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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Well maybe I'm the only one, but I find the look and feel of the new board very slick, airy, clean, definitely an improvement! Yeah there are a few minor annoyances like the pinned topics merged with normal topics, but I'm sure those things can be tweaked a bit. Oh and where is that 'note' box in my profile, I kind of liked having that feature and actually used it! And I also LOVE the new look of the Classic Pirate forum, it's 200% better than before! Kudos to the team!
  2. You twisted mind!
  3. Nice assortment of tortures... the Jelly Bean Ages of Knights? hehe! Ahem... yeah well Bluecoats' glorious image has been sullied, this deserves a strong and brutal retaliation. Still working on it!
  4. We did get a motorized Grand Carousel, so it wouldn't be totally unheard of. But I'm not sure I would want the price be driven up even more by adding power functions to the set.
  5. Nice review! While I can do without a giant crocodile in my town, I do look forward to this set as a green part pack, especially if I can find it on sale somewhere.
  6. Fabulous comic Commodore! Come on Bluecoats, 'tis time to strike back, we're being ridiculed all over the place! Still working on my comic, but here's a little preview of things to come
  7. 1) What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere? My only mafia game experience this far has been the Prince of Persia game, it was great fun while it lasted! I've also read up on many of the past games to get in the mood, see how it plays out, but also because the entertainment factor! 2) What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise? I have read the books (in English and French) and seen most of the movies, but I was in my LEGO dark age when the Harry Potter sets came out. I do plan to buy some of the new wave coming up, which I'm quite enthusiastic about! I know that the places in the game are very limited, so I will understand if I'm not selected, but I will certainly follow the game closely anyway! Can't wait to read the details of the rules and background story!
  8. Will you dare abuse Lord Fugazi, the famous cross-dressing Bluecoat? Beware for his vengance will be terrible!
  9. Very funny review, cheers! What I find amusing with this set is the number of extra parts. 5 extra pieces for a set that has something like 29, it must be an all-time record!
  10. +1 to charlieboy for a very smooth trade, thank you!
  11. Ooohh! Why can't we get this one with the Tesco bananas? Any ideas on how they built the log/chair? Could it be a couple of these in reddish brown:
  12. The pleasure is all mine! Yes, I ended up buying all of them myself , and seeing that they are becoming sold out in many areas -- or never been available in the first place -- I though it would be fair to offer the prize to the next worthy contestant... anyway I'm glad it's you, I really loved your entry!
  13. Wow, I'm really surprised to end up among the top 3, there were so many terrific entries in this contest! Well thank you for your votes, and huge thanks to WhiteFang for setting up this original and really funny contest! Even if there's no official event for Series 2, we could still build a couple of vignettes for the new minifigs, we don't even need to wait for them to show up in the stores!
  14. Survey completed, good luck in your project!
  15. I wonder if it's bakery more like in 'Town' or 'Castle' ? This might also be the follow-up to MMV. In any case, sounds interesting!
  16. Good point, a true promotional would use a 30xxx number these days. Perhaps that Maersk requested exclusivity for a couple of months, then S@H will start selling it as well?
  17. Ironically I received last night in the mail the latest LEGO (UK) Club Magazine, and they're heavily promoting the Series 1 minifigs in a separate booklet with bios and comics. Just a bit late for that!
  18. Yay, the comeback of Maersk Blue! The stickers are different from the previous version, it's Maersk Line and no longer Maersk Sealand.
  19. Fugazi

    City 2010

    Awesome, thanks for the picture whung! Huh? The trucks seem to be identical, but for the colour scheme. That's peculiar, considering that TRU already sells the yellow truck. What's that in the shop windows? A teddy bear and swords and guns?? So for $AU 10 more, we get a small shop with some nice accessories, plus an extra minifig? Not bad I suppose. I wonder how that will translate in British pounds.
  20. Looks like someone had trouble digesting carrots! Must have been painful!
  21. Scotland all the way!!! Oops they didn't qualify... England then? None of my 'national' teams are in, it's a shame!
  22. I might join in, this contest is so different from anything I'm used to! I didn't see this mentioned above, are digital backgrounds allowed in our comics? Long live the redco.. blu... well... haven't decided yet!
  23. Thanks Shane, this lad is just perfect... he shall be given a good home! I can trade you a wrestler, that's fine with me. I'll be sending you a PM with my details, and do let me know if you would rather have your minifig MISB or opened (just in case I misinterpret the bar code ) Cheers!
  24. Hi all! I am looking for one Imperial Soldier Bluecoat, in good condition, to use in an eventual Retribution tournament entry. I would rather trade, I have all Series 1 collectible minifigs and some Prince of Persia minifigs available as well, please let me know what would suit your fancy. I would prefer to trade in the UK or mainland Europe, because of time constraints. Thanks for your help!
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