerdy topic of 2010?
  6. Likes to PoP rubber duckies: Came along with the Sesame Street virus and is a variation of my previous title 'Like to PoP dragons'. Prime suspect: WhiteFang.
  7. Excellent SNOT-work on the fenders and you've found a really clever way to hide the underside of those 1 x 2 slopes: with a cheese slope and a mirror.
  8. Yup, all the other minifigs that appear on the poly bag have also been in one of the Vintage Minifigures Collections.
  9. Maybe you should add a note about the disabled profile viewing for newbies in the groups and ranks topic.
  10. They probably are from the production runs for the Vintage Minifigures Collection Vol. 3.
  11. Look here. The question has recently been asked and addressed.
  12. This is my interpretation of what happened as well... but we could be wrong of course. Right. Who introduced this story (it's either Stash or a policeman)? Because it could be an attempt to lead the suspicions in a certain direction. But then again... seems like we have no other leads whatsoever.
  13. How about when the 'confidential' stamp is gone? That is when TLG officially releases the pictures/announces series 3.
  14. I also am hesitant to go with the vote for Stash. Seems kind of far fetched to assume all kinds of things about a person based on the fact that their house was broken into. There is nothing to suggest that it was the stylist who confronted the intruder. But if anyone knows something about what happened at his house, it would be Stash himself. So, I'd like to hear from him. Regarding the police chief, I believe one of two scenarios is possible. One, favorable for him, is that he was about to be converted (although there is no suitcase present, ...) and could not be converted because of his 'love' for the town. Second, is that he was investigated and the investigation failed/showed him to be allied to the town, which COULD imply he's a mob boss (as they typically show up pro-town when investigated), but could also mean he just truly loves this town. I don't think anyone was blocked, as there would be a second all-black figure in the scene and there wouldn't be the 'I love this town' result of the night action. Chief, do you know anything of what happened to you the past night?
  15. I'm amazed at all the detail you managed to achieve on a single 32 x 32 baseplate. The interior detail really sets this apart from the official modulars. I really like the staircase with the fountain at the top (the 1 x 2 clear plate really effectively provides the illusion of running water). Excellent work!
  16. Looks like the Count Admin will have lots of post counting to do this weekend...
  17. What's that BertFang, I can't hear you, there's a banana in my ear. Oh, it's Big Birdeis' birthday?! Wooooohooooo, let's go eat cake at his house. Happy Birthday Big Birdeis!!!
  18. Actually, this is consistent with them being alone yesterday. They don't like to get their hands dirty and (may) need mafia goons to take care of the actual killings.
  19. What do you mean? It's a new admin position in charge of keeping track of members' post counts...
  20. Could this mean it was an attempted but failed conversion? It would explain the metaphorical 'I love Town' pin. If the reasoning above is correct, the other two conversions are implied to be successful and more than one scum member can be recruited to each family each night (lending credence to the theory that the two mob bosses started of/survived on their own).
  21. Good that none of us was killed of course, but the apparent recruiting going on doesn't make me feel comfortable at all. Let's hope someone has learned something useful last night...
  22. That Stash the Stylist guy looks like he wouldn't mind some male attention. (Or is it forbidden to think stereotypically about mafia characters?)
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